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Everything posted by Koop

  1. I use JJ's magic as attractant / dye Megastrike attractant and BANG All work very well
  2. What lake you fishing in IL?
  3. Fun Fishing? Tip up half the fun for me is watching them jump Tournament fishing, its situation dependent
  4. Hands down without a doubt horny toads. Black or white (or since they dont make them anymore my personal fav was chartreuse, just dip a few white ones in some chart JJ's Magic) I have had no other frog produce better, as long as they keep their legs, right CWB?
  5. I'm in
  6. First 4 letters of my last name and nickname I've had for as long as I can remember
  7. If the boater is power fishing I will usually throw a jig or some slower more finesse presentation to pick up what the boater misses. If he goes to docks is when it gets hard... I will usually throw a spinner or crank or something in any spaces between docks or where ever I can. Sometimes throwing a crank horizontal to the docks and bang it up against the posts will work. There is a lot you can do if the boater is power fishing if you use a finesse presentation... unless it starts REALLY working for you and they switch up to a finesse presentation >
  8. Think I'll sing good night Irene at karaoke tonight ;D
  9. Nah, that happened about 25 years ago
  10. Thanks, went up and pre-fished it today. Your tip is very much appreciated. PM to follow. - what happened to me original post? :-?
  11. Bump- Yes this is still happening. We will be on the Madison Chain.
  12. :-? Is this conversation really happening? Wear crocs if you are comfortable with them. I don't care what I wear on my feet as long as its protective...
  13. Not only female, but also young AND an amazing angler I felt needed mentioning is Kim Bain. There are plenty of females in the circuits I fish that will keep anyone I know on their tip toes. I know I've been put to shame by female anglers quite often. Last year I fished a tournament that I knew I had a very strong finish if not a win, weighed in a 18-4 bag the first day only to be shadowed by a good (female) angler friend who brought in a 20-9 bag and I know it wont be the last time she does it to me!
  14. You are more than welcome to come. I wont be making the Pickwick trip unfortunately, to much stuff happening in life atm. But this trip is definitely going to happen, though I no longer can house anyone as I have been doing renovations to my house for the past 2 months and have a lot to do still, it is all torn up putting in hardwood floors and painting to get it sold. That and I bit off a bit more than I could chew with school this semester, mid terms this week then things should ease up a bit. Sorry I haven't been around much as of late, will try to be on here more often. If you need to contact me, shoot a PM or get ahold of Ken, he has my cell # and email. The ice is almost totally melted!!!
  15. This makes me hate you oh so much right now... >
  16. Buffalo lake, best top water lake I have ever fished.
  17. Well Madison Chain sounds good, less driving as well. Ken- we can always make a trip to buffalo at a different time like on a weekday.
  18. Still open around Monona bay.
  19. Well I think its best to wait until start of next month and see who is actually coming and then see where everyone wants to go. As besides maybe 6ish of us here, there have been a few more votes by people who haven't spoken up. However if we do end up on Madison Chain, we can start on Mendota and lock into Monona after lunch.
  20. Would not trade my STX's for 200e's. Abu Garcia is my choice.
  21. If there is clear water within 30min don't waist your time.
  22. PQ's are solid reels, I used them for several years before I upgraded. I still have 1 and it serves its purpose well. A 5.x:1 ratio reel is fine for deep cranking.
  23. I'm fairly certain this film will win something. It is the best look at how Iraq really is that I have seen captured on film. Some of the innuendo's and situations are rather amusing as many of us who have been there can relate. I find the story line to be more based on "a day in Iraq" kind of rather than an evolving story line, definitely not traditional.
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