I skip with a Shimano Curado 200E7 and a Shimano Citica 200E with no problems. I practice a lot though, so I am pretty good with my accuracy, but my range needs work. I skip into an area about 12 inches wide and within 15-20 feet, If I go any farther, my backlashes are about 1 in every 4 attempts.
My side arm skips are much better then my under hand skipping. I am deadly with a double wide beaver or senko
Both are paired on 6'6 GLoomis GLX MBR 783C. And I find 12# flouro and copoly is best. I use 12# Sunline Machine Gun cast copoly Braid is hell when it backlashes really bad.
Also I think height plays a little into which length rod to use.
If we are talking spinning gear, I can skip that thing anywhere within inches and pretty much to 30 feet. I use a Shimano Crucial 7' with a Shimano CI4 2500 on 8# Sunline FC Sniper