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Everything posted by Koop

  1. The Penn State fishing team! ;D ;D ;D Time's getting short Robby!
  2. Curious what # Fluoro everyone else uses for dragging a tube. I've been using 8# but considering stepping down to 6# like I use for my drop shot rig.
  3. I use a 5/O owner centerpin twistlock hook. Best hook I have found for solid frogs, I generally throw a horny toad though. Even the best top water fishermen miss fish, its the nature of the beast. Topwater is high risk high reward, keep practicing, as others have said follow the rules, see the splash, wait, generally a few seconds is enough. It's a great feeling though when your rod loads up on a nice hog off a solid toad.
  4. Now we are talkin! My favorite way to fish and most likely my most proficient! When to select a popper? I use a 1/4oz popper when I need a slower retrieve on calmer water. I use a 1/2oz popper when I need a slower retrieve in choppier water. (Yellow Magic or the XPS brand is good also, I also have a few heddon pop'n image I like) When to select a prop bait? When I need to make commotion, I generally use a prop bait as a search bait and burn it. When to select a dog walker? Zara Spook and LC Gunfish, I use the spook when I want little disturbance and a medium pace retreive, and the LC Gunfish when I want to make just a bit more commotion. When to select a frog? Heavy slop, over thick barely subsurface weeds where a buzzbait will get hung up to much. When to select a buzzbait? Over weeds that are thin enough or just subsurface enough to not get hung up, contrary to the common conception of "Dawn and Dusk" I can be caught throwing a buzzbait over slop in mid day. This is also a great selection when fish are short striking your frog, toss on a trailer hook. When to select a jitterbug? I rarely use a jitterbug anytime but at night on calm water.
  5. +1 on size / brand Paul is dead on with his advice as usual.
  6. Koop

    Laser Lure?

    I read a huge thread about this topic here awhile back, maybe try a search, should find something.
  7. I have done well throwing it texas rigged, with a 1/8 - 1/4 weight (no peg). Also did very well with a 1/8oz swimbait keel hook. These things are fairly big and bulky as is. They kill this thing on a keel weight swimming through grassy weeds.
  8. I have also fished this bait and I will also vouch that it has amazing action and is an amazing bait. I had a few packs on pre order as well that should be getting here soon. TW also has the rest of the new rage line up in as well.
  9. Let them eat it, don't rip it away as soon as your see the splash... just like fishing a frog, let them get it. If you see the blow up, give it a second, reel in the slack and you should feel them, then just give it a little swift swipe down to the side to ensure those trebles are in. At least with a popper you don't really have to do as much as with a soft plastic frog. Popper is a great bait, just be careful or you'll fall in love with them and start spending $15 a pop on yellow magic : :-/
  10. I am curious if anyone has ever used this hook on a drop shot rig: I bought a couple packs in size 1 as they were on sale for a buck a pack. Debating using them for my drop shot hooks, not sure what to think of the eye position for drop shotting.
  11. Well day started out very slow, I was fishing a tournament as a co-angler. Was happy to get drawn with someone who had fished the lake for several years as I had never fished it before. I started out throwing a horny toad in the slop, as the boater threw a buzzbait. He landed the first two, and I went on to get frustrated as ever hit was missing the mark, I had 3 blow ups, one a foot to the right and 2 short. The boater was catching them on his trailer hook so it was obvious they were hitting short. Finally after the boater lands his 3rd I get the idea to reluctantly switch to a buzzbait with a trailer. About 20 minutes later I am finally able to hook up, 13 7/8" > . Toss her back and keep throwing, a few short fish later I start tossing a jig, 5th cast, bam finally hook up with a keeper. Only about 1.5# but good enough to get me started. The boater lands a 3.8# that went on to win big bass. We head out to the stump field and I start tossing a jig, hook up with my 2nd keeper, or so I thought... I felt a tap, then another then WAM! The fish drilled my 1/2oz jig and I set the hook. (I was pitching with 15# flouro and a 7'1 Kistler Argon H/F) Now, when I set this hook, it felt like I hooked into a brick wall, my rod loaded and was completely bent over, it almost snapped the rod from my hand (my wrist is still sore as hell), I don't know what it was but it was NOT a bass, whatever it was I'm guessing 15+ and it bite off my line, most likely a very large pike or musky. We head back out to the slop and it starts to rain, blow ups everywhere... I manage to fudge a hook set on a nice one, I mean I am still upset with myself, it blew up and missed, blew up again missing the bait, one short and one to the side, I let the frog sink, 3rd blow up I feel the fish and yank it clean out of his mouth. :'( About 15 minutes later I hook up and land a nice 3#er and end my day 2 fish short of a limit. Apparently this lake was brutal this year, as 9.6# (my partner) won the tournament (no one besides him was able to catch a limit). I placed 5th. Now... time to ice this wrist. :-?
  12. The 90's are a blur. ;D
  13. I got $50 that says we wont know if he made it until tomorrow afternoon ;D ;D
  14. btw... Addition ;D ;D
  15. anyone else notice the BR symbol on the tabs is now a little bait casting reel? ;D Just saw that Still the ol tan box with a blue B in it when reading a thread though.
  16. hmm... I seem to remember someone bagging on my poodle And mine isn't even a little rat dog! cute though, congrats ;D
  17. dude your game is starting like 10 hours after you started this and you were already drunk
  18. I agree that could be neat, especially with all the hunting threads that show up in the everything else forum, there is definately an interest.
  19. I was given the flu shot for the past 6 years by the military, I never got the flu but contracted a cold every year without missing one. I will get the flu shot at the VA this year (both of the shots) as it is free and attending college I have much more exposure to large crowds... not to mention it is my first winter back in Wisconsin and I know its coming...
  20. Take a pack of cheap burritos, like the 8 pack that costs $3. Put it in a cassarol dish, cover with a can of enchilada sauce ($1) and cover with shredded cheese. Bake at 375 for 20 minutes. Another idea, buy a baked chicken at the grocery usually about $5 and a pack of hamburger buns. Shred the chicken and have sammiches... this will last for a few meals.
  21. +1 on tube.
  22. I had a BB Pearl, got an iphone for $100 through AT&T, best thing I have done in quite some time.
  23. For anyone who hasn't heard it, I suggest search youtube for "Da 30 point buck" by Da Yoopers ;D
  24. for twitching I use a short quick snap of the slack line, twitch is intended more to create action and move short distances. Jerk is like a jerkbait, a quick fluid motion that creates action and moves the bait greater distances.
  25. I prefer the back of the boat when fun fishing with friends. Easier to not have to worry about boat control and just fish My friends and I end up whining about who gets the BACK of the boat. During a tournament it is a different story, I don't mind the back if the boater can control and position the boat well, there are very few people in your local bass clubs who are good enough to suck up all the fish from the front, its just not going to happen. However, if the person is terrible at boat control it drives me nuts if they are cutting off angles and just positioning the boat poorly. :-/ If its your boat, then teach your friend. nit picking him all day will make a miserable experience on that water. If its not your boat then just be happen your even on the water.
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