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Everything posted by endless

  1. Did your buddy land it in the boat and if so, got a pic? Not questioning you just would love to see that of a 15 lber. My god got to be a monster!! My biggest for bowfin is 4.4.
  2. Me and my brother went out today on the Ni and boy a day with a few fish, frustration, and unfortunate mishaps. I only caught two for the day. 1 rock bass i think that what it was on the wacky and 1 pickerel on my rattle trap. My brother caught 4. 2 bass,1 pickerel on wacky, and 1 crappie with my rattle trap. The biggest being 2.6 which was his catch. We was moving down the lake till I spotted a fish on my depth finder right on the drop off so I told him to toss out his wacky worm. Next minute I know he's yelling got him. I was fed up by then no fish for me and he has four. So I moved on to the lilies, tossing out the rage tail frog. I had hits but nothing took. I finally gave up and moved on again. While leaving I manage to tangle my line around my trolling motor. Here I am untangling my line and "POP" went my seat. I'm d**n near in the water, just my back in. I almost cap size my jon boat, close to knocking my brother in. Now my backs in and I'm trying to balance my self with legs afraid to grab boat cause it would had flipped over. My brother had to crawl-like on other side of boat and get over to me to pull me in. I was thinking to myself there's fish with teeth in these waters. Luckily I didn't go in fully and I did had my rain suit on so I didn't get my shirt wet. After that you would think one wouldn't use the seat again, haha right. Out the seat i went again but catching myself this time. Pheww two close calls. Finally though I did manage land my first fish and was leaving time for us so as I was leaving I tossed out my rattle trap to troll with it. got all the way to docks and nailed a pickerel. Happy to end the day with two but the trouble i had with the pickerel. I had him hooked. One treble hooked with two barbs in bottom lip and the other barb in top lip. The other treble hooked in his eye and head. Here's the pics I took of my pickerel and my brother bass but now do I wish to had my brother take a pic of my falling out of boat. Also the worst part being beat out by your brother is he was catching them on my poles not his. He did hooked another 2 pounder or so on my rattle trap but lost it right at the boat.
  3. I was thinking about getting me one when i heard of their size and power. I wanted it for catfishing.
  4. Nice catches SimonSays.
  5. I for one never know that and been using it on all my setups. Thanks and I'll be looking to get the KVD conditioner.
  6. You all are to funny! It's an all out no bars hold, anything goes!
  7. I love mine as well. I also have the 7' MH-F rod as well. Haven't caught nothing of size yet but far as cast and reeling is great. I only had mine though for maybe three weeks so hopefully it holds up in the long run.
  8. I never had a problem at dock street and I fished there at night time. Just a bunch of drunks. Now it may have it times of trouble. I did hear you don't want to be on other side at the park at night. I only been on that side at night once and not for long cause it was cold and the heavy rain forced us out. Sorry for no luck. Since you went where at you fish? down near the river boat? I use to fish off that gated high dock( not pose to but i did anyways) to the left and off the floated dock near that restaurant passed dock street.
  9. Most only sells frozen shad or herring. Fresh is what you want or take a cast net or a small rod and reel and catch your own.
  10. Dead, I always cut it in slabs. I'm trying to post a link but the link to large. Here's the address Dock St, Richmond, VA 23219.
  11. I use the fish finder with a traingle weight, a bead, swivel, and than a 18" leader tied to my hook. I was told to use traingle weights so they just wont roll over with the current. I tried eels not impress with them. I'm with sam on bait. Now that I'm fishing from land I just go to dock street.
  12. Casting- 7'MH-F carbonlite #12 XPS flouro Spinning- 7' M Pflueger supreme #10 suffix elite.
  13. Congrats on PB! I wear socks with my sandles cause I get blisters otherwise.
  14. Thanks Wayne, sounds right but I'll check into it.
  15. Right now I'm using XPS flouro on my carbonlite, so I guess I'll find out soon about the frays.. I've tried seaguar carbonpro and didn't like it. Tough line but never cast right, always unspooling on me everycast. I tried using reel magic but didn't help any. It probaly just doesn't act right on spinning reels or at least mine, the pflueger president xt(6735xt). But anyways down near falmouth bridge, hell any line probaly will take a beating with those rocks. I use to swim there and at near Embry d**n(when was around then) all the time. For some reason I never fish the Rapahannock for bass and I grew up in fred. Go figure. I still eventually will try the suffix next or the other seaquar brands. Anyways good luck and report how everything goes!!
  16. Did you ever make it out there? I'm trying to get out there sunday. I need to get my year pass too. whats the price for the year on both Hunting Run and Ni. Hopefully I can afford it this week. Also hoping to give my new rod and reel a good challenge.
  17. Thanks I'm going to have to get me a pack and give them a try.
  18. Nice post, and I'm with you. I just started using lipless cranks. I landed one dink of the crank at this small pond and manage to also hook a salamander some how. That pond was filled with those. I also got me my first pack of smokin rooster. I can't yet to try out. How is the rage hawg?
  19. Congrats!!
  20. For bass I use a gripping glove that you can by at bass pro shop. I use to have a pair of grippers that I lost and boy did I need them for my pickerels I caught a while back. I refuse to use pliers to grip fish. My grippers was similar to the first link okiefisher8 listed. what I want though is thoat dog catcher type tool, you know the pole with the rope at end. Man I could use that for those snapping turtles. I caught some big boys last year.
  21. I never tried P-line but I'm impressed with XPS flourocarbon. I just got the #12 test for my carbonlite. I have yet tested the strength but the line itself feels and cast very smooth. So right now no complaints just hopefully the strength is strong.
  22. Nice reel. Don't feel bad, it happen to me too yesterday. went BPS and spent maybe $250 or more. I've bought the carbonlite combo, renew license, rattle traps, and etc. Thankfully I had $13 dollars on my rewards card. That did help on my second purchases. I did get my son's picture taking with easter bunny while I was there.
  23. If looking at spinning gear the gandermountain tournament combo isn't a bad setup. I"ve had it for a year now. The combo goes $79.99 now. After holdays are great. I've bought myself the pflueger supreme on a 7'0 supreme rod for about $75. The reel alone is $99. For baitcasters, it seems the extreme is the best for the nearest price range at full price. I think combo goes for $159.99. If trying to get something now the RCX(rick clunn) combo is going for $159.99. I almost jumped on it but got the last carbonlite instead. Other than that it seems sales, clearance, ebay, or the fishing flea market might be best for good deals.
  24. Here let big brother help. Keep it and stop BUGGING me for mine!! Anyways can't see where sealing would be a problem on a jon boat for their light to man handle. You could just install a small bilge pump for incase reasons of water.
  25. Man I was wondering about this lake myself. Instead me and my brother went to Lake Orange last sunday. Only three for the day there. All little guys, maybe 12" or so. My brother got two on his rattle trap and I got mine on the space monkey. I was tossing jigs, spinners, and rattles also but no luck. I might try curtis lake this year sometime. Next time out though I might hit Hunting Run or Ni Reservoir. Nice pic JCrzy4Bass.
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