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Everything posted by nickw234

  1. I just picked up a Hummingbird Wide 128 portable at a garage sale for 15 dollars. Has anyone used this that have any opinions on it? thanks.
  2. Ya I'm from Central Florida also an I have had good luck with lizards in ponds an in my lakes especially in the canals. Were you fishing them weightless or weighted?
  3. I have a 14 jon boat I was wondering if there is anyway you could mount a waterproof radio and speakers.
  4. Never fished the Bubblegum color but in a fluke I have fished the Electric Chicken color which majority of the color in Electric Chicken is pink and it works great on overcast days here in Fl.
  5. Went there a week and half ago and did pretty well down in Friars Cove near whaley's landing boat ramp. We were using Rage Shad in Black Neon, Horny Toads, and also Yum Money Minnow's. We caught 6 fish 1 being 5.6lbs and the rest in the 1.5 to 3.5 range.
  6. Thanks guys really helped one more question what is the best knot to tie?
  7. I just picked up my first tru-life swimbait. What is the best presentation for these types of swimbaits? I will be fishing clear water. Thanks
  8. What is the best blade color and skirt color for clear water? Thanks
  9. I was testing out a new lure in my pool. I got to thinking would the pool chemicals have any negative effects on my line? Just a question that came to mind. Thanks
  10. Booyah 5-16th pro boo bug PB&J with a Green Pumpkin Netbait Baby Paca Craw
  11. After readin all this I went out and bougt two bags of these in Plum and Black Emerald and some Gammy 5/0 EWG hooks 8-)
  12. Alright thanks I will give it a try and I use KVD conditioner and love it.
  13. I fish with mostly plastics whats a better fit 100% fluoro or coated with fluoro.
  14. I was thinking about picking some of this up an giving it a try has anyone else used this?
  15. I used these today in a local ponds and caught quite a few with a 4/0 EWG but missed some so I will be bumpin it up to a 5/0 EWG
  16. Im going to the Conway Chain in the morining for the first time anyone got any tips on lures or places to start?
  17. Ya I got a bag on 7' anaconda an they are amazing so now that you said that I think I will just get a bag on 10' anaconda's.
  18. I am going to BPS today to get some new worms I am either going to get 7' or 10', but not sure what one to get I fish alot of ponds so don't catch alot of big bass.(most in the 1lb to 1.5 pound range) I know you can still catch dinks on a 10' worm so would I be better off with a 7' or 10' worm?
  19. I am looking at Cavitron buzzbaits I will get a 3/8th oz with a black skirt but not sure what color blade to get. I will be fishing with it on days with cloudy skies and mostly clear to stained water. What color blade would work best?
  20. Rage tail coffee I also find zoom plastics quite pleasant. 8-)
  21. I was thinking bout trying Lake Underhill on sunday just wondering if anyone has done good there or any tips for the lake? thanks, Nick
  22. I have had good luck with the chigger craw lately but has anyone had better luck with the crazy leg craw just want some information before I buy them. Thanks
  23. Rage Tail Anaconda
  24. Lately I have had the most success with a Strike King Perfect Plastic Ocho stick bait.
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