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Everything posted by northgabassfisher

  1. is it set to show archs or little fish?
  2. i did not want the 7:1 ratio b/c im using it for bladed baits and i just dont really like to burn a spinnerbait or buzzbait all that much. ive had the core for about a 2 months (a little befor they hit the market) the drag seems really smooth and it will cast a country mile, i know there is a big difference but it reminds me of fishing with a calais to tell you the truth. its the perfect sized reel to not to big like the cu200 but not tiny like a 50mg its just right.
  3. i just got the new core 100mg and the stradic 2500 FI and got two new gloomis rods to go with them. all i got to say is i will sell all of my chronarchs for that core that thing is sweet its a little bit more then the chronarchs though thats the only bad thing the will cost you $350. and the stradic FI its pretty nice i love the new propulsion spool it has help stop line twist. but i though i would let yall know about then in case you decide to buy one
  4. im looking at buying a 04 ranger 520 with a evinrude HO 225. Ive herd these motor have a lot of torque even to much torque it is destroying the lower unit. but i just wanted to see if any one has this motor and if they like it pros/cons thanks
  5. i would forget about the Z20 and get the 520 by ranger to me that is one of the best riding boats, lots of storage, big front deck. thats what i would go with, to me the Z20 is nothing like the 520, the 520 is faster and a better riding boat in my IMO
  6. about a hr or so south im 45 min north of atl
  7. well ive finally got out of school for the summer and now i get to fish in the week day thank god because there is so much boat traffic on lake lanier that its not funny. but any ways i pulled up to one of my favorite spots in two mile creek and managed to catch some schooling on top then they went down so i pulled out the drop shot and a few shakes of the the worm later i set the hook i what i thought was a MAGNUM spot i fought and fought that fish i thought i had a 7-8lbs spot on but i finally got him up to the boat and if it wasnt a big 7lbs catfish lol ive never caught a catfish on a dropshot lol, but get this as the day went on i was fishing in orr creek, i was fishing a rootbeer dd14 around a rocky bank then something knocked the fire out of it but i didnt hook up with him at first but a few cranks later agin something knocked the fire out of it agin but i was able to get a few trebble hook in him and agin i thought i had a GOOD spot on but got him up to the boat ANOTHER big catfish lol i have never caught a catfish on a dropshot rig or a crankbait lol it was a wired but fun day lol
  8. helms83-my payments are only $250 for 4 year there not to bad and no i did not put anything down, i also pull that boat with a 2001 ford ranger and it pulls all right but im scared to pull it to far though
  9. well my first boat was also a tomboy with a 25 horse, but i only had it a month or two then i decided i need a bigger boat so i got a loan for 10000 and bought a 2003 tracker tournment v-18 and now im just paying the bank back.
  10. so your just wanting a switch so you can use your jack plate, i have the teleflex trim switch and i love it they also make a jackplate switch its about 40-60 buck and its real simple to put on. and it goes on the steering wheel so you wont have to keep taking your hands off the wheel. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?storeId=10151&catalogId=10001&langId=-1&partNumber=7396&hvarTarget=search&cmCat=SearchResults
  11. i also leave mind on, just dont leave the white cover on lol i have lost many of those
  12. i like to use chatterbaits or a fishhead spin some type of reaction bait
  13. like i said thats the hardest part. but you might be able to just take off a piece of you side panel or you might be able to find them by looking in some of you storage boxes
  14. ok you will probably have to take the throttle off your side panel, and there will be three wires one will be red one will be green and one will be blue that run to your tilt and trim switch on you throttle, you will have to splice those 3 wires and then run your 3 new wires to your new switch. your right about the 3 prong switch, red will go to the center(you hot wire) then green to the top(your trim up wire) then blue to the bottom(your trim down wire). its pretty simple except taking off your throttle
  15. i love mine. i have a 03' tournment v-18 i have a 90 on mine i wish it had a bigger motor but its not to bad it will run about 45-50mph but the v-18 can hold a 150hp thats what i would go with if i were to buy a new one. they are pretty stable boats for the most part. my home lake is lake lanier in georgia which it can get pretty rough out there sometimes and it rides alright going through rough water but it can and will beat the crap out of you.
