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Everything posted by Nixstyx

  1. Was on the water Saturday. Temps were around 46 to 48 where I was at around Governors Island.
  2. Hi everyone, I'm not sure if I'll find any interest here, but I figured I would give it a try. I'm looking to sell my (almost) new Garmin GPSMAP 62st handheld GPS. [EDIT: Removed link to Garmin product page. Not sure if that's allowed, and don't want to get pulled down] You see, my generous girlfriend bought this for me a few months ago, and it's great. But, I just got a new puppy and now want the Garmin Astro 220 GPS unit that is compatible with a tracking collar to locate your dog when you're hunting. This thing goes for $550 new, but I'd be OK with letting it go for $350. Any less than that and I'd try eBay or just hold on to it for now. It is in spectacular condition and even has a screen protector on it. Questions? I will try to post pics a bit later.
  3. While we're on the topic, did anyone else notice the Alabama rig in the Dick's Sporting Goods flyer for the Nashua store on Sunday? I wonder how many people will get cited for using one of those this year. On another topic, has anyone heard anything on the latest effort to ban all lead jigs under 1 ounce? Is that still waiting on a vote?
  4. It's been a while since I started this thread. I'm surprised, but happy, it's still near the top. Some good looking water bodies that I hope to try next season. I've been to Bow Lake a few times and caught one or two, but I never seem to do well there. Where are you guys finding them (if you don't mind sharing)?
  5. I'm sure they're out there, but the big ones do seem to be a bit harder to come by this year. I think it's partly a combination of a cold wet spring and a hot dry summer.
  6. Like others have said, I've had some luck around sunset there. There's a fair amount of boat traffic, which makes them a bit shy during most of the day. I did catch one smallmouth there once. It was near one of the islands in the southwest corner of the lake. Off one side of the island there was a rock shelf about 3-4 feet deep that dropped vertically into about 15-20 feet of water. Caught it dragging a c-rigged lizard along the vertical wall.
  7. I thought that might be another popular one. How about Winnisquam? I've never tried there. Is that a quality smallmouth lake?
  8. Just curious if anyone is interested in sharing their opinions on their favorite place to catch smallmouth in NH. I'm sure Winnipesaukee will be popular. Anywhere else you go when you need a bronze fix?
  9. I have some - albeit limited - experience bass fishing on Winnipesaukee. To be honest, most of my fishing there has been for salmon. But, I do know a few spots that you might try. I'll refer to my map and send you a PM when I get home tonight. As others have been hinting at: If you don't have a good map of the lake yet, getting one would be my first priority.
  10. Just wondering if anyone has experience fishing Pleasant Lake in Deerfield, NH. A friend of mine just got a house on the lake, which means (of course), I'll be crashing his place to fish there more often. I tried it for the first time this weekend and got nothing. Looks like a decent clear-water smallmouth lake. Anyone had any luck there? Any advice?
  11. It's been a while since I've posted - mainly because it has been a while since I've been bass fishing. Had some free time tonight and I'm glad I used it to go fishing. Got this beauty on a white Yum Money Frog. He just exploded on it, and then proceeded to wrap me around every lily pad in sight while taking me for a ride in the kayak. Thank you 40# Suffix. Scale said 5 lbs. 3 oz. Picked up another in the 2-3 pound range, but couldn't get to my scale or camera without risking a swim.
  12. I don't see why not. But then again, I don't see why you would want to. If you're looking to clean your reel, a degreaser would do a much better job. I've never tried it, but would expect H2O2 wouldn't actually "clean" the reel of anything but bacteria.
  13. Hard to tell without seeing it. I'll take your word that its not your error, and suggest breaking it down, cleaning, inspecting for anything broken or out of place and then lightly oil/grease it. Does it seem like the spool is stopping abruptly on its own, or does it just decelerate a bit too fast? Or, is the backlash coming on the initial acceleration?
