well i went out on my home lake lake Lanier this morning and there was a 100% chance of rain so i had a good feeling it was going to rain lol. anyway I got to sardis boat ramp at 6:45ish it was about 40something degrees out side anyway I backed my boat in a about 7:15 and by then the rain was just poring down. I got to my first spot a lighted boat dock that sat in about 15 foot of water with brush all around it. a few casts later i hooked up with the first fish of the say a small 12" spotted bass, then the very next cast i hooked up with a chunky 2lbs spot caught on a spotremover with a gourd green finesse worm, then I went about 2 hrs with out a fish, i could not even mark a fish. but I finally move to a drop off the drop form 20ft to 35ft and managed to catch a few small spots on a 6/10 oz spoon. then I decided that i was tired of getting wet so i loaded up and went home with a cold lol, so at the end of the day i ended up with 4 spots but only 2 were keepers. Heres a few pics I took of one of the keeper spots and some pics run down the lake, sorry the pics suck because they were taken form a camera phone