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Everything posted by onewyr

  1. I have a 16'6" that I had a 50lb thrust on and you could just about ski behind it. But I took the tm off of it and now I am trying to get my 12 ft jonboat right
  2. when i got it it looked like there was bondo on the boat so I sarted chipping the bondo. I figured I would regret it if I didn't fix it right I think I could turn this into a nice river/lake boat. I have a 2hp yamaha and a 50lbthrust minn kota and a eagle cuda fish/finder. This will be the second boat conversion I have done.
  3. I just bought a 1978 12ft gamefisher and it looks like someone unloaded a round or 2 of bird shot in it. I believe it is salvageable. what should I use to fix this? also what should I do about missing rivets. I found some aluminum boat repair stuff on cabelas and I also found some stuff called gluvit should I plug holes with the cabellas stuff and then coat the bottom with gluvit? please give me some ideas
  4. go to myjonboat.com it has a book you can buy for 25 dollars and u get an instant download of the book it has great info I bought it to do my conversion.
  5. hey mike great lookin boat I did a build simular to yours but not as intense of a build. just an idea take some aluminium diamond plate and put it on the underside of all of your deck doors. this serves to purposes acctualy 3. 1 adds strength to the floors, 2 covers the bad edges of the carpet and 3 gives a little touch of pimp my boat, you can't go wrong with some chrome just an idea the boat still looks great. how many batteries do u have in that thing and how is it wired and do you run both of the transom mounted motors at the same time. if so do you have linkage to steer both motors at the same time
  6. Here is what I have going on here. I am new to bass fishing all I have ever done was nightcrawlers and a bobber, now I am trying to get into using different lures. I found a lake that is really clear and has a lot of what I am guessing is hydrilla, I have had great success in this lake whith my flyrod on the bream but I am constantly seeing atleast 3lb bass swimming they seem interested but they swim off but always in the area. I tried throwing a blackworm texas style but nothing and I also tried a baby torpedo black and white. no hits what else should I try.
  7. if u put larger wire you will get longer run times
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