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Everything posted by MattinOK

  1. I used to compete in a fiddle contest up there every summer, beautiful lake.
  2. None yet, since I'm under 16. ;D Oh, Quillback, where do you fish in OK?
  3. I've had great success with their hardbaits. I also like their hooks, line, and even bait casters...
  4. In which picture? The first picture, but the more I look at it, the more it looks like a LM colored sunfish... :-?
  5. I am so glad that I found this place! I've learned so much here, and met some really great people. I won't go into all the details, but something really great happened in relation to this forum. Roadwarrior will know what I'm talking about. I just want to say "thank you" to Glenn, and all the moderators and members who make this forum such a great place!
  6. Is it just me, or does that first little bass look REALLY, REALLY fat? I still enjoy hitting a pond with a UL and live bait.
  7. Ain't it the truth though!
  8. You should punch him in the nose for 1d6 damage. ;D
  9. CS:S sucks, 1.6 FTW! 8-)
  10. I thought you were only 15 yrs. old ? I have a permit, and well, even though i'm not supposed to drive by myself. Home depot is only a couple miles away. : You are really playing with fire , I'm surprised your parents would allow such stupidy. If the cops catch you , it'll be a long time before you'll ever get your license. Maybe that is why his lid get stolen? He broke the law, they broke the law... :-?
  11. For those of you who live near Academies, now is the time to go! Everything marked down that ends in .88 is an extra 50% off. Picked up BBB Yo-Mama's and Kreit Kreatures for .98 a pack, and Rage tail Acadonas and Spacemonkeys for 1.44 a pack. Picked up a few spools of Spiderwire mono for 1.44 a spool.
  12. When can we order? ;D
  13. If I'm not mistaken, width is more important than length in a jon boat. I've heard the 48-50" ones are really quite stable.
  14. Not really that much, some matted weed beds along the shore, and a few trees here and there.
  15. That's just the kind of info I was looking for. It's actually a historic site because of all the pre-historic Indian artifacts and ruins. So nope, not many houses.
  16. Luckily for me, 75% of the people on this lake fish for either Crappie or Catfish. I agree with the quote above, but I do have to start somewhere.
  17. Now that I have a boat (I still can't get over it ;D). I have a home lake to fish. I know have to learn my new home lake. It's 8 miles from me, and has an area of 7333 acres. It is a reservoir formed by the damming of two rivers. It has two very distinct channels, and two or three really nice coves with creeks in them. Now, I have a contour map of the lake, but I'm still not really to great at reading it. I'll be going out Monday on my first foray. I was wondering if maybe some of you more knowledgeable fishermen here would give a newbie some help. http://www.owrb.ok.gov/news/publications/wa/wa2007maps/Wister.pdf I'll be launching from Fanny Creek Park. Now, the lake report says the lake is down one foot, and murky (this lake is ALWAYS murky). Water temps hover between 84-6. The things I notice immediately is the drop-off from 5 to 20ft right near the launch. The only other thing I really see is where the two old river beds meet in the middle of the lake. If you guys see any other good looking contours, or anything else please help!
  18. One thing of note though, it's better if you thumb the spool to right before it lands, and THEN start cranking. If you just start cranking midair, it can mess up your reel's pinion gear. Just something funny-- I caught my biggest bass on a buzzbait before I could get it to the surface.
  19. There are some planets and stars and junk too. ;D Pumbaa: Timon, what do you think those lights are? Timon: Easy, they're fireflies... Fireflies that got stuck up there in that bluish-black thing. Pumbaa: Oh gee... I always thought they were giant balls of gas, burning millions of miles away. Bassresource.com-- The only place where men can discuss Disney quotes without shame.
  20. Do the several thousand dollars of interest feel awesome?
  21. I couldn't think of anywhere else to put this, so if I'm in the wrong spot please move it. I just bought my first boat yesterday. It's just a simple 14' v-bottom with a 9.9 johnson. Pretty soon, I'll be adding a TM and depth finder, but for the first couple of forays I'll just be using a bottom contour map, and my eyes. Now my main question. I have a pretty good working knowledge of structure/bottom contour/etc, only as it relates FROM the shore. Now I'm going to be looking at it from the other direction. If anyone here has some tips to help me adjust I'd really appreciate it.
  22. Best guess 1974 Mine as well, since it is a johnson I believe they usually put the year it was made in the serial number. That's how mine is. You can also take that serial number and put into google and it should pull up some info just to verify. It seems so obvious now, I wonder why I didn't realize that is what the 74 meant. Thanks for all the replies!
  23. I just bought a 14ft. aluminum vee-bottom, with a trailer and 9.9hp Johnson Seahorse for $500. I got the motor in a barrel today, and it started on the first pull. It runs like a champ, but I can't figure out how old it is. We don't have to title any motor under 10hp in OK, so the only thing I have is the model number. 10R74S.
  24. That is a great knife. I love mine 8-)
  25. Especially funny-- the black and white cat scaring the other one with he paw slaps the treadmill http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1k86fWsmRE&feature=popt0fus01
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