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About Jaric

  • Birthday 09/28/1980

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    <p>Noblesville, IN</p>

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  1. Ooooooo that's a good idea. And actually explains alot of what some other posters were talking about which went right over my head.
  2. Thanks again guys for all the responses. I really do appreciate it. I already use braid, although only 10lb strength (I used to use 30lb but tried going lower for more sensativity) I think when I go River fishing, I'll just try and stick to plastics (they're really about the only thing I've had success with anyway) and save the other stuff for when I'm on a boat.
  3. Ok, time for stupid question number two. What is a "lure saver?" I checked a few website and couldn't find anything. Oh, and I totally can empathize with the guy with stuff stuck in the tree. Fishing doesn't officially start until I toss something into the branches. (Also, thanks for the replys, and sorry again moderators for posting in the wrong section, still getting the hang of this place)
  4. Whats up everyone. I have a problem. At least I think I do. My problem is that the bait monkey in an effort to increase profits at the local Gander Mountain, seems to have taken matters into his own hands, and now follows my casts underwater and attaches my lures to all manner of rocks/branches/ect causing lures to get stuck and banished to a watery grave when I either cut or break the line trying to pull them free. Now, it seems that the places where fish congregate are places that are filled with obstacles that hooks love to snag onto. I guess my question is, am I doing something wrong here? Or is this just a part of fishing that I have to accept? I do Texas rig all my plastics, so it's rare that one of those gets stuck on something. However I've dontated probably at least 6/7 lures (spinners, jigs, cranks...) just this week into the local river. So if this is just part of the game, that's cool, but if I'm doing something wrong I'd like to know. Thanks in advance
  5. There website sucks and I have one 10 mins from here. I usually go there or academy. But the DD22's and DD14's were like $3 at BPS and I could not pass them up. Yeah we have one here too which is who I buy "most" of my tackle from, but there were a few things on the website that they didn't sell in stores.I have no problems with the website layout, but to each his own.
  6. http://www.gandermountain.com/ Free standard shipping on all orders. The one order I placed showed up like 3 days sooner than I anticipated. Couldn't have been happier with the service. Never used tackle warehouse, but I'll check them out sometime.
  7. I tell people where not to fish. Does that count?
  8. The other sad part Mark, is that in order to kill all the snakeheads, they have to kill every fish in the lake. Even with restocking that can take years to rebuild the ecosystem. We had a problem with the white river here in Indiana where (I believe) it was firestone dumping their waste into the river prompted a fish kill a few years ago and it decimated fishing on the river. They've made serious efforts to clean the river up (which it has been) but the fishing has truely suffered here. I hate snakeheads for this exact reason. And the people who dump them in lakes (for whatever reason) should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law (and then some)
  9. Thread title pretty much says it all. Looking for a place to go tent camping/fishing somewhere in Indiana in about two weeks and am open to suggestions. Thanks in advance
  10. They are also big in the aquarium trade because of their "tough" reputation. So you get a bunch of mouthbreathing morons who buy them, not realizing that that 3 inch baby you got is going to grow, and grow big enough to eventually break your tank. So instead of doing the responsible thing, they just toss them into the rivers/lakes/ponds. Since snakeheads have no natural predators here, they take quickly over the body of water. d**n things are worse than locusts. EDIT: Even worse, is because they can actually survive on land for 3 days and use their fins to walk, they can spread to other bodies of water in the area even without being directly connected. I believe Maryland killed every living thing in one lake that had an infestation of them simply to prevent them from spreading to other lakes in the area and completely destroying the local ecosystem.
  11. While I do read bass magazines/books/articles, I have no illusions about where I am in comparison to the professionals. My quip about going from bass pro was merely hyperbole. And yeah, I am stoked about the 3 bass. Even the bat that flew into my line, got tangled, and pretty much landed him. I always have fun fishing, even if I don't catch anything. But still, I do try to use my time fishing to try and learn as much as I can. My biggest obstacle at the moment, is knowing what to cast out, and how to present it. I suppose in this case, I got over excited assuming I had figured out the lake, and then had a cold dose of reality smack me in the face. But I always remember, a bad day on the water, is better than a great day at work.
  12. I really can't thank you enough for posting this. I really just needed validation that I don't totally suck lol ;D
  13. Like most things in life, the key is responsibility and moderation. I personally prefer Mountain Dew or Gatoraid while fishing, but sometimes having a beer or two (at the most) with a buddy is fun too. But if we do drink, it's usually spread over the course of several hours, and are always respectful of our surroundings. I never drink and drive, and since most of the time I am driving away from where I am fishing, I never have more than 2 beers at any given time. If I am operating a boat (that has an engine) I also do not drink. Safety is always paramount, which means getting tanked and seeing just how fast the bass boat goes is probably not a good idea. The whole reason we all go fishing is to have a good time. Which you can't do if you're dead (or if you end up killing or hurting other people)
  14. Not sure if you're taking a shot at me, but the answer is a LOT. Not sure if this isn't an issue in Texas, but here in Cali, it most certainly is. No need to post on a matter that you really don't understand. I've had a body of water RUINED from photos being posted. Actually, make that TWO bodies of water. As for the post above, I would love to see someone unedit the photo posted. If someone is going to be THAT desperate, and spend that much time, then they need all the help they can get. Nothing personal, but if I lived in CA, I would totally ninja your fishing spot if you're considering 5-6 lbers nothing special. EDIT: Almost forgot, d**n nice fish.
  15. Thing is, I did that. I was using the same in-line spinner baits on the same dock the second night. It literally felt like the 3 bass I released warned the rest of the pond/lake about my spinner baits while I was sleeping. Off-Topic: Sorry moderators about posting in the wrong section. I hate to be a bother.
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