I went to Travis lake yesterday Located in AP Hill between 7:00 till 1:00. The water was stained but I think that it's natural color (same as last year). The lake is mainly nothing but lilies around the lake edges with very few stumps and fallen trees. The lake deepest is close to 8'. The water started off 79 degrees and reached 81.2 before I left. The overcast made the weather feel nice,lol with the nice off and on drizzle. The wind didn't pick up till later maybe 11:30 or so. I ended up with 10 bass all on wacky fishing the outside of the lilies. The Senko's 5" Plum Apple was the color of choice. I did manage 1 on the Senko black/blue laminate but nothing on the june bug color. I started off the day using my Kopper's hallow body frog (brown/black) with no luck besides one miss. It was my first time using this brand of frog. Through out the day I also tried a Rage Tail thumper,Hula Popper, jig, and a black/blue chatterbait with a Live Magic Shad with no luck. My best day for me. I landed a 4.9 which I thought to myself bringing it in watch it be a bowfin, a 3.4 and 8 other dinks.
By the way no bowfin today and shockingly no pickerels on the year.
Hopefully going to Hunting run on Sunday, me and my brother.
Sorry for the bad pics. The camera got moisture in the lens and those with facebook. Also can anyone share any good website that will allow my the resize my pics without shrinking them down nothing or cutting out half the pic?
more lake which turns and leads to boat ramp
more lake which leads to a cove on the right