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Everything posted by Koop

  1. I have seen and held the mojo bass jig n worm rod, wasn't thrilled with the sensitivity. It is absolutely not like the Powell 683c. Completely different actions and backbones. If your looking for a Powell I'd recommend the 704c for weighted worms and jigs / pitching / c-rigs. If you want to take it a step higher go with the Dobyns 704c for the same applications with much greater sensitivity and balance.
  2. I like these
  3. You have access to all bodies of water on the chain? I would recommend you start out on Monona, work the inner weed line with a Pop-r early morning. (This has been a great bite for the past week), once that slows you could throw a shallow jerk bait or c-rig. Might be worth locking into Mendota as well if the bite is real slow on Monona, Mendota is always good for a 3-4# browny. Just remember bag limit is 1 on Mendota. The points always produce, and the rock pile on Monona has also been a great place to throw a drop shot. toss me a PM when it gets a bit closer to your tourny.
  4. This is great advice. Spot on. Flipping into little brush piles or anything that is newly submerged can be rewarding.
  5. Hey Ken, good write up. Was definitely an unusual day for top waters, thanks for having me out there was a great time. We will have to hit them again soon, those fish need target practice ;D
  6. There are a lot of people working very hard to get the ban on culling modified. It has been in place here for a long time. One idea that is being kicked around is an added fee for tournament anglers to pay to be allowed to cull, somewhat like a trout stamp from my understanding. The fear many people have are joe and jimbob sitting on metal trash cans filled with water tossing back in an 18" walleye thats been in the can for 6 hours for the 18.5 they just caught.
  7. Depends... what tournament are you fishing?
  8. This is why I don't pay attention to baseball, I have attended 20+ Brewer games in my life, in which they have won 3 or 4. WI sports are just sub par on average. The packers are all we really have, Brewers have never been a force, and then we have... the bucks? yeah ok... ;D
  9. Which is why there will never be a big tournament in Wisconsin until this rule is changed. As it stands now you can't cull but if you catch a 1#er you have to hope you will still catch a limit if you toss him back or keep him and take your chances. :
  10. You know my prayers are with you and your father Ken.
  11. I throw spinners on a 6'8 MH and a 7' H depending on the situation.
  12. Not sure what other states it is illegal in, but I just found out a few days ago it is illegal in Wisconsin. Any fish caught and not immediately released is considered to be part of your daily bag limit, thus making culling illegal. I have never seen someone follow this law in a tournament, I think many do not know about it as its so unorthodox. http://www.bassfederation.com/news.php?nid=112
  13. Does anyone have a list of the states in which culling is illegal?
  14. Really? I couldn't stand their cranking model. I returned it after fishing it for a day. Was way to moderate action, guess I just prefer a mod-fast.
  15. This was not intended to deter anyone from using Power Pro, I still do and will continue to use it as I have never had a problem with it before. I'd also suggest a higher test braid if your fishing pads. I find it interesting, both times were also on a overhand cast. Volfan's logic seems sound. I wonder if Bantam could comment on this and what his views are. I'm not sure if maybe my friend got a bad spool from gander, or if Volfan is on the mark with his idea.
  16. Let me start off with saying I prefer Power Pro to Fireline. That is my preference, so do not make this a debate between the two please. I have used 30-65# power pro for quite awhile with no issues. A friend of mine bought a spool of 20# today at Gander Mountain, spooled it on his brand new reel. We went fishing right after he got his new set up all ready to go. We hit the water and on his 2nd or 3rd cast, the line *snapped* mid cast. This happened again about 50 minutes later. The reason I am 100% sure it snapped and was not a bad knot is because I was throwing a crank. My crank successfully retrieved his lure and about 10 yards of line. I checked his guides and they were all perfect, nothing that could have frayed or damaged the line. Again this spool had been purchased *today* and spooled today, and snapped. Possibly just got a bad spool of line? What could have caused this if it wasn't the guides? This just blew my mind when I saw it happen the 2nd time, and then I retrieved the line, I had thought it was just a bad knot. I've never seen braid just snap like that before. :-?
  17. clem smoked me
  18. NIU, SIU and UIC all have teams, I'd contact one of them.
  19. wow last time I set up my roster on a monday and forget to check again... Welker was projected to play on monday.. ended up not playing And eagles defense...wow -6? :
  20. Where did you pick up the lumaflex? Bought a 1/4# spool from the living rubber company for like $30
  21. I dont drink... With the enemy!... lol no man we will def. have to have a few beers. Are the twins still fishing or did they graduate? Not sure who they are so I'm guessing they graduated. This is my first year fishing for UW. As I just got done with 5 years in the USMC in January and transfered to UW as a Jr. I'll be sure to bring along those pointers you sold me and catch a limit rippin weed beds.
  22. We will have to grab a few beers Robby.
  23. I like them almost as much as Shinedown. Shinedown got huge props from me when they came to Iraq when I was on my 3rd tour and played a concert out there for all of us. We thought they would stick to the air bases and safer places but they came right in on a helo and played at Hurricane Point. I now buy every CD they release, not to mention I like their music anyway.
  24. TOADM is a great band, they perform great live as well. Cavo is pretty decent as well, they did the song "Let it go" that is on the new transformers movie sound track.
  25. I've had times when nothing will help the bass are simply off the mark. Even when switching to a hollow belly and working it slow as molasses in January and have them still missing the mark. Yes colors were changed as well, the fact is they are just off the mark sometimes, some days are just like that. Just yesterday I had a bass smack the hell out of his head on the bottom of the lilly pad 3" from my frog.
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