I think its funny all your Cowboy fans always resort to super bowl wins whenever anyone says anything
Green Bay:
NFL Championships: 1929, 1930, 1931, 1936, 1939, 1944, 1961, 1962, and 1965.
Super Bowls: I (1967), II (1968), and XXXI (1996).
I think that's 12... but I've never been great at math
If he didn't have certain beliefs he wouldn't have gotten the tattoo.
If he was young and stupid when he got it and realizes that it was wrong, then HE should have paid to have it covered up.
If he hasn't made that effort then in my mind he still has those beliefs and there is nothing preconceived about it.
What I am tired of is paying for lawyers for criminals.
If my house is robbed, the robber is caught, I will pay for his lawyer, I will pay for his housing, food, cable, gym and internet for X years until he is released and robs someone else's house.
Nothing we can do about it but smile because thats just the way things are.
Yeah good on XBL for doing that, but PS3 wont so I'm stuck until they patch it...
I can deal with noob tube users, as it is a viable tactic and works the same way as the actual weapon. But exploiting the jav bug just upsets me.
I disagree with the riot shield hatred... I think it definately has it's place and it does take skill to use it correctly, personally I don't have the patience for it.
I have quit playing this game until the jav glitch is fixed, it seems now everyone knows it and does it constantly.
Basically you hold down to throw a symtax then hit triangle to equip your javelin. You run around and attempt to knife people and if they happen to kill you the jav detonates exactly where you die and kills pretty much anything near you. Its an immediate detonation of a jav no delay nothing.
I just played a match where 5 of the people on the opposite team were doing this.
I really am quiting until this is fixed.
Saw it snow in Iraq a few times, rather bizarre. All you who want snow can have it, I'll do my best to send it from Madison down south, got a few inches yesterday and a few more today...
I like sake quite a bit, I had it a lot when I was stationed in Japan. My favorite was always the warm sake that had a fruity taste to it. The way it was explained to me was that the warm sake usually "cheaper" then the sake's that are served cold. The reasoning is they said the warm sake is served warm to bring out the flavors more, where the cold sake didn't need to be heated for the flavor. I still havn't found a cold sake that I like better than the warm sake... a lot of the colds taste like gin to me.
I also disagree with the entire "noob tube" statement. I hear it often and think its total bunk. It is a viable option and I rarely go without it. Much more tactical to blast a room with 4 in it then anything else.
I suppose I run and gun in a more tactical way, got a few friends and we usually all play in my living room, 4-5 HD tv's all over the walls is great.
This is my disruption set up that I usually run, and love.
Fal w/ 203 & acog (sometimes 203 replaced for FMJ, depends on map)
IMI for the side arm w/ FMJ
Throwing Knife
2x flash bangs
Perk 1: Bling Pro
Perk 2: Hardline Pro or Stopping Power Pro
Perk 3: Scrambler Pro
Kill Streaks:
Counter UAV
Harrier Strike
Then of course final stand
I hear you man... I absolutely HATE moving. I'd come home from Iraq, unpack my stuff into my house, live there for 4 or 5 months, pack it all up again and go back... did this process 3 times. Then moved to WI from Cali into a house, now moving again in a few months... absolutely terrible.
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