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    <p>Enfield, CT</p>
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  1. So I just moved to Enfield and have no idea where I need to go to catch bass. I tried this little pond between Main St and Route near the police station but all I got was a few pumpkin seeds. According to the other guys there it's pretty much just catfish in there which I'm not interested in. Does anyone know where I cango to catch some bass around Enfield? I don't have a boat so there needs to be shore access. Thanks
  2. Crestliner, That is the same Hockanum road i went down. So the ponds are right on the edge of the river? Would you mind taking a look at this and letting me know if location 'B' is close to where the ponds are: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Northampton,+MA&daddr=42.304388,-72.610316&geocode=FWLUhQIdT5Wr-ykFKo58PtfmiTEL29gTC3UWww%3B&gl=us&hl=en&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=1&sz=15&sll=42.305816,-72.612591&sspn=0.026407,0.066047&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=15&dirflg=d I'm assuming that the ponds are directly south from pin B. Thanks for your help!
  3. Wbassroge, Haha yeah I'm always looking too. I'm sure that there are a ton of spots that I just don't know about. Keep me posted if you find anything good
  4. Crestliner, I'm pretty sure that's the road I took. I don't recall the exact language of the signs that I saw as I was driving in but it was something to the effect that it was privately maintained or something like that. There was a building off to the left as I was driving in that looked like an old auto repair shop. As I drove in further past the signs I passed some farm fields and eventually reached some water. I took off because I didn't want any problems as I assumed that I it was private. Does that sound familiar? Is the Hockanum Rd you're talking about on Rt. 47 on the east side of the river or the Hockanum that's right off route off next to exit 18 of 91? You wouldn't happen to have coords would you? Thanks for your help.
  5. If anyone is curious I think I found it. It appears to be on private property so I didn't bother even trying.
  6. Just wondering if anyone knew where Twin Ponds in Northampton, MA is. I heard that there is pretty good shore fishing there and I'm itching to give it a try. I couldn't find it on google maps. Can anyone shed some light? Thanks
  7. Hey did you find anything out about the boat rentals? I have been to quabbin but was also wondering if there are other places. I know that you can rent at Lake Congamond in southwick but the rates are ridiculous for boats with motors. I think it was something like $20-$30/hour. The name of the place is Saunder's I think. I'm saving for a boat but in the mean time...
  8. Hi guys. My nephew just came to visit and he is eager to do some fishing. The problem is that I'm kinda new to the area and don't know any really good spots to pull decent bass. The only place I've had good action thus far is quabbin. I'll probably take him on Sunday but I figured we could try elsewhere in the meantime. I don't have a boat so I'm limited to places with shore access. I was wondering if any of you guys had any suggestions of where I could take him in the western mass area and get decent action. Here's where I have tried thus far with limited success: Lake Congamond Hampden Ponds Chicopee Memorial State Park Thanks
  9. State officials have decided to limit access of recreational boats at Quabbin Reservoir out of fears of spreading zebra mussels to the water supply. You can read about it here: '>http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2009/07/15/quabbin_reservoir_closed_to_boaters_amid_zebra_mussel_concerns/ Anyone know anymore about this? Apparently you can still rent boats at the public ramps. Has anyone been here recently? Did they let you bring your boat on the water?
  10. Hey do you guys have a recommendation for a reel that would work well with the 6'6" worm/jig MH rod xml rod (http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jsp?id=0053033122637a&type=product&cmCat=SEARCH_all_NYR&returnPage=search-results1.jsp&Ntk=Products&sort=all&Go.y=0&_D%3AhasJS=+&Nty=1&hasJS=true&nyr=1&Ne=2510&Ntt=xml+casting&N=3355&_D%3Asort=+&_DARGS=%2Fcabelas%2Fen%2Fcommon%2Fsearch%2Fsearch-box.jsp.form1&Go.x=0&_dyncharset=ISO-8859-1) from cabelas? I'm kinda on a tight budget so I'm looking for something under $100. Are the Cabela-branded reels any good? The warranties they have *sound* good but do they give you a hard time if you actually have an issue? I need something that's good for a beginner. I had a BC for about a month before this (it ended up at the bottom of a lake) so I'm not a total newb but I did get backlash every now and then. And I think I'm going to use braided line this time instead of fluoro. Any suggestions or tips? Should i expect more backlash with braid?
  11. I was lucky I guess as I got the worm/jig rod also for 29.99. I'm waiting for it to arrive at the store. I almost waited until today to order. I'm glad i didn't. I saw the magtouch when I went to the store yesterday. I thought it was a pretty decent rod. How often do they have these sales? The savings are unbelievable....
  12. Okay thanks for the advice. I'll have to check out the XML rods also. I see online that some of the models have HUGE savings.
  13. Sweet! Actually, I didn't realize this but there is a Cabela's about 40 minutes away from my house -- must be new. I'm definitely heading there tonight and will probably pick up that rod if all goes well. Now all I need is to pair it with a decent beginner bait caster
  14. yeah i don't have a boat either and I would probably get a 7 ft. model which would be a pain to bring in my car.
  15. Thanks for the responses guys. They actually have a 2pc. model on sale now if you want to pick one up. At least online. is the 2pc a bad choice for a bait caster for some reason?
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