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Everything posted by Koop

  1. I thought all the Kistler rods were made in Texas except the Mag series.
  2. Really? There are 2 dicks in Madison WI, the megastrike attractant is the only product carried from megastrike and only by one of the stores.
  3. Welcome!
  4. Koop

    break in...

    The rough thing about this, is I have a friend who lived in Texas, I believe he said they have the same or similar law there. His brother was asleep when someone broke in and had a gun to him. His brother shot the man who later died. They said it was not like or due force because of the caliber of the hand gun he used (think he said it was a kimber 1911) his brother was serving time in jail for 2nd or 3rd degree man slaughter, I dont remember exactly.
  5. Nice man... top left looks like a money maker.
  6. Figured this one out. The 1/4# spool has 675 yards on it. If you use 20 / 3" strands per skirt you will be able to make 405 skirts from that roll.
  7. This may be bad but as a personal preference I stay away from the higher ratio reels. I like 6.4.1 for spinners,topwaters etc and a 5.x.1 for cranks / swim baits and flipping reel.
  8. wow very nicely done! Like the pattern.
  9. Support BR get them from an advertiser if there is enough other stuff you need there as well. http://www.megastrike.com/
  10. I had a beta once that pushed the marbles in its bowl around to make a bed, and actually slept in it.
  11. I have a Kistler Argon 7'1 arriving tomorrow
  12. I agree cavitrins are by far my favorite as well.
  13. Welcome! Enjoy your stay here, there are some great people!
  14. Koop

    break in...

    When I was in the Marine Corps, living in California, my wife and I lived in a house off base. It was in a town called Yucca Valley, which is between 29 Palms and Palm Springs in the Mojave Desert. It is a very high crime area and is the largest producing area for meth in the US. I got home from work at about 1am one morning and there were 2 gentlemen in my yard. My friends Transam firebird was parked in my yard because he was deployed, one of them was breaking into his car and the other was at my front door trying to jimmy it open. Needless to say, I am a very trusting and laid back person, until I am crossed. I drove up, jumped out of my car (and because it was a bad area I carried my tire iron next to the drivers seat just to be prepared). They both ran at me, and one of them took a tire iron to the shoulder and fell to the ground screaming, he buddy stopped in his tracks, turned and ran the other way leaving his friend laying there. The guy eventually got up and ran off, when I reported it to the police the officer actually told me I should have hit him harder.
  15. Koop

    break in...

    Good point, though I don't feel I should be forced to live in constant fear of dishonest people breaking into my vehicle and stealing from me. I suppose I would rather be stolen from, and that is just a flaw of mine. I am far to trusting in humanity as a whole.
  16. Koop

    break in...

    Yeah that is what I had thought as well. Wasn't planning on filing a claim as I lost maybe $600 in stuff. $500 deductible, isn't worth making $100 and seeing my rates go up. Apparently the police officer had said that 3 other vehicles had been broken into tonight as well in the same lot, so maybe they got some prints off another vehicle.
  17. You will be happy you did. I prefer Owner to Gamas any day. All new stock is owner, still fishing Gamas just because I have a bulk pack of 5/O I'm still using up.
  18. I use the owner 3/O wide gap plus and most likely wont change anytime soon. I had the issue with hook sets when using the gama 3/O EWG, but have had no issues with the owners. I would probably switch to and try out the straight shanks if I do start having issues, but no reason to fix what is not broken (for me).
  19. So I got back to my car that was parked in the lot area near the boat launch. I found my passenger window smashed in, my GPS and gym bag stolen. Gym bag had my ipod, two (high priced) racquet ball racquets and some nasty socks. I hope they really enjoy those socks... I never saw this coming... hopefully my insurance will cover this but I have my doubts. I called the police and they tried to do some finger printing but didn't find anything. > Suppose it could have been worse and had all my fishing gear in it stopped at a gas station or something on my way back. This is why I had purple heart license plates put on my car, so maybe people would be deterred, but what was I thinking, someone who would do that wouldn't give a shiat anyway. Oh well. Bummer.
  20. lol bait barn is sold out of the punching weights ;D
  21. Didn't you see the new star trek movie?! The money is SOoooooooooo worth it!
  22. Check out bassdoser's store. He makes great spinner baits at a reasonable price.
  23. I would be throwing jigs and crank baits all over that timber.
  24. I'd throw a black buzzbait.
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