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Everything posted by BassDeaton01

  1. Yeah I am definitely not doubting his cardio at all. The guy can fight! I just don't really like him that much. But he is good and did deserve to win because he fought basically all of the best dudes in the house and ran through them. And his victory over Schaub he didn't even use the belly. He just straight up knocked him out! I'm sure we will see more of Schaub though. I was just really disappointed that Kimbo didn't let his hands fly but he knew he couldn't be careless in that fight and he HAD to win it to prove himself. I really thought he was going to choke him out too but he let go for the crowd. I am curious to see if he will go down to 205 or not.
  2. I was kinda disappointed in the outcome. I don't really want to see Roy Nelson rubbing his stomach in the UFC anymore. Yeah everyone knows you're fat man! Get over it! I wanted to see Marcus win too but he has no stand up. And what the heck was with the Kimbo fight? Very disappointing IMO. But at least Kimbo is starting to get his ground game in better shape. He needs to keep dropping weight so he can fight the light heavyweights. I think he would do pretty good at that weight.
  3. I'm not a fan of the Aints myself but the refs made the call and what they saw was a fumble. It looked like the ball came out before he was down to me. But like i said the refs get paid to make those calls and they ruled it a fumble. Regardless, the Redskins blew what should've been the Saints first loss. It would be nice to see the Saints and Colts both undefeated in the SB though. Too bad your skins didnt pull that one off man.
  4. I absolutely HATE that british guy. I hate roy, but i LOVED him beating that ****** bag. I knew it would happen too and that sweeny got so cocky because he landed a couple hits then roy picked him up slammed him, then you got to watch him punch him while he's squirming on the ground i loved it. Saturday is going to be a bunch of good fights though. I can't wait to see if Kimbo has really gotten any better. I also really like big baby he's probably my favorite from the show so i can't wait to see him beat mat. And I'm pretty sure Brendan will get the K/O or TKO in the second round. I agree with you -nick-. I hope Brendan does win it all. I think he deserves it. And I really hope big baby wears Mitrione out! THat guy is a clown! I thought Marcus was going to absolutely kill him when he found out about Junk's eye. I would've pee'd myself if that big black man was screaming at me like that! ;D Kimbo had had the time to improve his game so we will see. Hopefully his knee doesn't give him any problems too! Hopefully he's had the time to heal.
  5. Yeah talk about global warming! Before all this came out about the scandal about global warming I said it was a bunch of bull. People just trying to get money off stupid crap. Have fun in the snow but hopefully it doesn't ruin your fishing!
  6. I agree this season of TUF has pretty much sucked! I cant stand the way Roy Nelson wins his fights. He just lays that big a** belly on them and they can't move or breathe and puches them in the top of the head until the ref calls it. I mean I know it works and a win is a win but seriously it is a crappy win IMO. I was really disappointed to see Big Baby lose too. Brendan Schaub can really throw those hands though and he definitely belongs in the finale. But I'm glad to see Dana giving Marcus and Kimbo another chance in the finale. Hopefully both of them do well.
  7. I would like to see Kimbo come out and really shock everyone and submit him! That would be kinda funny but he will have his hands full because the guy he is supposedly fighting has more octagon experience than him. But hopefully he does good. I like the guy.
  8. Oh ok sorry my lack of conference knowledge got me there!! ;D A great NFC Championship game though!! haha you can have your million dollars once I win the lottery. Good call man! But seriously who plays in the SB???
  9. I bet you a million dollars the saints won't play the vikings in the superbowl. OK so who plays in the Superbowl then???
  10. As much as I would love to see Florida get this far and get crushed I really don't think it's going to happen. This should be a great game to watch and hopefully it's not a blow out!
  11. I think that blow out against the Pats really make the Saint's the team to beat. I mean they were 10-0 coming into that game but beating the Pats in that fashion really define them as a very dangerous team on a mission. I hope they play the Vikings in the Superbowl. That will be one helluva game with two veteran QB's going toe to toe!!
  12. I agree with this!
  13. Dwight's Speech: BLOOD ALONE MOVES THE WHEELS OF HISTORY! [pause] Have you ever asked yourselves in an hour of meditation - which everyone finds during the day - how long we have been striving for greatness? [bangs fist] Not only the years we've been at war the war of work but from the moment as a child, when we realize the world could be conquered. It has been a lifetime struggle [bangs fists again] a never-ending fight, I say to you [bangs again] and you will understand that it is a privilege to fight. WE ARE WARRIORS! [applause] Salesmen of north-eastern Pennsylvania, I ask you once more rise and be worthy of this historical hour. [even bigger applause as Dwight gives a horrible sounding laugh] No revolution is worth anything unless it can defend itself. Some people will tell you salesman is a bad word. They'll conjure up images of used car dealers, and door to door charlatans. This is our duty to change their perception. I say, salesman and women of the world... unite! We must never acquiesce, for it is together... TOGETHER THAT WE PREVAIL. WE MUST NEVER CEDE CONTROL OF THE MOTHERLAND... -I had to look this up. This is, by far, one of Dwight's best moments!
  14. Any dark colored bait that makes lots of vibration and noise will work just fine.
  15. Hey man I'm not too familar with that body of water but if you sent a PM to M Starr I bet he could help you out. That is one of his favorite lakes and I'm sure he wouldn't mind helping you out.
  16. Wow you handled this situation really really well and I'm glad to hear nobody was hurt during this altercation also. Good job man! Way to keep your cool.
  17. Yeah after Griffin's fight vs Anderson Silva with the first round knockout I said I will never pay for another PPV! But I heard this one was a really good PPV. I'm glad Tito didn't win.
  18. That mule deer is real nice! I'm hoping to kill another white tail this week when I go back home for Thanksgiving. Let us know when you get one. Good luck to you!
  19. Assistant TO the Regional Manager. -This show is by far the best show on television. I need to go buy the box set so I can get caught up on all the new stuff.
  20. Looks like he is stepping up and may be the answer for the Titans.
  21. Ok it's not letting me post the pic for some reason. I will try to post later once I figure out the problem. Sorry about that.
  22. Man we just dont have the luck to see deer like that down here in SC. I shot an 8 pointer this past Monday in Blacksburg, SC. Here is a pic. He was about 150 lbs or so and the antlers were really small but I'm just trying to get a couple more under my belt..(this is only my second deer) Shot him with a 30.06. I'm dying to kill one with a bow myself. Good luck. I hope you get the one you are after.
  23. Wow! That is funny but very true! ;D
  24. I think the Rampage vs Rashad fight could have went either way. But I definitely like Rashad more as a person and a fighter so I would hope he would win.
  25. Why won't the Rashad v. Rampage fight happen anymore? But yeah the only good fight Lesnar got was against Couture. Apparently Rampage retired so he could film some Mr. T movie this winter.
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