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Everything posted by northgabassfisher

  1. i like to use twin tail fat alberts and paca craws the paca craw also slows the fall as dose a twin tail but a chunk will not slow the fall of the jig that much
  2. im not missing the fish there just coming unbutton
  3. whats yalls favorite food mine would have to be cubedstake with corn bread mash 'taters and gravy
  4. have yall used these for dropshot, have yall noticed that you lose more fish on these hooks? or is it just me? Ive used them a good year now and i try to like them but i like anything that makes me lose fish, so i switched back to the mosquito hook. i think the wight give the hook some leverage and all the fish has to do is swim toward you and it comes unbutton.
  5. i would fish a t-rig or a pig and jig and fish it slow you might even want to use a drop shot, or a spoon to get a reaction strike
  6. i never used them, i leave my boat at boat storage at my work so i leave my rods in my boat so it would be nice to have them when i but my rods in the rod box so nothing get tangled up ad gets hooked together > lol
  7. there a lot of fun, they fight a whole lot harder the any largemouth ive caught
  8. get the shimano cruix its a good reel for the money
  9. put a little oil in the tension control nob(the thing by the drag), put some oil in the level wind, or any where were metal touches metal. or save your self the trouble and send it to reelmech
  10. yea the top pic was taken at like 9:30 ant the middle two were taken at like 8:00. so you didnt get any rain yesterday what side of town you on
  11. well i went out on my home lake lake Lanier this morning and there was a 100% chance of rain so i had a good feeling it was going to rain lol. anyway I got to sardis boat ramp at 6:45ish it was about 40something degrees out side anyway I backed my boat in a about 7:15 and by then the rain was just poring down. I got to my first spot a lighted boat dock that sat in about 15 foot of water with brush all around it. a few casts later i hooked up with the first fish of the say a small 12" spotted bass, then the very next cast i hooked up with a chunky 2lbs spot caught on a spotremover with a gourd green finesse worm, then I went about 2 hrs with out a fish, i could not even mark a fish. but I finally move to a drop off the drop form 20ft to 35ft and managed to catch a few small spots on a 6/10 oz spoon. then I decided that i was tired of getting wet so i loaded up and went home with a cold lol, so at the end of the day i ended up with 4 spots but only 2 were keepers. Heres a few pics I took of one of the keeper spots and some pics run down the lake, sorry the pics suck because they were taken form a camera phone
  12. i dont even know lol way to many i suppose
  13. ok this is no joke, were i work we have boat storage and we had to do some work on one of the stalls and we keep smelling this bad oder coming from a old stratos and we looked up under the boat in side of it and nothing but we finally looked in the live wells there was a dead cat in the livewell we guessed the cat opened up the livewell to get some bait or something that was left in there and well i guess he could not get out lol
  14. bass cats i think are not fast at all but they are one of the smootest riding boats ive ever rode in. but i dont really cear for they way the look the console is HUGE. they just look like older style boats
  15. you need to problely slow down if you think you are fishing slow fish slower
  16. it will keep on growing i think, the way the keep showing it on TV and stuff and there making shows more family related, and the way BASS and FLW and BFL keep advertising its just bound to grow
  17. yea they got a good sale goin on the website to they have a x-17 w/gps for $399 reg. $899
  18. burrrrrrrr that looks a little cold LOL
  19. hey man maybe god didnt want you to go out with her maybe he has big and better plans with you later on in life, the man up there knows what he is doin, just go with the flow every thing will come out all right trust me. and its still the first of the month if you know what i mean LOL come mid month she will be on you like white on rice lol
  20. ive seen this on bass saturday one moring and then my buddie emailed it to me to other day and i laugh through the whole video.the very end is the best part
  21. i would go with the motor guide, were I work we have a minn kota repair shop and we have on avarage of about 5 motors or so a week come by to get fixed thats alot of motors. the only problem ive had my motor guide is that the steering cable went out bad and that was only a 15$ fix other then that i love them.
  22. RRRRRRUUUUUUNNNNN!!!!!!!!!! I your not hope not LOL ;D
  23. nice man I love watching your videos keep it up
  24. Bring Over Another Thousand LOL
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