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About MattinOK

  • Birthday 12/05/1994

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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)



  1. I think it's time for someone to start selling tin armpit guards. "Ya man, the government is putting toxins in our deodorant; wear these or they'll get you too!"
  2. ^^^ This thread deserves to be stickied.
  3. A massive slurpee from sheetz.... Massage and take her to get a pedicure/manicure. I find women really love those things, especially if your doing it with them ( I know, I know, heres my man card). But hey, if there happy, who cares!? 8-)... P.S. Dont forget the Slurpee You're not old enough to posses a man card. The required age as stated by the Man Union is 18 to become an apprentice man. At the ripe old age of 20 you can potentially be promoted to the rank of Man. Yeah.... Whatever you do, don't buy your girlfriend a fishing rod and say it's for her..... Yeah, what he said... Also, any metro behavior (Axe body spray, any grooming beyond shite, shower and shave, etc.) is punishable by a five year hold on man status. Just a quick question, aren't you allowed to have a manicure. Using this particular manicure set only?
  4. You need to give up finesse fishing!
  5. Lalala, can't hear the baitmonkey....can't hear the baitmonkey.......can't hear the !#$%#$^% bait monkey....
  6. It's still there, but you didn't hear it from me
  7. I stock the freezer with crappie in winter and summer. Anything else is bass time.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhtdAGI1dcc
  9. I like strike king Shim-e-sticks. They have the closest fall weight and shimmy compared to the original I've seen.
  10. If your talking about the smart cast, (clips on your rod); it has the resolution of an Atari. There really aren't any great shorebound fishfinders. I guess this is the best one I've seen. http://www.amazon.com/NorCross-HawkEye-F33P-Fish-Finder/dp/B000BV6B6K/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1282848006&sr=8-3-spell Nice price too.
  11. I know he brought it on himself, but I kinda felt sorry for that big guy. :'(
  12. On his album "Doin' my Time" check out his version of Dark Holler' and Leavin' Rosine. 8-)
  13. This thread has been successfully hijacked 8-).
  14. At fifteen? You've led an exciting life so far .
  15. I picked up an Extreme at a yard sale for 5 bucks. It NEVER I repeat NEVER would cast right. I popped it open, and there was the Jack. I'm so glad BPS went to Freds, so much easier to get out .
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