  16. if you think finding the brakes are hard wait till you go to find the blinker thats a tough one lol ;D
  17. today i went out and fish the 5th annual st.jude open bass tournament on my home lake, lake lanier. for those that do not keep up with Georgia's weather, it was 25 degrees this morning and the wind was blowing 20-30 mph winds , all i have to say is it was cold running down the lake. but there was a good turn out this morning there were 97 boats there would have been more but the cold and wind scared away a lot of people. we put in at Laural park in gainesville, it is way up the chattahoochee river and all my spot were a good 30-40min run from the park so i dreaded running 30 mins in 25 degree weather but thats were i have been catch fish. i made it to my first spot in sixmile creek with only minor frost bite lol jk, i fished a few docks with no success, so i worked my way around a rocky point throwing a xps pointer and i picked up a chunky 3.5lbs spot. i went on and fished a pocket and picked up another chunky 2.5lbs spot on top water. i went on and hit my next hole in youngdeer creek were i was throwing a shaky head with a keylime pie finesse worm, i casted out and i got one of those spinning reel birds nest lol after a lot of cutting lol i finally got it free, i was reeling in the shaky head around my hand so i could get my lure back then i felt thump thump so i pulled in all the slack and pulled as hard has i could and sure enuf i caught 3lbs spot by hand lol.i went on to a few other spot were i only picked up short fish. it was about 11:00 and the sun was out i decided it was time to go site fishing so i found a pocket that was protected by the wind. i was throwing a tube. was cruising around this blow down and i guess i got to close but i saw a BIG largmouth im guessing she went at lest 10lbs it was the biggest lip ive seen in the water. but i spent a good 45mins trying to get her to bit but she would never take it :'(. i was able to pick up a smaller largemouth that went a 1.5lbs. so i had 4 fish that went 10.5lbs which was not bad but i knew it would take more to get a check. at that time i was just wanting 5 keeper fish. i was heading back to the weigh in, which was at 3:20 it was 3:00 and i was 10 min from the ramp and i decided that i was goin to fish one more line of docks, i was on the last dock it was 3:12 so i told my self this is the last cast, i casted out my shaky head and then i felt a THUMP, so i set the hook the fish went screaming out from under the dock to deep water, i finally got her in, it was no giant but it was my 5th keeper so i haled a@$ to the weigh in i got there at 3:19 lol a min early. i pulled up and weighed my fish they came out to 12.2lbs witch i didnt think was to bad considering the weather. but it was worse then i thought lol it took 23lbs of spots to win and there were a lot of 19-16lbs sacks so i ended up 46th so all in all i had a good time and we ended up with about 15 or so fish just no kicker fish. but i still have that 10+ marked on my gps so i will go out in nexted weekends tourney and try to get her, thats if the BFL guys dont pick her up this week end.
  18. i would go with lowrnace save the extra $100 bucks and get the x-135 instade of the x-125 or you can buy my lms-480 for the price of the x-135 http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1175903783
  19. well i just drop the $1200 for the lowrance lcx-28 HD and this thing is freaking awesome i love, but any ways i had a x-17 on the console which the x-28 took the place of, but the x-17 needs the lgc-2000 gps module but the x28 needs the lgc-3000 module they both have different connectors but is there any that i could use the some module for both of them?
  20. i get on of those gallon zip lock bag and but each type of worms in there, like i will but all the packs of my finesse worms in one gallon bag then all my trick worms in one bag and so on that is the best way i have found to store alot of worms i will post pics tomorrow of my system
  21. sounds like a good deal but but you got to see if its a good deal lol. there is only one way to tell if a boat is a good deal and thats for you to go look and the boat, check the compression,check the trailer, check the hull, check the keel, go out on the boat for a test drive not once but 2,3,or4 time. but just go look at it and you will find out for your self.
  22. welcome to this wonderful site and congrats on your win. but we need more detail lol what did you catch them on how deep ect. detail, detail, detail lol
  23. im no guide yet but i work with a bunch of guides at hammonds fishing, one way to become guide is just make a name for your self and put your name on EVERY THING lol, and really know your stuff and entertain the clients, your clients will like you more if you dont catch any fish but entertain them and have a good time then catching a bunch of fish and be a ahole to them lol
  24. ive never used the snaps i think its to much hardware and i think it can mess with the lures action. like if your using a suspending crank bait and you have that snap on your line it will cause the lure to sink a little depending on the size snap you use, but like said before i just take the extra 30 sec if that to tie strait to the lure.
  25. about the only time i use a ctail is on a crig and i hardly ever use it then. but the strait tail i use all the time i mostly use finesse worms, i will put them on a shaky head, or trig or drop shot it. but you could just about use a ctail when ever you use a strait tail, the ctail will just give off more vibration then most strait tail worms
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