Let me start off with saying I prefer Power Pro to Fireline. That is my preference, so do not make this a debate between the two please.
I have used 30-65# power pro for quite awhile with no issues. A friend of mine bought a spool of 20# today at Gander Mountain, spooled it on his brand new reel.
We went fishing right after he got his new set up all ready to go. We hit the water and on his 2nd or 3rd cast, the line *snapped* mid cast. This happened again about 50 minutes later. The reason I am 100% sure it snapped and was not a bad knot is because I was throwing a crank. My crank successfully retrieved his lure and about 10 yards of line. I checked his guides and they were all perfect, nothing that could have frayed or damaged the line. Again this spool had been purchased *today* and spooled today, and snapped.
Possibly just got a bad spool of line? What could have caused this if it wasn't the guides? This just blew my mind when I saw it happen the 2nd time, and then I retrieved the line, I had thought it was just a bad knot. I've never seen braid just snap like that before. :-?