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Everything posted by bandsr4me20

  1. i like the abu garcia orra sx. Matches up perfect with the rod.
  2. To me the netbait b-bug looks just like the sweet beaver. Im sure there is something different but i cant tell from the pictures. Maybe size?
  3. 7' H or mag heavy. Either one will work.
  4. netbait b-bug
  5. 1. paca chunk 2. berkley chigger craw/chunk 3. rage tail chunk
  6. powell 7' H or 7' Mag Heavy
  7. I use the powell casting rods and they are fantastic!!
  8. im a teenager and i fish a lot
  9. Does anyone know how to turn the brakes on and off with the pitch system thats used in the abu garcia orra sx. Im not sure which way you push them to turn them on or off. Thanks!
  10. Berkley lightning rod shock.
  11. Bomber fat free shad Strike king cranks Cotton cordell super spots Strike king redeye shads Rat L Traps
  12. Which type and size treble hook do i need to get for the regular 1/2 oz lipless crankbait like the trap or super spot? Also, who makes the top treble hooks?
  13. The chigger craws are great. Also try some netbait paca chunks and paca craws.
  14. the powell is very sensitive too and has a x-fast tip on it. It is not heavy at all too. Also comes with a lifetme warranty.
  15. powell 6'8 or 7' M. 139.99
  16. powell max casting rods. 139.99
  17. powell 7'm or 7' h cranking rod 140 dollars
  18. Rod 1. Soft and hard jerkbaits/wakebaits (powell 7' m cranking rod) Rod 2. Topwaters (powell 7'm cranking rod) Rod 3. Deep cranking a medium cranking (powell 7' H cranking rod) this is what i would get for that stuff.
  19. 40 dollars more and you can get a powell.
  20. I would get a powell rod for sure. They are 140.
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