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Everything posted by northgabassfisher

  1. 03' tracker Tournament V-18 90hp merc lowrance/humminbird fishfinder motorguide 54 lbs thrust dont have a truck yet
  2. were can I order one for my motorguide.
  3. I think hes on the money Ive seen some nice ones at cabelas.com heres a couple of them. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/standard-item.jsp?id=0031059017446a&navCount=2&podId=0031059&parentId=cat21334&navAction=jump&cmCat=MainCatcat21276&catalogCode=IG&rid=&parentType=index&indexId=cat21334&hasJS=true http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/standard-item.jsp?id=0024129016634a&navCount=4&podId=0024129&parentId=cat21334&navAction=jump&cmCat=MainCatcat21276&catalogCode=IG&rid=&parentType=index&indexId=cat21334&hasJS=true http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/standard-item.jsp?id=0001694012380a&navCount=4&podId=0001694&parentId=cat21334&navAction=jump&cmCat=MainCatcat21276&catalogCode=IF&rid=&parentType=index&indexId=cat21334&hasJS=true
  4. we had that book at the store I work at and I would read when slow I ended up fishing in one day Is a very good book but a little out dated because the bluebacks changed evry thing in lake lanier in the past year or two but still a good book. yea Mack Farr is a super nice guy I talk with him evey once In a while heck ive diped his bait for his guide trips.
  5. man thanks for all your help. Im sure there cheper than geting it sent off to get fixed.
  6. were is the cabel. how much is a new cable and were can I get one and thanks for your help.
  7. I'm having a problem on my trolling motor :'( it's a 2003 motor guide freshwater. And when I step on the petal to turn left or right I can feel the gears or something slipping in side and it makes it very hard to turn and it is very annoying. Do any of yall know what the problem would be and how hard would it be to fix by my self. I would take it to go get fixed but there is only one motor guide service center. And they said it would cost me around $150-$200 and I really don't want to pay that. thanks for yalls help.
  8. thanks for all your help Ben. I got a nother qustion for ya my gauge on my dash says im runing 12 volts is that enuff volts or do I need to charge it or dose it very for each motor if it helps I got a 2003 mercury 90 hp ELPTO. agin Ben thanks for your help.
  9. can I charge a cranking battery on any battery charger or dose it have to be a cranking battery chager?
  10. lowrance x125 $299 and lowrance x135 $399 Im about to buy both of them for my new bass boat. http://www.lowrance.com/ProductComparison/product_comparison.asp
  11. well its under my moms name so I realy did get out the loan she did, and im pay the bank back $250 a month
  12. well when you work at a bait and tackle shop the stuff just starts to comes home with you over the days. and can I put like wether strip down to stop the water from coming in to storge boxs. and a 16 year old gets $10,000 from a loan from the bank
  13. Riley I love my crucial rods I would recomend them to every one. but you can get a st.croix for just a little more and those are my favroites.
  14. I got It about two weeks ago thats why I have not been posting a hole lot. I payed 10,000 its a 2003 Tracker turnament V-18, its got a 90 hp mercury on the back with less then 30hrs, a X52 on the front and humminbird xp2000 on the dash. it will do 47mph with a full tank of gas 2 adults and rods and reels. I desided to get it instead of gitting my first truck. I got to be the luckiest 16 year old.
  15. Ive been looking for a tackle storage system, and I came across the cooks go to tackle system and it looks pretty cool, but is there any other system out there. and do any yall have this and do you like it.
  16. I dont need to change my lower unit right now but can yall tell me how to change the lower unit or a web site the tells me how. and about how much dose one cost, and do I have to change the whole lower unit or just grase every thing up.
  17. I want to get sponsored for the first time but I don't know what company(s) to seek after. What is a good company for a 16 year old to ask for a sponsorship? I do currently own a boat I am going to start fishing tournaments when I get my new bass boat (which will be in a couple of weeks hopefully). so whats a good company to get started on. Thanks.
  18. go to myjonboat.com and the have book on there that tells you how to build a deck install seats, and every thing. its worth the $20
  19. thanks JT Ill have to call the dealer and see about how much it will cost.
  20. can you buy a bass boat console. Im wanting to make a bass boat a dual console boat but I cant find any were that sells them do yall know were I can find one or is this even posble to find.
  21. Im looking at buying a used 2003 tracker Tournament V-18 with a 90hp merc, the motor has less then 30 hrs on it and he wants $9500 so its a pretty good deal I was just wournding if any of yall have any of the Tracker V-18 and what are the pros and cons on them.
  22. fivebasslimit, can you email me some pic of the graph northga_bassfisher1@yahoo.com Thanks,
  23. Ive been looking for a fish finder for a while now and I can make up my mind. Im wanting one were I can see deeper brush piles (50-70ft) and maybe one to were I can see my jig spoons. I like the X125 pretty good and the X135 what are some other ones to look at. Thanks,
  24. Thanks for the tips whittler, but what kind of wood do I need or dose it mader ive heard some people I need balsa, and the lexan is used for the lips right (or were do you think I can buy some lips and the hardware). and were can I find lexan angin thanks for the tips
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