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JaxBasser last won the day on May 15 2011

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About JaxBasser

  • Birthday 08/20/1987

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  1. Those sales are wild. Ended up getting a Fuego CT, Falcon BuCoo SR Trapcaster and a Dobyns colt 734c for like $200. Didn't exactly need but oh well. Fills a couple of holes in my rod lineup.
  2. When you get to Florida you can literally just cast into any small retention pond and have a good shot at bass. They are everywhere here lol
  3. I don't see any Tatula CTs in left for that price. The Fuego CT is good as well. https://m.ebay.com/itm/Daiwa-Fuego-CT-8-1-1-Left-Hand-Baitcast-Fishing-Reel-FGCT100XSL/302397297488?epid=1866895283&hash=item4668489350%3Ag%3ALlcAAOSwvv9Ze4QL&_trkparms=pageci%3Abc98dd19-bc36-11e7-999e-74dbd1803ed4%7Cparentrq%3A654a5ea315f0aa13818873e7fffe9e51%7Ciid%3A2 https://m.ebay.com/itm/Daiwa-Fuego-CT-7-3-1-Left-Hand-Baitcast-Fishing-Reel-FGCT100HSL/282590374783?epid=12005828847&hash=item41cbb2eb7f%3Ag%3Ah~YAAOSwJLJZe30h&_trkparms=pageci%3Af75a373b-bc36-11e7-a025-74dbd180c0a0%7Cparentrq%3A654bdfb815f0ab1de6a3a665fffc053b%7Ciid%3A4
  4. https://m.ebay.com/itm/Daiwa-Tatula-CT-100XS-8-1-1-Right-Hand-Baitcast-Fishing-Reel-TACT100XS/263285119856?epid=527156992&hash=item3d4d041b70%3Ag%3Ab~YAAOSwNkJZ60M6&_trkparms=pageci%3A322c0175-bc36-11e7-9831-74dbd180ffaa%7Cparentrq%3A6546d36a15f0ac8074b700bafffc4582%7Ciid%3A3 Or if you want a 6.3:1 https://m.ebay.com/itm/Daiwa-Tatula-CT-100H-6-3-1-Right-Hand-Baitcast-Fishing-Reel-TACT100H/272473972573?epid=1161168946&hash=item3f70b6df5d%3Ag%3AM9YAAOSwnHZYREni&_trkparms=pageci%3A322c0175-bc36-11e7-9831-74dbd180ffaa%7Cparentrq%3A6546d36a15f0ac8074b700bafffc4582%7Ciid%3A4
  5. Tatula CT, easily. Check eBay. A few reputable sellers have them brand new for around $90. It's leaps and bounds better than the reels you posted. I have 5 of them. They're great.
  6. Orra has an alloy frame while the promax is graphite. That alone would have me pick the Orra.
  7. Tatula CT can be had for $98 on eBay. I have 4 that I bought on there and love. All brand new from reputable sellers. American Legacy Fishing also has the 8:1 CT type R for $119. That plus a Tatula rod for be a killer combo for just over $200.
  8. It wasn't a mistake. It was up for almost 2 days. I'm thinking they're clearing out inventory for gen 4 Revo and 3.0 veritas models.
  9. 100% legit. Purchased like 5 reels from them.
  10. Got my 7'6 MHF veritas today. Still a broomstick like my gen 1 veritas was but that's fine for what I'll be using it for.
  11. Most of the people selling these reels on eBay have brick and mortar shops also(American Legacy, sportsman outfitters, etc...). You're getting the same reel youd get if you walked into their store and bought it. It's not like it's some dude who had 200 Tatulas sitting in their garage. I buy all of me reels this way and have been for years. I see no reason not to because I don't like to waste money.
  12. The one that is 7.2lbs is the rods most likely. Those shipping tubes are heavy.
  13. you can get the lfs for $75-80 all the time on eBay or from sportsman outfitters.
  14. I ended up getting one of those 7'6 MH Veritas 2.0 for $32. I seriously don't need it but that's practically giving it away.
  15. Use code PSHOPSAVE15 to get $15 off of $75 on eBay. Used it to get a brand new Fuego Ct for $63. Been wanting to try one to see how it compares to my Tatulas.
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