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Everything posted by Koop

  1. I'm in the same boat haha I bought my first BC recently and can only cast sidearm, I can do it effectively without backlashes but I end up having to turn my body to change where the lure is going to end up, if I didn't I'd cast to the same exact spot everytime. Learning on your own is difficult to just "go out" and do it without knowing different ways to "do it". I hear things like skipping and I have no idea how it would be done.
  2. Thanks for the link. Don't know why I couldn't find them through the links, I always have trouble finding specific things on websites.
  3. deleted my original post on accident. I see... that is very expensive I sense some sarcasm. Was asking a simple question, they arn't listed under soft baits on bps and can't find them at other places either. While other RT products are listed I can't find the toads.
  4. Airborne - My grandfather had about 180 acres of land, which about 80 acres of which being farm / garden. He would sell nightcrawlers just outside of Milwaukee WI. You would be surprised how far people would come to get them (30-45min, sometimes farther) and the only advertisement he had was word of mouth and a little road sign next to the driveway to his house. I used to make some serious dough when I was a little guy, going out harvesting them with him, packing them up and selling them. They are low maintenance, they wont make you a fortune but it would be some nice little money on the side. Don't make it a career, just sell them while your home. People stop by after 5pm grab a few tubs and head on their way. You make some nice change on the side.
  5. Many of the same methods are applied, find an area of shoreline with good accessible structure and apply the same if not slightly modified techniques you would from off-shore. As for lure / bait types, I'd suggest reading the beginning anglers articles and that should give you a much broader knowledge about what to use and when, ask more questions from there if you still have more. There are a ton of articles about shore fishing that are very helpful, if you go to the upper right hand corner... fishing articles ---> for beginning anglers as well as ----> fishing techniques where these articles about shoreline bass fishing are found. Enjoy! http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/shoreline_fishing.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/bank_fishing.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/bank_fishing_shore.html
  6. Great post. I agree it does get very annoying going out at 6am and finding a dozen empty beer bottles on the dock and balls of line all over the place... not my job to clean up someone elses mess but I usually end up doing it anyway to do my part in keeping the lakes clean. Even the homless guys that fish around the docks clean up their own messes but for some reason some adults just can't grasp the concept.
  7. Well I'm going to get my first boat and do some work of my own on it. Here is what I'm looking at purchasing, whats everyone think? Does this look like a good value? http://milwaukee.craigslist.org/boa/1231750519.html
  8. Not sure about the rods themselves.. I would assume not if they are graphite or fiberglass. It will damage plastics though I know that for sure. Not sure about line, I would assume it could have adverse effects but have nothing to back that.
  9. +1 Best $80 I have ever spent. Sure beat out giving another $80 to the monkey. Take a handheld GPS with, *ask permission* to mark some of the spots he shows you. (Only reason I say to ask is because showing people around is his job, he dosn't want you marking a course and becomming a "guide" yourself with his route.) I just went out, learned a few tricks, marked a few spots I really liked the feel / structure of and caught a ton of bass (and walleye, as I wanted him to show me some sandbars for walleye also). Kept my lines tight all day, not only was it a very fun day, I caught some picture takers and learned a ton. Highly recommend it.
  10. Welcome! Not to far from me, SE / SC WI here. Ever make your way up to the Madison chains I'll show ya a good day
  11. Koop


    Good to have you here! You will find a huge "resource" of information in articles and knowledge... I sure did.
  12. I would say "no" and "it depends". However, I do see how they can be an easy reference to anglers just starting out. As they do show patterns that not only show the "astro" projectioin but also relate to high time feeding patterns. I found it a usful reference when I had no idea at all when I should be fishing.
  13. Yeesh that price makes lasik seem like a viable option and just wearing normal polarized shades... glad I have good vision I never knew they were that expensive.. though I should have. I bought a pair of oakley "bullet" proof polarized low profille shades when I was in Iraq. Not expecting to be shot in the eye but I had my fair share of rocks and debris flying up and wanted a solid pair of shades where the lenses were reliable and I could count on them not getting all scratched up after 2 hours. They ended up costing me about $300. Bullet proof polarized... and thats with a huge discount from ordering from us standard issue site (oakleys military site, you fax them a copy of your military ID and they give you insane deals) so I can't imagine what those glasses would have cost at normal price... let alone adding prescription to them. Anyhow I still have them now, rarely get used as I opt to just wear a $20 pair of polarized lenses and I'm always afraid they are going to fall off my face and sink to the depths when I'm retrieving a fish. Honestly between the $300 pair and the $20 pair there is very minimal difference in actual vision. The cheaper glasses have a little more of a tint to the polarization but thats about it.
  14. thanks, teaching myself hasn't been the easiest but I'm getting there! (with the help of about 200 printed pages worth of articles here and everyone's input)
  15. Ok I've read almost all of the articles on fishing a worm. I've been trying the trig and have had no success. I'm guessing the problem is with my retrieve. I attempt to "hop" or "Bounce" the worm along the bottom but am pretty sure my method is flawed. I usually end up getting frustrated and using a dragging retrieve. I understand what the words hop and bounce mean but when applied to the method... What am I doing with my rod to make the worm perform these actions? To the best of my knowledge what I have been doing is lifting the tip to about 130 degrees then dropping it back down to water level. I do this a few time, give her a few drags and repeat... is this correct or am I way off? Additionally, when they say hopping/flipping/pitching? What is the method I should conduct with the rod to make the lures do this?
  16. I paid $20 for a pair of polarized sun glasses, work just as good as my $300 polarized Oakley's...
  17. Hey all, I'm sure this is asked quite a bit, and I found some advice on my search but would like some clarity. I have the cranks, I have the seikos, I have the jerk baits. I have a white spinner and a black spinner (both 3/4oz I believe) I want to buy a stock of spinners and jigs (looking to spend no more than about $50) What size spinners? Color? Brand? Jigs? Size color and brand? Looking for your personal opinions as I know there is no 1 best but I would like a solid producer as the lures / seikos are producing wonderfully would just like to expand my tackle a little to have some more options for when the situation presents itself.
  18. Koop


    try this http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1243216951
  19. Koop


    Get a rapala shad DT 6,10 or 12 in firetiger, perch or silver if you want something that will go a bit deeper for a hard bait. DT = Dive To, 6,10 and 12 are ft. That would be my recommendation anyhow the DT10 is one of my favorite lures.
  20. I don't know if this is consistent everywhere but I actually keep a chart of water clarity and times of day with what lure is working. So far it has proven consistent in the lake that I fish primarily. I suggest keeping a chart like this as it makes it very easy to just flip to a similar day and usually proves results. For example, clear water on a sunny day with no clouds, northern will destroy a fire tiger husky jerk... this has proven consistent every single time. Where as on clear days in the evening (primarily spring) walleye have been destroying silver or silver/blue husky jerks and wont touch the FT color, during the day large mouth have been destroying more natural color (baby bass / perch) DT4/6's, and I have yet to catch a black bass on a husky jerk during the day. This is all just speculation on my part and is probably lake dependent somewhat.
  21. Hm that's a good thought, I do use an erratic retrieve and to think of it, one of the bass I landed was hooked slightly through the upper lip and the 2nd treble was hooked through a pelvic fin. Granted it was just a small white bass but this makes sense.
  22. Hm maybe your right with me pulling it out of the fishes mouth, I could be applying to much pressure and actually dragging the fish but I can't be positive guess I need to start getting a better feel... I better go practice right now...
  23. The hooks I would assume are sharp. They are stock ones on rapala husky jerk and any one lure hasn't hooked more than 5 fish. They still feel sharp. The rod I'm have been using is a 7' medium / medium action.
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