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sweet daddy

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Everything posted by sweet daddy

  1. Hey if you like the p line wal mrt has it on the blue light isle for 5 bucks a roll.
  2. I tie an arbor knot around the spool. Then load up. I guess I'm lucky, I've hauled many a bass on braid with no teflon tape or any of those urban legends.
  3. I don't use spinning reels, so I have to ask why do you need braid on a pan fish outfit? I think you spooled it wrong. I use the fifty, and sixty five pound on a daily basis for traps, mid range cranks, and football jigs. You screwed up somewhere along the way.
  4. The only reason I have a steez rod is thanks to a gift card. I would never pay more than a hundred bucks for a rod. If paying for a high dollar pole floats your boat, don't be a crybaby when others laugh at your three hundred dollar status symbol. I have a G loomis hat that I payed way to much for, and I get the tool treatment every time I wear it.
  5. I fell victim to the ad campaign, went out bought all the rage tail crap and have yet to catch a fish on anything but the lobster.
  6. I like to sleep in, so I miss out on the topwater bite. I pound a spot with plastics first. I go deep first just barely lifting it off the bottom, then I jig the heck out of it to see if there are any suspender's, then I switch to the crank.
  7. X 3 Roboworm.
  8. I like the sound power pro makes when it flies through the guides, and that unmistakable sound it makes on the hook set. I have used all the fireline's, and I don't care if they are limp, hold color, or are a smaller diameter they still cant hold a candle to power pro.
  9. I've never seen a kistler rod so my choice goes to the tried and true zillion.
  10. Fireline, and suffix are the cheap mans power pro. I have used all of them, and the berkley products suck, the suffix is as stiff as spider wire, and most of you have been spoiled on braid by the weaker products. Try power pro, or magi braid then tell me I don't need braid.
  11. All of my bass fishing is done with braid, and fluorocarbon. It costs a little more, and fluorocarbon will work fine with the x rap.
  12. p line ccx is nasty on any reel. If the lake fork line is anything like their baits I would avoid at all costs.
  13. I call it my gear, or equipment, my wife named them "those damned fishing poles".
  14. Looks good, I just hope my old lady doesn't see this because she will nag me to death until my special place looks like yours.
  15. In my experience it is a poor mans fluorocarbon.
  16. I like both. I can palm a round reel a lot better than I can a low pro, but the low pro weighs less, and can be used for many different patterns . The high end calcutta's are awesome, and the old millionaire reels with mag brakes are great reels also.
  17. I use my power pro for cranking, flipping, and deep jigging. I don't need to see the line to know a fish is there. I've never used a leader, and this high vis thing is a joke. If you cant feel a fish on braid you might need to find a new hobby.
  18. I use the palomar on braid only, and it will break just as easy as any other knot if you snag up. Floro, and mono get a clinch. There is no alpha omega knot, they all break. My braid is 50, and 65 power pro, and yes it will break off almost as easy as mono. My floro is seaguar red label, I have tried the invisx, and the abrazex, and the red works just as well for less. I don't really use mono any more, but the last mono I bought was a bulk spool of bps 12lb excel, and it sucked.
  19. Are the once coveted veggie rods still made out of carrots?
  20. For the second time, can you relay this life changing story? All I get is warnings, and pop ups.
  21. This went from awe to naw reel quick.
  22. I get a code red when I try the link. Could you cut and paste, or give me a clue as to what this is about?
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