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Everything posted by BassDeaton01

  1. Welcome!
  2. I can see the Saints going all the way this year too. They are fun to watch but considering I'm a Panthers fan, NEXT WEEK WILL BE PAINFUL! I don't think we stand a chance. But hopefully I'm wrong.
  3. I know exactly what you mean BassinSoldier...I've moved 5 times in a little over 4 years. This last time I let the government move me. It was ok until we got to our destination and started unpacking everything. They wrap EVERYTHING and I mean every individual item with paper!!! It took us FOREVER to get everything unpacked. I think next time I will just move myself!!
  4. Nice fish and good story! Congrats to you!
  5. Man that sucks your package was treated like that. It brings to mind the deployments I've done to Iraq and Afghanistan. Sometimes I would help pick up the mail for our unit and these packages would most of the time be alright but on occasion we would get packages that looked like somebody had thrown it on the ground and stomped on it...lol. I always told my family to never send anything valuable. Although my grandma did mail me a microwave when we were in Afghanistan. Just to let you guys know just how modern times are over there...We worked in tents and lived in tents. Yet in our "Officer Work Tent" they had a flat screen tv, a microwave and the internet"! I know that is way off subject but thought some of you may get a kick out of that! Although we had all of that it was still hard for us to get a working heater...lol!
  6. That is a nice bass there!! Congrats!
  7. I hope it as good or better than the first. I loved that movie!! Probably won't top Transformers though! ;D Sorry had to and if you don't get it then I apologize.
  8. Holy crap! I've actually watched videos of people trying to eat a spoonful of cinammon on the internet. I suggest that if you have never seen this in action to get on youtube and watch them. It is hilarious and also impossible to do!!! Holy crap that is funny!!!
  9. Let me ask yall this question. When you pull into the parking lot does it seem like everyone in the town is always there? Or do you always see a bunch of people you would rather not see when you go in there? I always run into people I haven't seen in years when I go in Wal-Mart back in my home town.
  10. Don't get me wrong I love going to Wal-Mart but it is one of the reasons the small businesses don't make more money. I think we should try going to locally owned places as much as possible to pick up everyday things if we can. All we are doing is pumping money into other countries economies buying things from Wal-Mart. Support the little man every once in a while.
  11. Nice fish! I'd say it was a good day by that grin on your face! Awesome pics too! Congrats!
  12. Hey good luck man! Just keep your head in there. It seems like when I get caught up on catching a "big" one, I never fish one spot long enough. I'm always bouncing around and trying everything in my tackle box. Just stay patient and the big one will come!
  13. I will say that I don't like either team but I have to give props to the pitching for both sides. That second home run that Pedro gave up looked like an impossible ball to hit but he jacked that sucker off the ground! Really good game last night.
  14. mrlitetackle- I *** your pond or ponds that you fish. You have pics of some hawgs man!! But I agree with the larger fish you should support them with a belly lift and not just the lip.
  15. I watched wrestling back when Stone Cold and The Rock and all those guys were big. I stopped watching before my teen years but I definitely get a good laugh if I turn it on now. I just think it is too much like a man soap opera now.
  16. Well now I feel like a big dumba**! I see that it will be a girl from your original post. Congratulations! I have a little girl myself and you better be prepared to be wrapped around her finger!
  17. As my uncle would say..."If yer not sure, set the hook!" He says something must not be right is it doesn't sound like bullets flying past his head when he's fishing from jerking so hard when a fish really didn't bite...haha. I wouldn't recommend that but it doesn't hurt to "check" with a little jerk if you think you had a bite. If I think I feel a bite I usually try to look at the line to detect in unnatural movement and if I see that I swing for the fences. Good fishing to you!
  18. Whatever they weighed...no doubt some nice fish there!!
  19. Nice fish man! You're right about people loving the pics here. What did the bottom fish weigh?
  20. Congrats! The first one is tough for them as I've been told by my wife. Definitely better them than us too! I just don't know if I could do it. But congratulations! Boy or girl?
  21. 6-0 as they should be. Good game though. Brees and the Saints showed why you should Never Give Up!! As Ike would say!
  22. Awesome job man! I smoked and dipped off and on since I was twelve. I started dipping and smoking heavily after I joined and have tried to quit numerous times. I've not had anything for a little over two months now. Just hang in there. After the first week it starts to get easier and easier not to do it. Good luck!
  23. When I got my first job at a local seafood restaurant I was told to go find a rack stretcher so they could finish mopping. I went all over the place looking for this thing and finally made it to the boss. When I asked him he told me to go back there and tell those guys some choice words and started laughing! Also in the Marine Corps we do this thing where we send our newbies, or boots as we call them, to go up to a Staff Sergeant (E6) and ask them if they know where a PRC-E6 is. That translates to Do you know where a ***** E6 is? Basically calling the SSgt a *****. It always gets a good laugh.
  24. Always been a Heels fan. My granpaw went to NC State and I remember the first time I told him I pulled for UNC...it wasn't good..He almost tossed me outta the house! ;D
  25. Great!!
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