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Everything posted by Koop

  1. To bad their offense looks like a high school team so far. This game isn't going to turn out well for Green Bay unless they turn it around. Let me rephrase that... Barbre is playing like garbage... he has been the weak point in our offense this entire game. I guarantee he wont start next week, he is being made to look like a fool.
  2. nice cat, i have had them hit jerk baits a lot
  3. I don't go to Dick's very often in the fall, in the summer it has a *decent* at best selection. By fall all the duck hunting stuff comes out late August and the fishing section is cut to about 3 isles.
  4. haha not bad.
  5. They are a vintage collectors lure.
  6. Guys I am actually trying to figure out an honest comparison between these two rods. The Powell MAX and the Dobyns Gen 2. I have quite a few Powell's and a few Kistlers, I had never fished a Dobyn's until recently. I did like them but honestly couldn't tell a huge difference. Lets keep this to factual differences, I am curious about the difference in the blanks and actual measured weights. I am taking the Dobyn's into consideration for my next few set ups, but will fish it a few more times first and do some more research. I'm interested in the factual differences so next time I take one out I can say "oh yeah I do notice that" lets not continue this down the road its going...
  7. B - A - R - F ;D ;D Just curious Koopa - you a Packers fan by any chance ? As a lifelong Vikes fan, I wasn't too thrilled with them signing BF this year, but if it helps them win I'll deal with it. Sure am, I have even met Bret when I was little he bought his lab from my neighbor. I got to play catch with him for a little bit (I was about 10 or 12, still got the ball signed in a case). I think he will definitely help the Vikings this season, he is a solid QB and no one can argue with that. I can't really blame him for leaving the Packers after what all happened, but at the same time its a kick in the nuts. Should be interesting when we host you all at Lambeau this year... to say the least.
  8. That's a bummer > People are ridiculous some times.
  9. That was a very uptight game at Camp Randall... Our defense was garbage until they got a beating at half time.
  10. B - A - R - F
  11. Welcome back to Lambeau... please enjoy your stay and exit promptly after your loss so traffic wont be to bad for me on the way home.
  12. nice, looks very good. Well done.
  13. Beautiful looking color on that fish! Congrats!
  14. My thoughts as well with the algae bloom or possible die off if you've had a sustained cold front. Paul hit the nail on the head as usual.
  15. I wont even go to gander mountain any more. Prices are high and when I do need something in a pinch twice I have called and been told they have it went in 20 minutes later and am told "Oh I thought you wanted this" when I very specifically stated what I was looking for. Its a 25 minute drive for me so I'm not to happy when that happens.
  16. This brought a smile to my face when I saw it on the news the other day, and they posted the video up on youtube. This is very neat!
  17. had a bc fly out of my hand when fishing in the rain. Thankfully I was able to snag a trebble with a net as I was only in about 10 fow, was snagged though and couldn't get it up so I went swimming. I'm not above getting wet to save a few hundred $$. I also lost my favorite thermos a few weeks ago... worst of all is I hadn't poured my first cup of coffee yet.
  18. Turnover happens every year so its not really a phenomenon. Basically during the summer the cooler more oxygenated water is lower. The layer of water that has the best temperature and best oxygen (to put things simply) is called the thermocline. The thermocline is where many fish suspend during the summer. When turnover happens in the fall, it basically reverses, the lake well... "turns over" the colder water is on top the warmer on bottom. This is because water is less dense the colder it gets (why ice floats) combined with colder weather cooling the top quicker etc. The lake your speaking of, I would HIGHLY doubt it has turned over this early. How do you adjust? I'd go read the "fall transition" thread for some great ideas.
  19. Great price for a retail store especially to go feel em before you buy one.
  20. That lake sure looks familiar ;D Glad you had a good time!
  21. Nice ones!
  22. Nice man, water looks nice there. You ever go fish Big Bear Lake? I used to fish it fairly often when I lived in CA.
  23. To get into small details, the Dobyns g2 felt slightly lighter, I think this is most likely do to a slightly different balancing point. The Powell is slightly heavier on the tip but the Powell seemed was more powerful as well.
  24. Great looking lake, I love the lake fog in pic 1.
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