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sweet daddy

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Everything posted by sweet daddy

  1. The mojo sucks because I spent more money on a low priced rod, that has a following on here and got out classed. Yeah the split grip sucks, the lack of a fore grip sucks, it looks sexy, oh and they make them in mexico.The mojo sucks = a cb.
  2. Before you sell your combo take it out in your yard, or some other open space and try this little trick. On a six pin/ vbs reel push in two weights toward the spool and adjust the tension to where the lure barley falls when you push the thumb bar down. Your first cast should be an overhead cast using just your elbows, don't put your back, or shoulders into it just use your elbows. Try a sidearm using just your wrist's. I know a nest will kill your attitude, I nest one up at least once a week, most of the time I can pick it out but I still have catastrophic ones that need the scissors. Don't give up now, just slow down.
  3. Try teaching the newbie how to fish. I cant suggest anything without getting reamed so have fun.
  4. Yes I use them, and I love them, but count it down a cb will post on here on how they suck, and say they are a made in mexico dribble.
  5. If abu does away with the square trigger I would buy one for top water.
  6. The brakes didn't pop off the spool, they disengaged. I can take some stupidity, but when you say stuff like that it smells of inexperience. When I get out of bed every morning I look outside and pick a pattern, go to work for a couple of hours while thinking about a pattern, then go back to the house load the cooler grab the boat keys and go. Most of the posters on here sound like part time/weekend fishing pro's, I live on a lake, fish everyday, and when I say something critical about the stuff you blindly worship as the end all be all you can rest assured I have tried, and tested it. And whats with the hate on the six pin thing? Is six pin a bad word nowadays?
  7. Since someone went and complained to a mod about my post I will explain why I don't recommend the bps dual brake reels. A family member gave me a jhonny morris signature reel for xmas a couple of years ago, first trip out up until about the fifteenth cast it worked great then the centrifugal weights would pop off the spool after almost every cast. I would have to take the side plate off before every cast to make sure all the weights were pushed in which made it very frustrating to say the least. I took it back tried a new one same model, same problems. I took super glue and glued all the weights to the spool now the reel works just fine. I was at bps a few months ago when the new pro qualifier with dbs came out, I loved the way it palmed, and it looked like a great burner reel for the price. I told the guy at the counter about the trouble I had with the morris and he told me that they worked that issue out so i picked one up. Took it out the next day and had the same problem so I broke out the crazy glue. If the bps dbs reels had centrifugal system like abu, or shimano vbs they would be some of the best reels on the market. Thats why I don't recommend them, it has nothing to do with being condescending or trying to pick a fight. I'm sure somebody will find this offensive so I'll be waiting for another pm from the mods.
  8. If you have money to waste buy pline, and yozuri. Dont get up I disagree when I sport the told you so look.
  9. Stay away from the BPS dual brake reels. Get a wal mart or pawn shop combo to save some money then decide which style of brake you are more comfortable with.
  10. If you're on a budget the shimano rods are a great value type of rod, especially for spinning reels. BPS and Cabelas also have decent quality rods in the 40 to 80 dollar range. I have never fished a c rig but I would think a 7ft M rod of your choice would work.
  11. I love the zillion, have a few of them but this model is only good for deep and I mean deep crank baits. If you use it for any other pattern you will end up working harder than the reel.
  12. To expand on how they suck, one word stiff. I don't spool any line under 12 lb on any of my reels because I fish heavy cover, and expensive lures. For the hybrid I lost seven dollars, and the pline was a buck fifty to two bucks on clearance. Both of them felt like piano wire, flew off the spool, and wasted time that I can never get back. If the light versions work for your needs by all means use it, just kill the hype on the stuff above eight lb.
  13. I blew money on both of them and I wouldn't recommend either of them.
  14. Sounds like a good deal, but this could be a scam. I don't mean to discourage you but with everybody and their cousin building rods today it could be a fake.
  15. Looks cool but I would rather have an ito monoblock, or a ize millionaire.
  16. I get away with a 7ft mh couldn't tell you the action. It has plenty of back bone for the hook set. I have lost a ton of fish on a tex rig, jig, and shakey head on a medium action rod.
  17. I like the worn cork handles, that shows you someone paid their dues. If you think it looks cool go right ahead.
  18. I was just busting your nuts, most of my gear comes from third world, or some other LPM shop.
  19. I don't have a core so I cant say as to how that reel compares, but I do have a steez. If you think about it a steez is a lighter version of a zillion, the core is a lighter version of a curado. So if you have to come to a decision you should choose the braking system you are more comfortable with, the shimano has a six pin, and the daiwa has magnetic. You cant go wrong with either.
  20. Are you going to put an American made reel with it?
  21. I bought a few spools when walmart had it on clearance. After one trip I can understand why they booted it.
  22. The quality has dropped over the last few years, I think that has something to do with their employees. I quit them when they got to lazy to paint the eyes on and went to stickers.
  23. Pull the couch cushions out and look under the rug for ten more bucks. You can get a pflueger president spinning combo, or an abu cardinal combo for around sixty bucks.
  24. I didn't want to pick one, but after the negativity for anything non shimano I have to. If you want a green six pin reel that costs at retail with tax over $200 bucks by all means get a new curado. I have nothing against shimano, but when I hear that a daiwa cant cast anything under 3/8 I call BS.
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