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Everything posted by endless

  1. Hha YES!!! Man now I want Taco Bell, but for me a nice glass of Birch Beer from PA. God if only close enough to get some. Oh let me not forget Hanks Vanilla Cream Soda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Where around the Potomac are they regularly caught at? I'm hoping to have my Thundercraft going one of these days and very intrigue on fishing for some. Never caught one yet. I know there's this pond not to far from my house my buddy swears it has been stocked with them. I caught a bowfin from the same pond and he says it's not a bowfin he caught. I've seen his pic hard to tell but does look like a snakehead by the fins. I've yet to catch one from there to know.
  3. Thanks Road Warrior. Now I'm looking at this site I think you have mention these before.
  4. I really like this question. I'm trying to get more into dropshots myself. I'm using *** 4" drop shot worms. Had hits just nothing to take due to my own fault not paying attention to the hits while working a wacky on another setup. I had a guy at BPS explain to me how to work dropshots and carolina rigs.
  5. Swarming Hornet?? Never heard of it, well time for me to do a search. I'll check into this. Thanks Roadwarrior!!
  6. I've saw this youtube video on it so I posted the link and seen what others thought and it's a very popular and well known. So I've been using it ever since.
  7. X2 Though I never tried with out a chatterbait.
  8. HAHA Don't you love friends or family jealousy!! My brother is a known fact of this. Nice and way to go. At least the pic looks clear.
  9. Oh yes I did indeed!! I also just bought me a Booyah black/blue shadow with a blue bruiser Live magic shad so I'll see how they'll go.
  10. Wow. I'm jealose of the kid right now, nah I'm very happy for him. Thanks Sam for the reports cause I never knew any of this and thankful to be informed. Living in Bowling green for over 8 yrs I had no ideal of what BSA did or do. I'm 28 and still have trouble with the polomar knot. Did any of them create agood knot?
  11. Man I had no ideal they did all that there. I live right off chase street so I'm next door to AP Hill. Sounds like your having the time of your life. Hank and Ike wow! Always thought it was just a camping thing. I saw some scouts touring bowling green historic town.Walking near Mike's tackle shop. Is it true they bought land in West Virginia and this is the last time at AP Hill? What pond you fish, Beaverdamn? I caught 3.5 lber out of there. If go a round back of pond there's stumps, lilies and a beaverdamn. I frog Boyou most of last year with my boat and I hit up Whites lake not too long ago. I just hate that we can't fish it till boy's scouts is gone cause I'm dying to hit Smoots too. Some guy told he caught a 7 lber there but I'm not sure. Smoots is like 5 minutes behind my house. I think its Buzzard's that's a lilie haven so I'm dying to frog it. Travis lake is nice too but I was land bound then but I caught a 3 foot snapping turtle there. I do love how this year the ponds access is 24/7 now. Last year they were sunrise to sunset. You just still need permission for Laser range, Smoots, and White's lake. For those all you got to do is call ahead and make sure they're not training in those areas. Also for $20 to fish 13 ponds and lakes is great.
  12. Me and my brother went back to this local pond where I caught that nice crappie and two pound bass. I went back to tossing out my small chatter bait with the Live Magic Shad for a trailer. I caught a total of 6. One close to 3 pounds, 2.14. the rest small. My brother hooked one with Bomber. His only catch for the evening/night. We stayed maybe 4-5 hours.
  13. When I was younger me and a friend ran up on them nesting too. Boy they chased us. That's my only close encounters by them.
  14. Yea I wouldn't want to post for a debate or upset any kayakers.. I didn't think it would cause much since even the angler seems to find it funny. Hopefully nobody takes it the wrong way. Thanks KYntucky Warmouth for heads up.
  15. That sucks. Well hope you get it up and running. Who took the pics? I know I'm going to get me a tripod for my cam so I can get full pics of me and my catches since I go alone most of time.
  16. Nice eye endless! My toon is out of commission so im using my neighbors 12 foot aluminum! After using that boat today it just motivates me even more to get my tracker! That's nice of him. Did he go too? Sucks your platoon down. How long you think that's down? I'm trying to get my tri-haul going. Been down too long 3 years.
  17. I look at some fish that name and I'm with you! http://www.jostimages.com/galerie/underwater/hump-head-wrasse.html http://www.animalpicturesarchive.com/list.php?qry=humphead%20wrasse
  18. Way to go Vinny. Yea I'm tossing more cranks myself, never no DT's though. I need to jump on some especially for deep diving. Wow muskie, god I might just have to take a trip to new river or something for them. By the way where's the platoon? Got yourself another boat?
  19. That was the first fish of the day so whenI put it in the livewell she was done fishing and played in the water trying to catch the fish the rest of the evening. She loves the boat and usually listens pretty well. I have been letting her play in the boat at home since she was able to walk so she would not be afraid of it. She loves to go out in the mudboat also. She will definitly be a little outdoors girl. I know that's right!!
  20. I bought me a pack as well 1/0. I haven't caught anything on them and after I've read the reviews where they claim they're very dull. So if get a pack keep a check on that.
  21. Glad you guys like it. I stumbled across it on youtube.
  22. HAHA just watched the video. Kids with their pointing finger for the thumb's up. My son still does that and clicks. I seen she touched the fish but did she try to hold it? I tell you my son loves the most is when I bring my minnow bucket home with minnows, he'll play in that bucket all day.
  23. Very nice. WTG. My son still rather get in the water and he is about to be 3. I let him take his rod to the in-laws since they have an in ground pool and let him cast out a hook-less rattle trap. I've got him a Zebco 202 with a 3' Invincible rod. Had a Spongebob but he broke that. How she handle being on a boat? I'm afraid to take my son out on my jon boat. I know he'll jump in, not only that don't have the patience for sitting.
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