haha, sounds like my problem. i HATE going when its my buddys turn to drive and take his boat. boy cant operate at all. he cant run it and fish at the same time literally!. he runs it on high everywhere and will troll to a spot and wont let off until he is ON it. then we coast past it while i hurry to try to fish it. and doesnt understand the concept of bumping the motor to keep the boat straight. when he lets off, the boat has been known to drift in 2 complete circles while he fishes. then when hes done with that spot,its wide open to the next 50 yards and all over again. drives me NUTS. i try to tell him, but he just doesnt get it...oh and if he backlashes, i might as well take lunch cause we aint movin for awhile...lol. except i would have to eat about 20 times per trip LOL