This has actually been a hot topic lately between the wife and I. It basically comes down to her saying "The money would definately help, I'm not saying I want it, I'm not saying I don't... but I leave the choice to you." She said she's made it through 3 deployments with me what is 1 more so we can do all the things to the house we want and live a bit more comfortably while I finish school.
To answer a few questions... My deployments in Iraq were Fallujah in 04-05, Al Qaim (Syrian border) in 05-06 and Ramadi in 06-07. I was never stationed at one of the air bases and don't know what those bases are like.
The company is not black water, it is Boeing.
I know no one can tell me what to do, but actually reading responses has helped me quite a bit.
My wife may say its up to me but the rest of my family (mother and father) are upset with me for even thinking about it.
Granted I have the next 6 months to make this decision, so who knows what will change but at least for now I'll be staying here.