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Everything posted by BassDeaton01

  1. Guntersville, any local pond in Fla
  2. I actually caught a bass a few months ago that had a hook stuck in it's throat. I thought it would do too much damage to try and remove it so I left it in. Funny story too....I actually caught the same bass about twenty or thirty minutes later. He must've been hungry!! I think the fish will be fine.
  3. Congrats!!
  4. Must be new or newer Corps. In the mid 60's, at Parris Island, a recruit just had to endure the sand fleas, if you were caught swating them, there was a high price to pay. I was in Platoon 208, formed January 28, 1965. I retired from the Marine Corps in September 1988. We never got to use skin so soft. And our spray downs with off were a joke. We got thrashed for scratching as well. It is definitely a new Corps but we are still Marines and we are still taking the fight to the enemy the way Marines should.
  5. Last night some thunderstorms rolled through and I was itching to go fishing. After the storms cleared I headed to my local pond for some bank action. I caught my pb...I believe it was around 2 or 2 1/2 lbs. What do you think? I know the picture quality is bad...all I had was my camera phone. I caught it on a shaky head with a watermelon seed shaky head worm on it in some fallen timber in the water. It absolutely crushed it!!
  6. Yeah I was eyeballing but it was close to that...skinny fish.
  7. I actually went night fishing with my cousin over the weekend and we had an ok time. His trolling motor broke right when we got there but we decided to stay anyways and fish in the open water areas. He only caught one and I got skunked but there is nothing more peaceful than being on a lake in the middle of the night.
  8. I love small pond fishing. Always makes for a great time!
  9. So I took my wife's little brother (11 yrs old) out bass fishing yesterday. The only type of fishing he has ever done is bobber for blue gill...which can be lots of fun. But he wanted to try out artificial bait and try to catch some bass. So I hooked him up with a rod that had a shaky head on it and told him to throw it out and showed him how to work the bait. I only explained once on how to set the hook and what to feel for before you set it. I started walking down the bank and I heard this very familiar splash coming from the water. He hooked one!! I was so happy I ran down there and picked his fish up. I told him to hold it so I could take his picture but he was scared to hold it for some reason. I'm taking him out again very soon. Any suggestions on how to get him to hold the fish and not be scared of it? By the way...here is a pic of it. It probably weighed close to two lbs. Probably a good 18-20 inch fish.
  10. I voted wormin'... There is nothing like feeling that tap and seeing your line swim off! Intense! However topwater can be really exciting too!! Crankin' can be fun but it doesnt seem like much skill involved in it once you catch one.
  11. How many of you think catching a fish on the first cast is bad luck?? I caught a fish on my first cast last night for the first time and I ended up only catching three tiny bass over a three hour period. Has anyone ever caught a bass on the first cast and went on to have a great day of fishing?
  12. Eye for an eye; tooth for a tooth. If he wasnt considerate enough to place his buoys where everyone else could still navigate then I wouldve done the same thing.
  13. Nice fish!! I see you have a pond prowler or something similar to it. I bought one a couple of weeks ago and love it. Way to go on the fish!
  14. Holy crap!! If I go golfing again I'm taking my rods out and doing some fishing!! Nice fish man!
  15. I had to find out what all the hype was about....I went out and bought some senkos two days ago and tried them out last night. I caught a couple on them but I think I still need some time to get used to fishing with a slack line. Awesome bait though!! I'm looking at the *** website right now and these trick worms look great.....ESPECIALLY THE PRICE! Thanks for the info guys!
  16. Awesome fish man!!
  17. zoom finesse worms or zoom shaky head worms... i tried a 7" anaconda on a shaky head one time but didnt have any luck. I would stick with finesse type worms.
  18. Welcome! This is a great site and definitely a great bunch of people.
  19. Welcome aboard Randy. This is a great site!
  20. Go the store and by some Skin So Soft. I believe it is made by Avon. I went to boot camp at Parris Island and the sand fleas there are horrible. All of our drill instructors used skin so soft and never scratched at a single sand gnat. The recruits on the other hand had to use Off and we were scratching ALL DAY LONG!! I still use skin so soft to this day. It works way better than any bug spray out there. TRUST ME!
  21. Yeah I am ok with losing the occasional lure. But when I'm losing one every other cast I start to think maybe I'm doing something wrong. Thanks for the help though.
  22. So last night I went out to one of my ponds I fish and I fished a spot where I usually get hung up a lot. There are a lot of fallen tree branches and broken limbs on the bottom. Seems like an awesome place for bass but I've only hooked up with a fish there once and it swam under a branch and got me hung up and shook itslef off the hook. Last night I tried a jig....hung up....tried a t-rigged worm with the hook pushed back inside the back of the worm(zero hook exposed)....hung up. I keep losing my worms and hooks in this area but I really feel like there are fish there and need some advice on how to rig my worms or how to fish this particular spot and not lose so many lures.
  23. I am usually putting in around 6:30 am...normally i always wish i would've been 30 mins earlier though.
  24. Anything 3lbs or over constitutes a big fish in my book.
  25. Welcome home and welcome to this great site!!
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