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Fry (1/9)



  1. The fine should be $1,000 for each fish that is taken over limit. Now that will help these scumbags to remember these expensive fish for the rest of their lives!
  2. Maybe I was overthinking too much, but now I remember once I was in a boat fishing with my mom and dad, and my mom was the only one catching fish. She used a clear line and we were using green line. But the thing is she was using 8 lb and we were using 10 lb line. Maybe the thinkness of the line is more important than the color? Does the color even matter? If it doesn't, what't the point of fluorocarbon? I was alway told to use 6lb or less when jigging for walleye, is there any truth in it? So confused... :'( :'( :'(
  3. I used to prefer green line cause I thought they blend in the water better. But one day I was fishing with my wife and we were using the same Trilene XL 10 #, same color senko. I was using green line and she was using clear line. She out fished 12-1. Since that day, I never buy green again. Anyone else has the same experience?
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