Hey, how's it going devil dog?... Yeah, I hate that one too. Lol. First of all welcome to sunny socal, camp pendleton isn't too bad. At least it ain't twenty-nine palms. As far as bass spots, about the best one would be Laguna Niguel if you're stationed on the north end of pendleton. To the south or "Mainside" is Lake Dixon in Escondido, which also has some pretty good catfishing in the summer. Anything else feel free to ask me, I'm on my way out now so I won't be hitting these waters too much longer.
Also, the lake on base (Lake O'Neill) is a hit or miss. I've gone some days when the fishing is pretty good, and other days when you won't even think there's ANY fish in there. Mostly bad days, but on a weekend with nothing to do, it can be pretty relaxing. Using live shiners as bait is about the best way to fish O'neill. Not much else seems to work.