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sweet daddy

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Everything posted by sweet daddy

  1. That's your opinion. Most people who have used a mojo like it, you know what they say about opinions.
  2. I like the mexican mojo rods, and therefore I get no say.
  3. Wow, you can find wholesale prices. Aren't you special. : Yes. I don't pay retail so it makes me sick when I see a my reel is better than yours thread. In this day and age paying full price on anything makes you a tool, or a victim of marketing. 8-)
  4. I bet he puts a Japanese reel on it. As far as craftsmanship in reels.... Japan>everyone else. I was hoping he would put an Ardent reel on it.
  5. The ugly truth. citica c200e $86.38 your price $120.00 curado 200e5, and 200e7 $129.57 your price $179.99 I could quote abu, and daiwa too, but I just wanted you to see how you get screwed on retail, and hype.
  6. You can find a few frogs that you can rig weightless that work just as good as a spro.
  7. So you are gonna mount a reel made in china or korea on a rod that wasn't made in Mexico?
  8. Your combo will work just fine. You need braid or high test mono for jungle fishing. As for backing, I never bother. Just tie an arbor knot to the spool and pack it tight.
  9. Welcome. You cant go wrong with any of your choices, you might want something more expensive in a year or two.
  10. If it is green and black, or a carrot stick look a like it will handle braid. If any rod has bare aluminum guides don't use braid.
  11. I like both, but if I had to choose one it would be the zillion. I know the curado is an icon for many, and I cant say anything bad about it. I just prefer the daiwa.
  12. x2 x3 x6 x7... IMO Quantums are heavy paper weights... Citca KVD must not have a clue. Check this out. $20.00 rebate to boot! http://www.***.com/descpageRLCABUGAR-AGRSTX.html BPS Pro Qualifier is $99.00 and frequently goes on sale. (See Evers Below) No question Shimanos are great reels but they aren't the only ones. I got 2 Accurist PT's on sale at BPS earlier this year ($47.00) and they are among my favorites. Seek and ye shall find. I tend to pay attention to what the pros use. Sure they are sponsored but they can choose their sponsors. None of the top 5 finishers at the Classic this year used Shimano. Skeet used Abu, Ike used Daiwa, Snowden and Evers used BPS and McClelland used Quantum. Maybe Shimano doesn't offer sponsorships but if it was me and there was that much money on the line, I'd use my preferred reel, sponsorship or not. JMHO wow what an avatar. lol but yea my pro qualifier was 99.99. and i love it. i bought the combo with the pro qualifier rod for 189.99 so no sale on reel but on combo 50 dollar saving for the rod goes for 139.99 alone. You got hosed. I was at the big store today and they had the new pro qualifier reel in black with metal flake on rods from 6'6 to 7'0 for $99.99. you sure you seen the right reel. cause mine is an all silver reel. Yes. It was the new low profile pro qualifier reel with a black metal flake paint scheme on a house rod for $100.
  13. The steez is sexy on so many levels that it can get away with a foam grip. The mojo jumped into the fray by offering an affordable split grip rod with great action, guides, and weight.
  14. negative......... seriously...and doesn't your steez have foam? Yes it does, and owning a steez combo is a status symbol. Every time I pick it up I have an audience. Now for the six pin thing, I still have a few six pin reels that work great once you dial them in. My problem is that I don't have time to dial them in anymore, nothing against them its just that my fishing time is more important than breaking in a reel. I don't understand how you call out "the foam crowd" like they're trend followers or the JDM and lightweight reel crowd when you own a Steez? And centrifugal brakes are way easier to dial in than magnetic brakes. Like I said before, when you pull out the steez you become a celebrity. Many companies jumped the shark with foam, now the market is flooded with cheap wannabe steez rods. I could name a few, but you probably like one of those. If you think a six pin reel is way easier to dial in than a mag reel stay with it. I enjoy being able to dial in a reel without removing side plates, and switching plastic weights around.
  15. x2 x3 x6 x7... IMO Quantums are heavy paper weights... Citca KVD must not have a clue. Check this out. $20.00 rebate to boot! http://www.***.com/descpageRLCABUGAR-AGRSTX.html BPS Pro Qualifier is $99.00 and frequently goes on sale. (See Evers Below) No question Shimanos are great reels but they aren't the only ones. I got 2 Accurist PT's on sale at BPS earlier this year ($47.00) and they are among my favorites. Seek and ye shall find. I tend to pay attention to what the pros use. Sure they are sponsored but they can choose their sponsors. None of the top 5 finishers at the Classic this year used Shimano. Skeet used Abu, Ike used Daiwa, Snowden and Evers used BPS and McClelland used Quantum. Maybe Shimano doesn't offer sponsorships but if it was me and there was that much money on the line, I'd use my preferred reel, sponsorship or not. JMHO wow what an avatar. lol but yea my pro qualifier was 99.99. and i love it. i bought the combo with the pro qualifier rod for 189.99 so no sale on reel but on combo 50 dollar saving for the rod goes for 139.99 alone. You got hosed. I was at the big store today and they had the new pro qualifier reel in black with metal flake on rods from 6'6 to 7'0 for $99.99.
  16. The citica is $120. Unless you know something I dont? The citica retails for $120, and I know something you don't.
  17. If the guide isn't bent out of shape it will work for a little while. I would pony up a few bucks and get it fixed.
  18. Cabelas just like bps and any other big retailer has a great return policy because they make the vendors eat the return.
  19. Keep the intrepid for trout, and any other light line fishing. The citica is okay for a $87 reel.
  20. negative......... seriously...and doesn't your steez have foam? Yes it does, and owning a steez combo is a status symbol. Every time I pick it up I have an audience. Now for the six pin thing, I still have a few six pin reels that work great once you dial them in. My problem is that I don't have time to dial them in anymore, nothing against them its just that my fishing time is more important than breaking in a reel.
  21. 1. I didn't pay for my steez combo, but after using it I would gladly take on a second income to buy more. 2. This thread was about affordable split grip rods. I suggested a mojo and everyone went batshit crazy about the avids. 3. what was it that attracted you to the Steez products? I had a gift card for around $1000 bucks. I tried the digital shimano reels, and almost kept the calcutta dc. I told the clerk/salesman I was tired of seeing upgraded versions of a six pin reel so he broke out the steez at the time it was brand new, and still the lightest reel on the face of earth so I figured it wouldn't look good on anything but a matching rod. Not my money so I went for it. 4.The mojo is the bomb. No other rod a msrp of nintey bucks with a split grip comes close
  22. Is this the same magnetic shtick that sold all the people on the armbands? When I look at it I think it looks weird, and something that would come out of a sakespeare booth.
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