went night fishing last night about midnight. set out and away we went went about 5 minutes and got to a slow zone where a lot of stickups are. lo and behold, i roll over one. happens every time i go fishing. i let up on throttle a touch and let it roll on over it. then i happen to notice a little water on the floor in the moonlight.i looked behind me and just lost it. the whole back was underwater. we both freaked but somehow kept cool and thought quick. i hit the bilge pump and jumped for the trolling motor. somehow i trolled a couple minutes to shore and we jumped out and got the boat sideways as far to the bank as we could.it was then i had time to think. i had put the plug in the boat i knew it. i couldnt reach it to check,so i had to dive under. what i found really ticked me off. i had stuck it in the livewell feed line instead since they are right next to each other somehow. and looking back, im not sure if the boat would have sunk any deeper than it was, but i didnt want to find out. we spent the next hour holding the back up and keeping the boat above water so it could pump out. eventually we could move it closer to shore and then i used the power trim to raise the back more cause water kept coming back in the vents,which is what made it sink so fast. when we noticed water it was too late. it literally engulfed the back of the boat in mere seconds.BUT we got it back afloat and never really lost anything and we still went fishing,lol. just had to troll everywhere. SO, good thing i never go out alone,especially at night. simple mistake=bad bad times that could have been way way worse