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Everything posted by northgabassfisher

  1. i fish lake lanier which is the best spotted bass lake in the nation lol. but i love catching them on dropshot, jigs, topwater, and spotstickers. and pb in 5.9lbs caught on a spotsticker, then a 5.2lbs spot in my pic on my profile caught on a chugbug in about 30ft of water yea whats up with that >
  2. go to menu, then it should be under display, then it should say fish track on or off you want it on off, the you will just have to mess around with the sensitivity and gray line. the it will show a good arch.
  3. because the screen is a watch, if it was worth a crap then everyone would make one ive never seen a lowrance or eagle wrist watch fish finder thingy, and im sure it dose not have hardly any pixels or power. but it might be good to tell you how deep you are and temp and thats probably about it.
  4. here you go http://www.acehardware.com/product/index.jsp?productId=1378177&cp=1254532.1254920.1305557&parentPage=family&searchId=1305557 only $63 lol jk but i would go with a 7ft avid st.croix heavy power fast action it will run you about $170, its goin to be hard to find a rod for swimbaits, frogs, pitchin, and c rig. i would get a rod for crig and pitchin, then a rod for frogs, then one for swimbaits
  5. i do not have the fuel sensor, but i do have the temp sensor and i have had no problem yet. and yes you can put two graphs on one xducer and on one gps module, by use the T connectors
  6. go with sunline shooter or fc sniper, its expensive but once you try it you wont go back, or pline
  7. i use 6-10 lb test 12lb at the very most, but i fish a deep clear lake, and i use sunline and pline
  8. any time, but when you go to buy a new unit(s) go to lowrance.com and pick the unit you want then look right below the pic of the graph and you will see product emulator. click on it and you can download the unit and you can mess around with the controls and every thang its pretty cool.
  9. talk to the factory and see is you can get a cover for were the old units were then go and get the newer graphs that you want then just mount the outside the console, and on you deck
  10. a lowrance x52 looks like it would fit in there. you might be able to cut a new templet to fit any graph you want
  11. i would go with the lowrance x-135, its got 480x480 pixel , 4000 watts. thats probley the best unit for the money but its a little bit over $300 http://www.basspro.com/servlet/catalog.TextId?hvarTextId=52516&hvarTarget=search&cmCat=SearchResults
  12. GYCB 4" twin tail trailer in rootbeer or a netbait paca chunk
  13. i like a jig made up here locally, swarming hornet and a georgia jig, probly in rootbeer color
  14. -whats for lunch -can i drive the boat -lets see if theres some fish over there i hate when my partner tells me what and how to do stuff lol
  15. it seems like a good unit ive never used one but i think, i might be worng but i think it is one of the first big screen lowrance units, but go here and you can mess around with it and stuff http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.lowrance.com/images/Products/LCX-104C/LCX-104C_large.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.lowrance.com/Software/PCSoftware/Install/LCX-104C/LCX-104C_demo.asp&h=183&w=250&sz=11&hl=en&sig2=rk1hxT_nhA3t2kzqi1Wy0A&start=2&tbnid=lN1rLB3Bpm5HXM:&tbnh=81&tbnw=111&ei=4wewRYWLC4_yaLD57c8F&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dlcx-104%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN
  16. i just got the lms-480 and love it, i also got the navionics hotmaps which its not to bad but is there another chip that has a little bit more detail like it shows small pockets and stuff. but they are coming out with a new hotmaps chip i might just wait till it comes out and see what it is all about
  17. i use them with finesse worms all the time, spotremovers can and will work any tim of the year thay catch fish, but like fishingdude said use a little super glue
  18. boat: 2003 tracker tournment v-18 with a 90hp truck: 2000 ford ranger
  19. i have all lowrance x135 and lms480 and i love the i had a humminbird on my boat a year or so a go and it did not like it that much, go with lowrance
  20. NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol sorry but it is a hunk of junk, there is no way it could be accurate
  21. is any one fishing this tourny, or has any one ever fished it. it is on lay lake in Alabama on may 5th. it seems like a good tourny there was 535 boats last year and the entry fee is only $125 you can go to marksoutdoors.com for more info . i think i am goin to fish it but i also think are school prom is that night so i might not be able to go lol
  22. yes i have used one, the store i work at let me take it out on the lake one day( i guess they trust me ALOT lol) but it is sweet it will cast a country mile and then some lol. but i had it on a 6'6" MH st.croix with 10 lb pline, and i was casting a 3/8oz fish head spin. when you cast it takes about half the line off the spool i could not Imogen trying to set the hook from that distance. and it is smooth a glass so is the drag i did manage to catch a few spots with it so i got to try out the drag. but if i had that kind of money to spend on a reel i would get it in a hart beat. and by the way the reel dose blacklash lol
  23. i think he is over looked by a lot of people. but he is a very good fisherman and hes the only pro black angler i know of in BASS
  24. first off welcome to the site if i were you wait about a month or two and you can have the new and improved lms-520c (i think that's the one) but it supposed to have all the bugs and stuff fixed that the lms-332c had
  25. -get a x-27c for the console -hotfoot -new trolling motor (maybe) -3 bank charger and im sure there will be more lol
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