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Everything posted by Koop

  1. if i were you i would pray dinkmaster hasn't sold his 7'1 kistler argon flip n' pitch in the flea market yet... and jump on that in a heart beat. You wont find better at that price range.
  2. hm, not sure then.. but like fourbizz the chartshad kills them in every lake I've fished around here.
  3. I agree with grim, I dislike how fluoro casts, I tried some 15# Seaguar INVISX and hated it. The fact that Seaguar INVISX is one of the highest rated Fluoro's makes me reluctant to try another. Instead it will be used on tip ups for ice fishing this winter.
  4. haha I heard this a few years ago, still cracks me up. ;D
  5. I'd go with the shad or chart shad to give you the opposite spectrum.
  6. Man that story is terrible...
  7. ghoti - are you going to be using it as a casting or trolling set up? Figrig rods actually went out of business, they are now Toothy Tamer Rods. The old Fig Rig's were notorious for breaking while trolling/hooksets, though I never had an issue while casting. The new rods by Toothy Tamer, are made with new blanks, that are much more durable. They also have better customer service now. If I was buying a NEW rod from this company I would be getting the 8' H Toothy Tamer rod. Most people either love them or hate them (they have a rep like carrot stix for quality control, there was a bad batch that got out, coupled with poor customer service a lot of guys wont touch them), my father and I have around 15 between the two of us (of the older Fig Rig Rods, and a few of the new toothy tamers) on his eye / ski boat. I would say if they don't have the toothy tamer line up, get the fig rig, that price is amazing. BUT I would check to make sure the warranty is still covered under the new ownership & Toothy Tamer.
  8. Looking for some input on these, I'm looking to try out a small variety of some shallow square billed cranks. Looking at the SK Series 4S, Rapala DT Fat and Bomber Model B. I've never had issues with any of these brands of cranks before, but these will be the first square bills I have tried. Is the performance of the bomber model B any better than non balsa square bill cranks?
  9. I fail to see how throwing a spro bronzeye is going to help him if he has been throwing lizards and other top waters with no effect. The popper would be a different presentation that may produce but the normal spro frog I dont see producing here. I would try as others suggested with tossing a tube or sweet beaver around the weed edges and in pockets. I would also try ripping a shallow jerkbait or crank through the area if that is a possibility.
  10. nice fish! I love finding small ponds with some nice bass in them!
  11. Good plan ;D
  12. I tried it out when I was looking for a shallow crank / jerkbait / topwater treble set up. I ended up getting the 6'9 Med cranking argon. For me I liked the action of the argon slightly better, the mod/fast on the argon compared to the fast on the mag was what swung my decision. The argon also has noticeably better sensitivity, but I wasn't as concerned with that as a huge factor.
  13. These are my two "go-to" jig trailers for brown/black or pbj colored jigs.
  14. Koop


  15. Great article, a lot of truth to it. Fall spinnerbaits is my 2nd favorite way to fish... right after summer frogging ;D
  16. ;D ;D pretty good
  17. sounds legit to me. Guess time will tell the truth, if she is lying though she wont come forward.
  18. What about you tournament anglers? How digested must the meal be to count as weight? I saw skeet pull a half digested shad out of a bass's mouth because he didn't want it in his live well. ;D
  19. +1 not so bad though this is the first season I will give ice fishing a try.. Better be fun or I'm moving back to CA ;D
  20. You have a tournament on Pewaukee? :-/ Of all the great bass lakes around... anyhow... plan for it to be very crowded with people trolling for musky. This is a top 5 musky lake in WI and is always very crowded.
  21. I may have to look into doing the trip when the gas prices fall this winter so I can capitalize on my savings ;D
  22. Koop

    New PB!!!

    man that stump feild is amazing! Great fish! I bet there are a dozen more like her in that area!
  23. wouldn't be funny if it wasn't so true ;D
  24. games looks amazing to say the very least.
  25. Wont be a good day for fishing, labor day always jam packs the lakes here with super heavy boat traffic. Best part about it is the end of recreational boating for the most part.
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