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Everything posted by Koop

  1. Koop

    Music rant.

    That is what I am talking about, playing music louder than normal is one thing, I dont care if I can hear someones music. But when it drowns out my music and rattles my rearview mirror it is quite annoying. Also when the neighbor kid drives by and the tools on the hooks on my workbench rattle from the noise.
  2. Welcome to the site Gordon!
  3. Koop

    Music rant.

    Yeah you would think they would have something more productive to do at work on a weekend :
  4. 7' to 7'6. For Med cranks I would go with a M/M rod if you want deeper cranks go with the MH/M. The avid is a nice rod from what I have heard, I plan on getting the gloomis 7' M/MF for my cranking rod.
  5. Nice trips! Man those are giants!
  6. Why do people find it necessary to roll down their windows and turn their music up so loud that everyone around is forced to listen to it? now I like most kinds of music, but I have my own radio in my vehicle I don't want to listen to someone elses! >
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6E9EXooqZBk ;D
  8. Looking for some input on the next bc rod I am planning on getting. Not specific rod brand etc but as far as type. Looking for something to best compliment my 2 current BC. Current Set ups: Powell 683c w/ Revo S spooled 12# PLINE CX Kistler Argon Flip n' Pitch w/Abu Revo STX spooled 50# Fireline Braid Kunnan IM7 7'M/F W/ Shimano Saros F spooled 10# PLINE Floroclear BPS Pro Qualifier spooled 12# PLINE CX (Not currently mounted) The powell makes a great multi purpose rods, I currently use it for spinners,cranks,weightless soft plastics, shakey heads and top waters. The Kistler I use primarily for jigs, frogs and weighted plastics and swim baits. The Kannan I use primarily for tubes, jerk baits and drop shot. I'm kind of toying with a designated crankin rod, swim bait rod or possibly a drop shot rod. Any input is greatly appreciated.
  9. Well I primarily throw the Rapala DT series and clankin' rap when it comes to cranks. I'm going to be making a purchase of new mid range ranges 10-16ft. I'm looking at trying out some other brands besides the DT Series, just looking to see what everyone likes.
  10. hm I'll have to give it a try.
  11. the pflueger president is a 6.3.1 ratio reel. It is fine for a multi purpose bass reel. Your friends may be using 7.x.1 ratio reels.
  12. thank you its my biggest to date. at least now i no these ponds hold some decent fish in them. Always nice to catch your PB, makes the day that much better to.
  13. I have 2 DSG and a Gander Mountain within 20 minutes of me... and would trade all 3 for a BPS. Thought the Cabellas is nice even though its about 1.5 hours. The nearest BPS is in Chicago about 3 hours away. Always thought it was very odd why WI doesn't have a BPS. ouch..that blows..i feel for ya...yea lets see...chicago hmm lake michigan and small lakes here n there...wisconsin 1,000 of lakes and no BPS...johnny moneybags morris is missing out on filling his deep pockets even deeper..that honestly is kind of shocking,thats like not having a walmart in arkansas ;D Maybe I should open a franchise ;D
  14. I've heard of that before, do you just soak the entire spool before you spool the line onto your reel? What temp water and how long do you soak it? I don't understand the science behind it or how its supposed to work, but would give it a shot.
  15. lmfao
  16. Never tried the KVD line conditioner, have been tempted several times but to many mixed reviews. I may give it a shot sometime if a store opens up a bottle for testing or something.
  17. superline with a not so superline clip? :-?
  18. Koop


    Welcome to the site! Why not tell us a bit about yourself and where your from!
  19. I had the same issue about 3 weeks ago, I through on a rapala DT 14 in bluegill color and hit the 10-15fow range and got hammered by some decent 3-4#ers. I think of it from the standpoint of a preditor... one of the reasons fish school is the safety in numbers instinct. Now if I was a bass, I wouldn't go into the shallower water unless I was absolutely starving. I'd be hanging out a bit deeper in some sort of ambush point waiting for that stray blue gill (your crank!) who decides to venture out a little to far from the his buddies into a little bit to deep of water.
  20. Deep crank followed up with a c-rig power worm and football jig
  21. Voted fluke, though like BF, I would be throwing something topwater first most likely a super spook or original rapala or something along those lines.
  22. Np. The Mojo rods I felt in store seemed to have good backbone to them but lacked a bit on the sensitivity side imo. But a great rod for $90.
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