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About cretefish

  • Birthday 09/17/1983

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    <p>central illinois</p>

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Fry (1/9)



  1. happy b-day LBH. my b-day is next month and i was thinking of taking a fishing trip. any suggestions on where.
  2. I've been having the same problem. i cant seem to catch many fish if any, and when i do they have not been verry big. went today and got 2 that were about pound and a half each, and got anouther on a little bigger but it got me caught in the grass and got off.
  3. I cant find them anywhere else. The other place dose not have them this color I need it
  4. I have fished a couple places that will charge you. they are stocked. At one it is $12.00 and you can keep 5 fish. It is at a camp ground and most of the fish are cats. The other place is stocked and I think the charge is or the stocking and help pay insurance on the place.
  5. I will have to go to bsp next jan. when we go to the wold of concrete. im glad to know there are cads that run around there. when i would ask a driver about it half of them did not know if i would be able to get back. the 1200 bucks ended up going to the doctor cause my gf got in a wreck while i was there. she was ok just mild whiplash. thanks for the info.
  6. i wanted to go when i was i vegas last jan. for the world of concrete but didnt make it cause i was not sure if the cabs would be in that area to take me back. it was better off that way anyhow cause befor we were checkedin to the hotel i won 1200 bucks on a nickel slot. might try to make next jan. are there cabs there?
  7. I think the strangest hing i have caught was a channel cat on a yellow buzz bait along some rocks in about 6' of water. the guy i work for was in norther wisconsin fishing, trolling, and a bald eagle got his bait. hes said it was quite a fight to keep his pole. they ended up cutting the line. i also caught a gar on a popper.
  8. I never thought about that but that could be too. I'm from illinois and DNR claims we dont have the snakeheads but others suspect that we may have some. The same spot i keep catching those fish i set bank poles now and then and caught a fish i had never seen before, turns out after research that it was a bowfin. they look alot alike so now i'm not sure.
  9. I'm not for sure what it is from but i have been fishing a spot for a couple years now and keep geting smallmouth with scars hat look like bites. i have also had a lot of them with parasites on them. the spot is a smaller creek and has no largemouth but i did come across one, when i caught it it had dark red eyes. any ideas on that
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