Well to say the least the day started off kinda rough. I hit snooze about a dozen times between 5:45 and 6:15, and ended up waking up around 8:00 wondering what happened. It was 28 degrees and snowing. After a slow start I made it out hoping to find some shallow fish, a change from what I've been doing. I headed to an area that i thought might be ok, and was immediately yelled at to "Get the F*** out of here" by one of hundreds of duck hunters in the area. I decided this wasn't for me so i trailered in to town to chase some smallies. Things just kept sucking more and more, and in the same area where i caught a 19.25 lb limit last year, i was only able to catch one 14-1/2" smallmouth. I headed to the backwaters and continued to have a tough time.. I painfully filled my limit switching off between a jig and a jerkbait. I pondered if I should go home and watch the second half of the packer game, or head south and try to make something of the day. I'm glad I chose to head south..Besides we are going to a Packer game at Lambeau on the 30th anyway. ;D
The first spot produced one keeper and one dink on a jig. I looked at the temperature guage and it read 38 degrees. I was losing confidence fast. I moved to another spot and for some reason decided to throw the jerkbait again, even though I somehow thought-- no knew, that I wouldn't catch anything. Well I was wrong. It only took a couple of fish to get it down, and then it was almost every cast for quite some time. Of the fish caught, most were over 2-1/2 lbs, 6 were over 3 lbs with a kicker 4-1/2+ lb 20"er. I only wish I had pics to show for it, it was definitely the best day of the year for me despite the constant snow and sub freezing temperatures..
here are the records I broke:
Coldest water temperature to catch Largemouth in: 38 degrees
Previous: 41 degrees
Biggest 5 fish limit of 2008: 17-1/2+ lbs
Previous: 16-1/2 lbs
Most Keepers EVER caught in a day: 35
Previous: 29
Latest in month of November to catch Largemouth: November 16th
(This record will fall later this week, I gaurantee it ;D )
-Biggest limit I've ever caught in that area
-Top 10 biggest largemouth of the year
-Most fish I've ever caught in open water during a snowstorm