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About Tim1980

  • Birthday 01/11/1980

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    Central PA

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  1. I order my skirt making material from Barlow's Tackle.
  2. You could also make a fuller skirt, which would slow it down a little.
  3. My Dad and Pap taught me how to trout fish. I started bass fishing with any one who would take me, and was taught a lot from a lot of different people. I've also learned a lot from people on here and fishing shows also. I mainly have and still fish electricity only reservoirs.
  4. I was archery hunting behind my parents house about 10 years ago and I saw an animal that I still don't know what it was. It was about the size of a fox, it was gray and had real fine fur. I watched it for about 20 minutes trying to figure out what it was and never did figure it out. I've hunted the same area hard since and never seen it again. It was about 15 yards from me a lot of the time so I got a pretty good look at it. Other than that one time I shot a squirrel that ran into a pile of tree tops. I got down on my hands and knees , looked into tree tops and was staring a bobcat in the face. I pulled my .22 up in the direction of the cat and backed up thinking to myself "your welcome for supper."
  5. I agree he is a tool, but fighters have to be a little different to train to get punched in the face.
  6. Five Bass Limit is right. Everyone loves Kimbo and thinks he is great. He is a STREET fighter, not a mixed martial arts fighter. He is like a turtle if he's on his back he's done. He has power in his punches, but needs a lot more work on his ground game, by then he will be too old. He should just go in there swinging, and hope he catches the other fighter. Lesnar who people also love because of his marketing would take Kimbo down and lay on him also, he would have more power in his punches, and people would say WOW isn't Lesnar amazing. IMO the UFC has the worst heavyweights in mma. Look at the past champions other than the 40 something year old Randy Couture. Sorry I had to get that off my chest.
  7. Kimbo is famous for backyard fighting. No kicks, no taking your opponent to the ground, no kneeing, no elbows just punching. Go to you tube and type his name you will see. The Sean Gannon fight he lost but Kimbo got kneed so there was chaos. He is like Brock Lesnar IMO a lot of hype before they proved anything in the octagon. Brock is starting to prove he is worth some of his hype now. I don't see Kimbo lasting very long, but every season someone can't continue then Kimbo will get a second shot.
  8. Wow use your scope to get a good look at someone. They didn't teach me that at my hunter safety course.
  9. My dad, brother and I shoot Spitfire broad heads they are awesome. We have been shooting them for a long time probably, 7 years at least, and shot at least one doe per person and bucks here and there. Only one deer that we didn't find, we all agreed that it was a high shot. They are also pretty expensive, but very effective. I really think all broad heads are good if the shot is well placed, but we are not changing unless start having problems.
  10. Deep breaths help you stay calm, pick your shooting lane then pick your spot. Good luck.
  11. I don't butcher my deer, it isn't ignorance and sure as hell isn't laziness it's because if I'm butchering a deer I can't be hunting another. Just field dress it, as said before put it where everyone can see it (preferably on the roof of a Trailblazer or other vehicle if its in a truck leave the tailgate down) stop get something to eat, sit where you can see your vehicle (watch people look at it) take it to the butcher, go hunting some more, wait for the call in a few days from the butcher. Pick it up. Talk to your buddy's before you drop it off get the name of a good butcher you want someone that is quick, its worth paying an extra few dollars for some one that gets the deer back quick.
  12. I lost all confidence in PSE from my personal expierence and talking to other archers who had similar expierences. It dosen't matter how much they improve that was the worst feeling I ever had while hunting and can not ever shoot one again. My advice for you is to shoot all the bows you are considering, every bow feels different to every person. If you can't shoot the bow BEFORE you buy it, don't buy it. Hand shock, draw smoothness, grip feel, and letoff are important to me, but might mean nothing to someone else. Ask to shoot them and decide from that not what someone else thinks.
  13. Send More cowbell a trade offer, that's me.
  14. Atlanta has a good running game, tightend, WR and a quarterback that can throw more than 40 yards. Atlanta wins IMO.
  15. I used to shoot PSE also and I was sitting in my treestsnd and looked at my bow and saw the limb split. My hunt was over right then, but because I was with my dad and uncle I had to set there for hours knowing if I saw a deer there was nothing I could do, just watch it I guess. So I bought a Mathews FX shot it for 3 or 4 yars and loved it, so I bought a Switchback and I'm still shooting that. It is the quietest most accurate bow I ever shot. Sorry I can't help you except shoot them both and shoot a Mathews also.
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