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Everything posted by BassDeaton01

  1. Definitely call DNR. They have a team ready for situations like this. I actually just did a class on HAZMAT spills this week for our base and this ties right in with it. There is no telling how far the oil has already gotten by now. I feel sorry for whoever is responsible for the source of that oil.
  2. How are you "trying" to get the lures back right now? A lot of times if you use the bow and arrow method ( I believe that's what it's called) you can usually pop it loose. To do this just reel in most of the slack...leave just a little...and take the line in your hand where it comes off the spool to the first guide loop and pull it until the line is tight and kinda pop the line. Hope that didn't confuse you too much. I would be able to show you better than type it. Somebody on here can probably word this better than me. I've also had luck holding my rod tip really high with a little bit of slack in the line and violently shaking. Just don't give up and most of the time it comes loose. But as some would say...you aren't fishing the lure right if it doesn't get snagged and if you don't lose some now and then. Good luck man!
  3. I'm with you Matt Fly...I wouldn't mind seeing the Saints going all the way. Also, if and I say if Miami stops the run then Brees is going to do the same thing he did against NY and THROW the ball. We aren't talking about a Delhomme here. It's Brees and he can throw!
  4. I lost all repect for you after that statement. I mean at our school we beat up the kids who watched the Power Rangers. ;D ;D ;D Good one there man! That was actually the nerdiest show I could think of to put in my sarcastic statement about grown people freaking out about these kid movies these days. But my favorite was the Pink Power Ranger!! I think I was actually her for halloween one year! ;D
  5. Awesome fish man!!
  6. I'm sorry but I'm not seeing why people are freaking out about these movies. Especially anyone over the age of 10. I mean I watched Power Rangers when I was 5 or something...but let me tell you...if they came out with a Power Ranger movie today you wouldn't see me running to the movies to watch it. Sorry I'm just more into movies that are realistic and could MAYBE really happen.
  7. ...EXACTLY! x2 except for the liking Miami part
  8. I love Taco Bell and I could probably eat there about 4-5 times a week. It is so good! I tried that blackjack Taco last weekend and it was pretty good. I like the Baja Chicken Chalupa's and Soft Taco Supreme's the best though! Dang I'm hungry now!!!
  9. Man that place looks awesome RoLo! Those are some nice fish as well! Makin me jealous!!!
  10. Sounds like an awesome time. I recently got an UL setup but I've only been bream fishing with it when I take my 4 year old daughter out with me. I'll definitely have to try one of those things out though. Thanks for the info man and keep catching them!
  11. Over rated or not...all I have to say is Drew Brees and the Saints showed Eli Manning and the Giants who DADDY is in that game! ;D Did anyone see that scoreboard??
  12. Man I heard the same thing about the Bobcats! That is pretty sad because I have some good memories from my childhood going to Hornets games and it was great! I really don't watch basketball much anymore but I wouldn't go over there and pay money to listen to that crap and put my kids in that environment. As for Rush...I think the guy is great. But, Rams owner....hmmm not sure about that one. Obviously the NFL wasn't either.
  13. What are some of the strangest things/animals you have seen while sitting in the tree stand? I was out last week and saw a wild hog. I didnt even know these things were around Blacksburg, SC where I was hunting. Apparently, a lot of other people have seen them and are scratching their heads about where they came from. I also saw a red fox and the only reason I didn't shoot it was because it was only 730 am and I didnt want to ruin my chances of seeing any deer. I'm just curious to hear what some of you seasoned hunters have seen over the years...
  14. This is crazy!! I heard the dad rambling on the news before I left for work. I can't believe they would name him Falcon!!
  15. Down here in SC it just won't stop raining to be nice fishing weather. The pond I fish does not produce anything in the rain or a couple of days after. But temps are in the high 60's, low 70's. Suppose to be a front moving through and dropping down to 40 tonight. We will see. It's good for the deer hunting anyways. Hope the weather gets better for y'all though!
  16. Awesome!!! I wish there was a lake like that around me. I would probably be deeevorced though! ;D
  17. That is a nice fish right there!! Congrats to you bro!! 8-)
  18. I think it depends on if the fish felt the hook or not. Normally if I miss a fish I cast to the same spot just to see. Normally they won't hit it again but sometimes they do. If the fish felt the hook normally he will be spooked for a while so I just chalk that one up to a lost and try for him later on or the next time I come back. Don't sweat losing it because there will be plenty more PB's to catch for you. It is just part of it. Good luck!
  19. Sounds awesome! It's always nice to win stuff like that!
  20. I may be crazy but didn't this EXACT thing get posted yesterday??
  21. Ok I may be a little off subject but I am really ticked about how the Panthers are handling things! First, why didn't they try to pick up a QB a little bit better than McCown. I mean this guy is not a QB that is going to lead them to a Super Bowl. Secondly, why in the heck did they trade their first round draft pick??? We need that so we can get a new QB!!!! Delhomme needs to be done! Sorry guys you can go on with your subject now. I just had to rant a little.
  22. EEERRRRRRRR!!! Devil Dog! Please tell him I said congratulations and thank you for serving...especially in the USMC. Semper Fi! If you don't mind me asking what is his job going to be?
  23. My father-in-law knows a guy that owns a lot of property near his house that has three lakes on it. He has cow pastures with gates all around his property and knows who comes on and off his property. Well we fished one of the ponds about two months ago and we caught the crap out of them. My best for the day was about 3.5 lbs. Well this guy came in my father-in-laws restaurant today and gave him the key to his gates and told him that we can fish his lakes anytime. He also told us about his "secret" lake that is way back in the woods that nobody has fished in years and said we can fish it too. I can just imagine this lake being like that little pond that Iaconelli won the Classic on in '03. Man I can't wait to fish this pond. I was just wanting to share this with y'all. I'll post pictures when we catch some hawgs...hopefully. Thanks for reading if you did.
  24. This should be an awesome game to watch. I agree it should be a Monday night game! I'm a Panthers fan and seeing how their season is unfolding I just hope any team from the NFC South goes to the playoffs and does good. I think the Saints may be that team! But the Giants are going to be a tough win IMO.
  25. Sounds like it's time to grab the rifle and head to the woods! ;D
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