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Everything posted by Butneway

  1. I have done the technical research on them, however I always try and find some real day to day users to get opinions from on most anything I buy. I searched the boards and got nothing regarding the Matrix. I did find some general humminbird posts, just none that are specific to the Matrix. I'll keep looking!
  2. Nobody has one of these? Any comments would be helpful! ???
  3. Newbie here...do most of you guys tie directly to lures or do you use a snap swivel? Any good reason not to use a swivel?
  4. Does anyone have any experience with the Matrix series from Humminbird? I like the idea of being able to connect my hand-held gps to save tracks and fishing spots.
  5. Thanks for the replies guys! I grew up a northern Maine trout stream fisherman. Having lived in the south (VA) for 10 or 12 years now, I have gotten the bug to start bass fishing. This site has been great for all the info!
  6. The keeper of the checkbook has authorized a few bucks to spend on a fishfinder. While $200 wont get me the best on the market, what would you all recommend? I have almost zero experience with them. Thanks!
  7. Thanks for the reply. I haven't even tried to switch it out of auto. I'm new at using a fishfinder and I did not get a manual for it and didn't even think of that!
  8. Recently bought a new (to me) boat (first one). It has a hummin bird fishfinder in it. The "fish" on the display look like the little goldfish crackers. I want to put another finder on the bow, however, cannot decide if I want to go with one with the more traditional look or stick with something similar to maintain continuity. Any suggestions? Do the traditional looking arches, etc. offer any better information? Thanks!!
  9. Thanks for the help. I ended up with a promariner. Seems to work great!
  10. My wife and I both have Wilderness Systems Pungo 120's with the fishing packages on them. We love them! I can fish on a lake or take it back into water on rivers and streams that my boat can't get to.
  11. Rookie boat owner (pick up this evening). I would like to purchase a battery charger (onboard) to install. Locally I seem to be limited to ProMariner, Minkota and Guest as the brands. Is one any better than the other? Thanks for any help!
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