When I was in the Marine Corps, living in California, my wife and I lived in a house off base. It was in a town called Yucca Valley, which is between 29 Palms and Palm Springs in the Mojave Desert. It is a very high crime area and is the largest producing area for meth in the US. I got home from work at about 1am one morning and there were 2 gentlemen in my yard. My friends Transam firebird was parked in my yard because he was deployed, one of them was breaking into his car and the other was at my front door trying to jimmy it open. Needless to say, I am a very trusting and laid back person, until I am crossed. I drove up, jumped out of my car (and because it was a bad area I carried my tire iron next to the drivers seat just to be prepared). They both ran at me, and one of them took a tire iron to the shoulder and fell to the ground screaming, he buddy stopped in his tracks, turned and ran the other way leaving his friend laying there. The guy eventually got up and ran off, when I reported it to the police the officer actually told me I should have hit him harder.