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Everything posted by Koop

  1. Anyone fished this that can give me a review on it? Found one new at a good price debating picking it up, but wont be able to handle it.
  2. #14... so very true. these were good.
  3. Hey CWB - I have Friday the 29th open if you wanted to meet up that day. Let me know.
  4. Welcome! Nice fish!
  5. Welcome! Enjoy Favre...
  6. Welcome! Great to have new faces around here!
  7. Welcome! Great to have new faces around here!
  8. If you live near a BPS or Cabelas, you can buy it and if you don't like it within 30 days you can return it. Yeah I have debated this, but the nearest BPS is 3.5 hours and the nearest cabellas is about 2. I may buy one if I'm ever out near one of them and have the money to give it a shot.
  9. The way I see things... You can't get wrapped around the axel about other people, you will have a miserable life. They are going to do what they are going to do, and eventually it will catch up with them. If I see someone dumping motor oil (which I actually have) I just got their plates and called the DNR. I was then asked to write a written statement a few weeks later, as I'm guessing the person was caught. You can't stop people from littering, all you can do is prevent it yourself by not participating and try to pass on the good habits to the people who observe you.
  10. I have a few of these: http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_37107_100011010_100000000_100011000?cmCat=CROSSSELL_PRODUCT one of senkos, one for trailers, one of creature baits and one for everything else. I just take a peice of masking tape, write on it in sharpy the brand color and product ID # and put em in. I find each binder can hold 20 sheets, comes with 10 but you can buy extra sheets. Its best with 10-15 though or else it starts to roll on you. I like to keep them flat as possible. There are a few soft plastics I dont do put in, like rage products with the shell. I mostly use these for bulk products.
  11. I put them in my rainy day box along with ripped sebkos and torn up plastics etc. I will usually repair them once a month or so and use them as loners when someone comes out and doesn't bring their own tackle or asks for stuff constantly
  12. I agree, it actually keeps pretty well also.
  13. What was the bass fishing with 50# braid? Might have had some trouble if you got into the slop.
  14. That's the one.
  15. I have been wanting to try out a Curado for awhile now, I really wish tackle warehouse had them in the rental thing they do. Reason I was started on Abu's is a friend had them, I fished his, liked them and stuck with them because I knew them. I have a hard time buying a $200 reel on a whim and hoping I like it.
  16. I'm curious how many people go out with one or more designated flipping set ups? I normally use my Kistler Argon 7'1 H/F (My primary frog rod) as a dual purpose for a flipping rod. I am continuously told that I should have a dedicated heavy flipping stick I just don't necessarily see why. I have debated buying a designated flipping set up in the past, but ended up opting out each time. The thing is, the area I live in there isn't really ideal areas for flipping heavy cover or punching, the two reasons I would want a heavy duty stick. Flipping docks and what not the Argon fits the bill. Guess my question is how many people carry a flipping stick that is way to big for what they really need and use it for flipping docks etc in the mean time until they may fish somewhere they are able to use it to its potential?
  17. the bluegill ones you linked are working great also Dan. Think those were Revenge though. They actually have a very thin arm on them that vibrates extremely well.
  18. Glad you like it Dan... STX's are great!
  19. This has actually been a hot topic lately between the wife and I. It basically comes down to her saying "The money would definately help, I'm not saying I want it, I'm not saying I don't... but I leave the choice to you." She said she's made it through 3 deployments with me what is 1 more so we can do all the things to the house we want and live a bit more comfortably while I finish school. To answer a few questions... My deployments in Iraq were Fallujah in 04-05, Al Qaim (Syrian border) in 05-06 and Ramadi in 06-07. I was never stationed at one of the air bases and don't know what those bases are like. The company is not black water, it is Boeing. I know no one can tell me what to do, but actually reading responses has helped me quite a bit. My wife may say its up to me but the rest of my family (mother and father) are upset with me for even thinking about it. Granted I have the next 6 months to make this decision, so who knows what will change but at least for now I'll be staying here.
  20. Do a quick search this has been discussed numerous times. I just tie direct to the lure. To afraid of another added break point
  21. I have 3 of those. Dan showed them to me as well. They are great baits.
  22. If they were $1 a pack... I would buy every pack they had in the store. If you don't use them you could definitely resell them.
  23. They are on clearance here for $5 a pack lol... :
  24. I think over the past few weeks I have handled just about every topwater jerkbait rod from Cabella brand to Shimano, Loomis, Avid... ended up settling on another Kistler Argon... I just love this series of rods, not to mention I got it brand new shipped for $135. Kistler Argon AFCB69C 6'9 M/MF
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