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Everything posted by Marshfisher

  1. 3000 lbs on a bumper hitch? :-? yes, and it it had a 300lb tongue load limit. i pulled it pretty well but now i have an expedition and i cant tell its behind me. This may get me in trouble but I just can't let it go. Come on! "I can't tell it's behind me". How many times I heard that and it's a bunch of Cr%p. You can tell when anything is hooked to the back of a vehicle unless you drunk, on crack, or drive so slow you would never know anyway. I have an F-250 SD and can tell a difference in driving and handling when I have a 15' boat attached.
  2. I like the two Fenwick HMX rods I have. Mine are XH 7' and good for line to 30# and lure to 2 oz. Under $100.00 http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/standard-item.jsp?_DARGS=/cabelas/en/common/catalog/item-link.jsp_A&_DAV=MainCatcat20166-cat20372&id=0030198118189a&navCount=1&podId=0030198&parentId=cat20372&masterpathid=&navAction=push&catalogCode=IK&rid=&parentType=index&indexId=cat601233&hasJS=true
  3. Intersting. I've never seen one of them before.
  4. I'm probably opening up here for a Bass Fishing lashing but here goes. With the exception of river smallmouth, I've probably caught more largemouth on nightcrawlers than artificial lures. I'm probably just not schooled enough with lure fishing. I have caught some on plastic worms, crankbaits, and 1 on a buzz bait. None the less, I just have dome better with nightcrawlers fish pretty much like you fish a plastic worm. Lures have the advantage of less hassle and repeated use, obviouisly. I have boxes of lures and probably don't catch much with them because I just don't use them much. River fishing is another story. There I pretty much use tubes and floating minnow lures. These are great lures near where I live. In closing, Maybe I'm just one of those old do gs that can't learn new tricks.
  5. I've kept a few largemouth over the years. They were all around the 2-3 lb range. I can count on one hand the number I've kept. Generally, if I want fish to eat I make a trip to the seafood store. Then I guess there are some that would say doing that contributes to the demise of saltwater fish?????
  6. I'm a member on several sites. Catfishing, Bass, General fishing. Ive never gotten any guff about what I fish for. I generally fish for catfish but still like catching just about anything. For me, it's just to enjoy fishing and no big deal what I catch. when it's no longer fun, then it's time to pack it in unless that's your livelyhood and the vast majority of us are not in that catagory. I don't think I'd want to be, rhen it's a job and working sucks.
  7. I'd guess that legal reasons about any line will have a higher breaking point than it is listed as. If it states 20# test it has to be at least that and that is more than likely a static pull test.
  8. Not that I have any problem with new products but what's with all the strange designs coming out? Is it to be a better product to catch fish or fisherman?
  9. Nice find link. Thanks
  10. I'd go with a one piece and ship it back UPS Insured. Sure, you will beat it back but the risk is not there and if the airlines still charge the stupid extra fees, you could be better off money wise too.
  11. Yes, at the gorcery store cleaning products. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.
  12. Nothing changed, the fish are still the same fish. Technology and a huge amount of equipment that catches more of us than fish, is what's changed.
  13. hard to tell since holding the out in front of you gives a false sense of size. No matter, it's a nice fish. I'll take a wild guess and say 3lb-7-1/2oz
  14. I only back for braid line. I cover the spool with mono so it has a good layer and you can't see the spool base then use a Uni-Uni knot to attach the braid. I only do this to prevent the braid from slipping on the spool.
  15. I like them for a river two blocks from home. I just fish it like you would a plastic worm. The current is there and that tends to take it downstrean rather quick. Lots of fun, the smallies really hit the tubes quick.
  16. It sucks but that's somehing you need to live with if you want to fish a bottom type lure in rocky places. I fish a river alot and it's expected I'll be losing stuff before I even leave home. As long as it's not my entire rod, like happened once, I can live with it. I completely gave up using jigs there except for light 1/8 oz and tubes that never really get to the bottom with the current. Buy bulk or make your own.
  17. I use around 25-30# mono and enough to cover the spool well then uni to uni knot and braid to fill.
  18. I'm far from an expert but I would think the slower reteive would be better. Slower ratio means more power. I suppose there are arguments on both sides. I wouldn't think that a high gear raito reel is a durable as a slower. I guess it depends if you want to try to launch the fish from cover or force them. Personally, I would rather go with heavy line, low ratio, and nice sturdy rod and if need be bring the cover out with the fish.
  19. Sounds like a great plan to me! I should be so lucky :- :'(
  20. i've not used the KVD product yet but have bben using Blakemore Reel Magic for several years now. I like the way it helped remove memory. I never tried it with braid. I'm only using this because the bottle isn't empty yet. Maybe I'll try the KVD next unless something more "new and improved" turns up. Probably pretty much the same thing anyway.
  21. I don't smile because I don't want to show off my green teeth . . . . both of them. That made me smile
  22. I've used cheesecloth to wrap the chicken liver but found it works just as well to just hook yhe liber then wrap it with some thin string and give it a simple knot or two. That's all I do anymore and don't lose the bait very often. Also I generally use 3/0 and up hooks.
  23. J: That's one great catch!
  24. Wouldn't this be bad fr the reel itself? I'd be real hesitant to put line on that was salt soaked and leave it there like that. I'd have to think that is asking for corrosion issues.
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