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Everything posted by butch19

  1. Going to give it a try this week with my jet boat. I know water is getting low so was wondering how much water I can cover in the boat with the level where it is now?
  2. Its a lot of fun to tie your own hair jig and catch a bass on it. Feeling of accomplishment!
  3. A-Jay I like yours, they resemble a perch. Wish I could go without a weed guard but way to much cover where I fish. kicker, thanks! I can't wait to give those a try. The first 2 I tied up like that to not have to use a trailer
  4. A few hair jigs I tied up
  5. i throw jigs a fair amount. To me they have just as much success as a tube. Now as the water gets colder tie my own hair jigs and have good success with them
  6. i do alot of bass fishing and would like to start getting away from the open face reels.i use alot of crank baits,spinners,tubes,senkos and jerk baits.can you help me to find what i need to start out with!thanx
  7. needs some help with this lake!buddy n i fished there 2 weeks ago and i and he only caught a bass a peice.caught mine on buzz bait first thing in the morning and he caught his on a black lizard with green tail.where are the bass at in this lake and the bait of choice.next time we will be fishing it will be in the evening
  8. can anybody give me any advise on bass fishing raystown?
  9. are you fishing this by boat?
  10. are you fishing this by boat?
  11. i have fished with plastics for a few yrs now and have caught a good many bass but wanting to start purchasing some spinners.i fish the potomac between dam 4 and dam 5.what should i be looking for?size,color,blade etc....also i have a few buzz baits that i have done well with!thanx for any help
  12. white king size buzzbait right before dark and also green pumpkin bleeder tube during the day
  13. did really well with the yum senko's tonight.first time i caught anything with them but had a blast with them tonight.was fishing pretty fast flowing water about 2 to 4ft deep and hooking them weightless wacky.none of the bass was real big but hey its a start!
  14. my pflueger presidant is 5.2:1
  15. i am fishing small mouth and large mouth bass and was wondering whats a good reel to use.i have a pfluger president but not sure if its just me but seems like i have to reel it pretty fast compared to the guys i am fishing with.i mostly use tubes,senko's,buzzbaits,flukes etc.....i love my pflueger but bought it for trout fishing so wanting to get a bass reel.any help would be great and i am looking for a spinning reel
  16. thanx rhino,some good articles and pics there.i'm going to give it a try for sure
  17. guys you all have been alot of help.went last night and caught a good many bass just smaller ones,but hey thats a start.guess i am learning the "Location & presentation" now!
  18. thanx guys this is alot of help.i have fished before with plastic lures.have caught fish on purple tubes and small jigs.the potomac river is what i am fishing.i was wondering with the current if the senko and fluke was the right bait to be using.yes it is pretty swift where i am fishing
  19. yes it does help.thats why i am asking question's so i can learn more about this bass fishing
  20. yes i now there are fish.
  21. also i got all the senko's and flukes colors that i've seen people say work best on here
  22. ok here is the deal.i'm fishing a river which is pretty shallow about 3 to 4ft i'd say.i'm not catching pretty much anything.only thing i am really getting any hits on is a king size buzz bait right before dark.i purchased some senko's and flukes and also been using tubes alil.i've read up a good bit on these senko's and how you hook and use them,i've been hooking them weedless i guess you'd say cause not sure what you all are talking about when you say carlina,wacky etc... what am i doing wrong?if anybody could maybe point me to a link with pics or show me some pics of maybe the different ways to hook these senko's and flukes i would be very thankful.also what else should i maybe try for lure's?
  23. totally agree with the nightcrawlers.the best trout bait that i found.corn works too
  24. thats helps alil.all the fishing i do is river and creek
  25. everybody be patient with me but i'm alil new to this whole bass fishing.i have did search through here to find out what everybody is using for lures that work best but just have no clue what they are talking about.if everybody could chim in and my say what they are using and what type of water it works best in with maybe a link so i can see what it looks like it will help me out so much.thanx for any help i might get
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