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About Dobi

  • Birthday 06/29/1976

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  1. http://forum.gon.com it's a Georgia forum, but LOTSA helpful folks there.
  2. You did the wise thing and your neighbor should know his animal better. I have a chow/sheppard mix who is a *****-cat to me and my family but I make her "go to bed" (get in the bedroom closet where she sleeps) and shut the door or chain her in the backyard whenever anyone comes over. She is VERY protective. When my folks come to visit after about 4 days she'll come out and be sociable but they can't get near my wife or baby. she'll protect them to her death I'm sure. It's a reassuring to know that there is that line of protection when I'm not around, but also a big responsibility at the same time knowing that anyone comes over must be warned or to have to put her up
  3. it sounds like you might be in the car building industry... I know Kia is building a plant just north of here in LaGrange, GA, (aka Westpoint fishing!!) I know they're hiring 4000+ people. worth looking into.
  4. looking at getting a boat with this on it.... any known concerns I should be aware of?
  5. I'm agreeing with that, here is the theory we've come up with.... My fishing partner and I have noticed here on 2 different lakes on the Chattahochee that we fish, the baitfish are literally EVERYWHERE you look and not getting attacked very often. The shortbite has been constant.. the ones we do bring it are very fat and usually puking up baitfish when we pick them up or as we are reeling them in. It seems like every fish we get is getting on hit on the drop so they are only reaction bites. Why would a bass chase a lure when it is slap full of fresh live shad...
  6. Red in the morn, fishermen be warned. Red at night, fishermens delight!
  7. Thinking about putting this up for sale, what do ya'll think would be a fair price? It's got a small leak from worn out rivets (turn on the bilge for about 2-3 minutes every hour or whenever I move to another spot) 2 LCR's (1 bottom line 5" & 1 4" eagle) 50lb 12/24 motorguide trolling motor 50hp force motor (cranks EVERY time) 2 batteries (1 can't remember brand deep cycle & 1 blue top optima) I was thinking $3k obo
  8. cool. I live in columbus, was gonna offer you a spot on my boat for wed/sunday pot tourneys (still can if you want) but its about 90miles west of atlanta.
  9. where u living in GA?
  10. Cool deal and grats... Funny as I read, I recognized Olathe, I went to school there for half my 7th grade year back in... 89ish...
  11. To save face, I usually say it was a gar.
  12. I agree with this. I've seen more skin during the olympics. That's a sport and televised and encouraged to watch by all. My 2 cents follows: **insert disclaimer stating this is my opinion and its actual value may not be even close to 2 cents** It's 2006. The days of Leave it to Beaver and The Andy Griffith Show are long gone. If I changed the channel or banned everything that I thought was distasteful in todays real world. I think my life would be miserable and I would be a burden on myself.
  13. Copenhagen.. I'll go thru a can in 4-5 hours.
  14. I've been reading here for about a year now, fished all my life and thank you all for making such a great and informative forum. Now... I've got a dilema... I've been fishing the same lake (between 2 damns on the Chattahoochee) since August.. I'd like to say I know the lake fairly well and can put myself on plenty of fish but they're all around 10-12 inches and its starting to get aggravating. I know there is no "magic formula" but no matter what I toss (platics, jig, crankbait, spinnerbait, etc) or where, shallow / deep / stumps / etc, I always end up with small fish. If I go to larger or louder baits I always come up with Gar. I was hoping some of you could give me some tips on what to change.
  15. I'm in the same boat as you... just re-re-re-sliced it
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