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Everything posted by BassDeaton01

  1. I mostly mumble under my breath and get pretty mad if I lose one. .
  2. That is awesome! Congrats to both of you.
  3. Hello kdawg! I'm from Kings Mountain, NC...about 30 mins west of Charlotte. I'm stationed in Beaufort, SC now..USMC. I love that area though, especially the fishing. Take care and welcome to BR...it's a great site!
  4. Man that sucks and it definitely sounds like some teenage thug probably trying to steal a radio or something. Man what is this world coming to!! Cant even go fishing and not worry about someone breaking into your truck. Man!!
  5. Yeah I was thinking they could have been dinks but it was hard to tell. The fish would come up and actually take the bait under then I would wait to be sure I didn't jerk the bait too early and it would just come floating back to the top. Could I have been waiting too long to set the hook?
  6. 1. Alice In Chains (with Layne Staley) 2. Tool 3. Korn 4. Nirvana 5. Sublime
  7. Yeah my wife definitely swears by this story. Completely a co-inky-dink but still pretty weird. Of course if there were any guys around this guy wouldn't have gotten out of that house with their stuff but it was a bunch of 19 year old college freshman scared out of their minds locked in the bedroom... ;D
  8. Caught this bass on a Torpedo at about 830 am at a local farm pond with my father-in-law. Ended up catching about 9 or so but this was the biggest. The bite died down once it started getting hot so we left. But I was really excited about this one. I had a lot to take the lure all the way under the water but spit it out without getting hooked somehow. I didnt have a scale but I think the bass weighed around 3 lbs.
  9. When my wife was attending college at Limestone University in SC she was hanging out with 2 of her friends at their appartment waiting to go to the bar. Well the all start telling scary stories and one thing led to another and they started talking about Freddy Krueger and how if you went in the bathroom and turned the lights off and said his name three times that he would come get you. (kinda dumb if you ask me) So they all went in and turned the lights off and did it. Nothing happened...well they were upstairs and about 5 mins after they got out of the bathroom they heard the front door open rather loudly. So they locked the bedroom door and sat very quietly. They could hear someone rambling through their stuff downstairs. So one of the girls calls the cops. When the cops arrived they went downstairs and sure enough they had been robbed. About 15 mins later the police stopped a man and found some of their belongings on him. Another police officer went back to the house to tell them they had caught the guy. Well guess what his name was...Freddy. You may not believe this story but it is really true. My wife and her friends swear up and down on it.
  10. I was fishing a little back water area in a pond I fish pretty regularly. Well I hooked a dink...probably no more than 8" or so and he jumped and shook the hook so I just start reeling my finesse worm in and a 1 1/2 lbder comes up and inhales the bait no more than 5 feet from me. It was pretty sweet. First time thats happened to me.
  11. Yeah it's a Mathew's Solocam. I'm not really into the whole my bow is better than your bow but I definitely know people that are. When I used to live in Jacksonville, NC my buddy had a Mathew's and his boss had a Hoyt and they used to pick back and forth all the time. I personally like the Mathew's I got because it was free! Wow! I just realized that Mathews Solocam is the brand name. I'm not sure which model I got but I will take a look at it when I get home. Dang I dont know crap about bows!!! ;D
  12. Yeah it's a Mathew's Solocam. I'm not really into the whole my bow is better than your bow but I definitely know people that are. When I used to live in Jacksonville, NC my buddy had a Mathew's and his boss had a Hoyt and they used to pick back and forth all the time. I personally like the Mathew's I got because it was free!
  13. Yeah Check My Brain is a great song! Heard it the other day and really like it!
  14. Well if I was going to be put on a base with a lot of iminent danger then no. I've been to Iraq twice and Afghanistan once...USMC. But if I were going to a base like Al Asad or somewhere that there isn't a lot of action it would be hard to pass up. I mean it is still dangerous anywhere in that country but I've been to Al Asad and there's not much danger you have to worry about around there. Tough choice.
  15. Alice In Chains will never be the same without Layne but the new stuff is pretty good. I'm probably going to pick the album up.
  16. I can definitely see your frustration and lack of interest in that then. Down here people do plant food plots but it is more for the deer to have the proper nutrients. I believe the law down here states that you can't hunt a food plot like that. I could be wrong though. I'll check. But I normally try to find a trail that is leading to a food source from a bedding area and try to be in the stand when the deer is walking from one to the other. I definitely see where you are coming from with hunting an auto feeder like that though.
  17. The thing about sitting on your a** in a stand is that you have to scout the land you are hunting and make sure your stand is in the right spot. You can't just go wondering aimlessly through the woods and find a tree and set your stand up and expect to see deer. There is a lot of research that needs to be done before placing your stand. So that, to me, is part of "hunting" the deer. I agree that shooting a deer with a rifle is pretty d**n easy but as far as getting one in bow range without spooking it...that is a different story.
  18. That is awesome!
  19. Actually bigtimfish I feel almost the same way as you do about deer hunting. I've only killed one deer and it was with a 30.06 with a scope from about 30 yards away. It was a six pointer so I was pretty stoked but after I shot it I was like "wow that was pretty easy." That is why I've been wanting to kill one with a bow. It seems that you have to get a lot closer and more personal with a bow to do the damage. I will be hunting from a tree stand but it will not be on a food plot with a dinner bell...lol. I am just going to scout and find a trail, then find me a good tree and hope he comes walking through. I personally just find it rather relaxing to sit in the woods and listen to all the animals wake up and the woods come alive after sunrise. Whether you kill a deer or not it makes for a good morning. But nothing like being on the lake throwing topwater and watching the sun rise with the fog rolling off the water...GOSH that makes me want to go fish now!!
  20. I just moved to Beaufort, SC and the deer season down here is incredibly long. The longest in the nation as a matter of fact. I believe bow season has already started. I'm a little late getting prepared. I wasn't even planning on hunting this year because I really don't have the money to hunt and fish but my father-in-law gave me a climbing stand and a Matthew's bow. So now I am amped up about deer season! Does anyone know of a website similar to this one for deer hunting? I've been looking but I cant seem to find any good ones. Thanks for any help that anyone can give.
  21. Nobody reply to this post. I just found all of the night fishing articles. I guess with all of the excitement going on in my head I forgot to look in the most obvious place for info first.
  22. I am so excited about this trip. I'm going out with my cousin and we are going to try to put in around sunset. Any suggestions on where we should start? Topwater, shallow, points, docks, or what? I'm just really excited about this trip and I hope to have some great pics to post on here tomorrow. I've never done much night fishing so I'm trying to get some advice from any night fishermen out there. Thanks guys.
  23. I had this problem with a shakyhead last weekend. I just took another hook and poked it through a couple of times. I also tie a palomar and I just run the line through once and bring it back through. Works better than doubling the line before threading it through the eye IMO.
  24. Welcome to the board!
  25. Sounds painful....the hook and the bill...
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