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Everything posted by DOVERANGLER

  1. if you have never been before it is a really good time i am stationed at dover afb and have been to the dover race 4 times this sunday will be my 5 i have also been to pocono. i have been wanting to get to bristol should be an awsome track to watch a race at....p.s. if you dont have one already get a scanner, you can rent or buy them at the track, you can either listen to the nascar radio or listen to your favorite driver talk to his crew chief and spotter have a great time let me know how bristol is
  2. i will be taking a weekend off fishing and heading to the autism speaks 400 in dover de go DENNY HAMLIN
  3. the only thing that i reach for it chigger craw 4 inch in my two favorite colors watermelon candy and green pumpkin i usually use them on a green or black enticer jid in 1/2 oz the best combination i have found bass love them i have them on a bass pro shop bait caster with 50lb braid works amazing for getting them out of the thick sticks and brush
  4. i am a die hard abu garcia fan for a spinning reel i absolutely love my cardinal 503 the 10 bearing it super smooth deffinetly worth every penny
  5. the best low memory line that i have found that is not that expensive it the p-line cx i have it on three of my reels and never ave i had a problem i have tried the berkely's and trilenes with nothing but head achs i am an angler on a budget (and a wife) so my money has to streach with tackel reels rods etc. the best i found for the pricw
  6. i am not used to fishing deeper water anyone know what will work good at berryessa. i am in the military stationed at dover afb and will be moving to travis afb this june. down here i have luck rattle traping the center being the center is only about 6 feet in the deep lakes. the only cranks i have only dive about 5 feet. then jigging and waky worm during the spawn and hot warm sunny days. and would anyone know of any spots better than others. any info you are willing to give would be a great help....thank you
  7. i am in the air force and will be moving to travis afb i was wondering if anyone new of anywhere to go fishing in the area around travis/vacaville i need help finding a new area to fish i saw berryessa but it looks like a far drive on the map i have a boat and need somewhere to go to please help me!!!!
  8. any one know of any large mouth fishing around travis afb i am going to be moving there is summer and having a hard time finding anywhere to fish if anyone knows of anywhere please message me on here thanks
  9. i use anything p-line it is worth its weight in gold i use mostly cx in 12lb test havent had a fish break it or my knot yet
  10. the reel is more important than a rod. if you spend 50 60 bucks on a reel you can pick a rod up at walmart for like 15 bucks that works very well. the rod i get is the shakesphere ecursion it works very well i pair it with a bass pro reel and the set up works very well
  12. I have left hand retrieves because i cant stand switching hands on casting dont know why it is comfortable for me and feeld like i have more control.
  13. thanks every one the doc said i got about 3-4 weeks before i can get back on the water i think he might a little cautious i will see how i feel in a caouple days so far things are going good just sore and tired.
  14. check craigs list alot of good ones on there once you seperate the scams from ligite ads a buddy of mine bought a 17 foot bass tracker for 3000 with nothing wrong with the guy just didnt use it keep your eyes open and you can get a hell of a deal
  15. hey guys and gals keep my in your thoughts when you are out on the lake catchin those big boys. i am going in for hernia surgery this month so i will be out of commission for a while. thanks guys
  16. striking king sexy shad rattle traps or berkley chigger craw
  17. since you got the worms and all that good stuff, would reccomend berkley chigger craws, they work well for both jig trailers and just by themselves. rattle traps, i can never seem to go wrong with tieing on strike king red eyes shad in the sexy shad color usually always is a producer for me. i have never shakey head fished so i dont know what to tell you there. i do good with the enticer football head jigs in either black or pb&j color, with a watermelon candy or pumkin/green chigger craw as a trailer get a couple spinner baits i recommend strike king or booyah get a bunch of colors in everything so you can see what is going to work that day, and good luck
  18. being in the air force i get wiley x's every time i deploy they are ok i would recomend oakley half jacks with black iridium polarized lenses they are mandatory on every time out i can see through the water as if it were glass
  19. anything p-line is worth its weight in gold
  20. I bought a spooling station from bps it is the kind that has a suction cup base. it works really good and speeds up re spooling my baitcasters
  21. if you are fishing on a budget like myself, the way to go is to spend a little more money on a good reel that will last you a long time and a good rod. i get my reels from either bps stores or off line. the spinning reel that i fell in absoulte love with is the abu garcia cardinal 504 smooth as silk and durable, it runs about 80 bucks, and since i spent more than i normaly would on a reel i went to good old walmart and picked up a shakesphere excursion rod in medium 6'6", $14.95 and i couldn't be happier the reel is amazing and the rod as good feel and is durable under the load of even a 5+lb large mouth. and if for some reason the rod fails it is 15 bucks and i go to walmart and get a new one. i have spent big money on rods and i have found they are not worth it. i bought a st. coix i dont remember what kind it was but the tip broke off casting a worm and small 1/4 ounce wieght which was in the wieght limits of the rod. just some thoughts from my expirence
  22. bps the egg in xxx shad order off line it getts to you pretty quick thats what i have to do because the closest shop i have here is gander mountian and they are horrible in my opinion growing up with in driving distance to cabelas
  23. i agree that you get what you pay for. but on the other hand i am not going to pay 10-20 bucks for a lure that i am going to lose by snagging an underwater stumb or in the lakes in delaware they put old christmas trees in the lakes a while back to make stucture for fish and they are murder of rattle traps and cranks. for that fact i get just as much luck from bps brand. the only thing i will pay over 5 bucks for is strike king sexy shad rattle traps because it has proven itself to me again and again
  24. good looking boat i just recently got my first boat a bass traker 12ft jon boat it my be a "floater" as you said but it gets me on the water with no leaks i can honestly say the first fish in the boat is the most frustrating because of the anticipation of boating it in your boat and not some one eles.
  25. welcome! i have been up to KSU its a nice campos my ex-girl went there. i have fished lake erie alot, i am from PA, lot of good walleye in erie.
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