  14. Thanks for the clarification. I would suspect -- though I'm not an expert by any means -- that the differences between how fishing line companies "build" (i.e. braid pattern, line coating) the line could potentially skew any fair comparison between Spectra or Dyneema. For example, both Suffix 832 and Spiderwire braids are made with Dyneema, but they are very different lines with different properties. I'd even suggest that Suffix is more similar to PowerPro, which is made with Spectra. I'm not trying to kill the discussion, just pointing out that comparing the two is very difficult since the products are not in their "pure" form by the time we get our hands on them in the form of braided line.
  15. The easy answer is they're pretty much the same. Spectra is a brand name fiber made by Honeywell.Dyneema is produced by DSM. They are chemically the same material: Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene. The only possible difference is in the manufacturing process, though I would imagine that info is proprietary. So, for all practical purposes, I would consider them the same. I have used both Dyneema and Spectra "slings" for rock climbing, and have never noticed a difference in quality or durability. Never noticed any difference in fishing line either. I trust both with my life, so I wouldn't lose any sleep over which you are using on your reel.
  16. That definitely looks like a salmon. NH Fish and Game does stock salmon parr and smolt in some of the tributaries of the Merrimack River watershed (as part of the salmon restoration program), but not in the Nashua River. That guy must have got lost. Hopefully you released him, because they're illegal to keep at that size. Here's a link to a NH F&G page about how to tell the difference between a salmon and trout. http://www.eregulati...nd-brown-trout/
  17. Nice fish coming out of the river this spring! Anyone have any luck at ponds or lakes yet? Is everything thawed? I went out on a small farm pond yesterday, but didn't get a nibble.
  18. New site looks great! Thank you Glenn for what I imagine was somewhat of a difficult upgrade process. One complaint though, (and I'm curious to see if other members have run into the same problem) my password didn't seem to work and I had to request a password recovery e-mail. And no, I didn't just forget it. I checked my password (per your suggestion) before the upgrade last week. It's no big deal, as I was obviously able to change it and sign in, but I figured I'd share my experience in case other members are having the same problem.
  19. I can't say for sure yet whether I would be able to make it, because I just started a new job, but I'm interested. In case I can find the time, will someone be able to post directions to the launch? I've never been to Stumpfield Marsh.
  20. Interesting video. I've seen that pond tons of times, but never guessed there would be bass there.
  21. I can't wait for the warmer weather. There are definitely some nice fish in Mill Pond. My friend and I both caught 7 pounders out of there last year. It helps that most everyone releases them for others to catch. I'll be trying for him too.
  22. I can't decide between two: 1.) Forgot the plug, and then, once I had the boat bailed out, I pushed off from the dock only to realize that the battery was dead from not unhooking electronics since last time I was out, and the motor wouldn't start. 2.) Got back from a day of fishing and started unloading the boat onto the shore while my brother backed up the trailer. Forgot that I had put my $1,200 camera and fully-loaded tackle box on the ground and we drove away. Luckily, a VERY nice person had picked them up and called the number on my business card in my camera case. One more that I witnessed: My friend and I took the kayaks out on a good sized river that was flowing high from spring rains. When my friend tried to get out of the kayak at the shore, he tipped it, and went for a swim, but more tragically, so did his rod, cell phone and expensive sunglasses - none of which he ever found.
  23. I thought it might be from another rod at first too, but when the camera pans out a little, you clearly see it is one rod.
  24. Ok, so I was watching the Bassmaster Classic that I DVR'd and I noticed a very odd spinnerbait modification that I was wondering if anyone else saw. About 20 minutes into ESPN2's day 2 coverage they switched to Aaron Martens, and just for a split second the camera caught a spinnerbait on an unused rod hanging off the edge of his boat. It looked odd to me, so I paused it, and sure enough there is some sort of paddle tail worm - or very skinny swimbait - hanging where you would expect to see the willow blade on a willow/colorado tandem spinnerbait. (just to be clear, it is possible the willow was also there, and just hidden behind the paddle tail) Everything else looked like a normal spinnerbait. It had a chartreuse skirt with a white trailer, but I can't get over the idea of putting a paddle tail worm on the blade side of a spinnerbait. Anyone catch this, or seen it used before? PHOTO SHOULD NOW BE ATTACHED...
  25. After a 30 second search of recent forum topics, mystery solved:
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