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Everything posted by catchbig0bass

  1. Been a while since I have been on the forum. wanted to get back on here and say hi to everyone. looks like some are already having good luck. I got out yesterday myself to a little honey hole and caught a little 2lber for the first one of the season. Caught on a 4" black / blue speckled fat ika very slowly retrieve. Can't wait to see how everyone does this year.
  2. Hey guys ended up picking up the new Hi Vis yellow super 8 line and really like how I can see my line really well on the water. This line also casts really nice, probably a little better and smoother than the regular power pro. Heres my ? however would the high vis yellow scare the fish away you think? I am mainly fishing in fairly murkey small ponds sometimes I get out in some pretty clean larger lakes. Fishing has been slow lately but I am hoping its the fish and not my line, what are you guys thoughts?
  3. Hey guys just checking in for the start of a great fishing yr. Hoping to top my big boy of last year and produce some nice catches. Fished for a few hrs over the weekend with a few small bites. Tried stick baits, ika's, senko's, topwater but nothing. What is everyone finding this time of the year to be productive ?
  4. Beautiful day I must say. With all this going on im going to have to put my latest hobby of rc cars to the shelf and get my rods back in the water..... What are you guys go to bait for this time of the year. Clearly you can already be fishing as a lot of little puddle bass ponds are open.
  5. Heck I went out and dropped 90$ for my mojo bass casting rod. and needed a spinning setup. Went and got a cherrywood 6'6" M and a okuma reel total around 65$ decided I hated the cherrywood, way to flimsy so I went with a lightning 6' MH and absolutly love it. Hands down the lightning is wayyyyy better than a cherrywood IMHO.
  6. nashuafisherman- got out today on lunch with the strike king mini- king blue / black colorado blade. threw it out and just ever so slowly ran it back to me stopping after every thud of a branch and bam got my self a lil ol' bass haha. Throwing senko's produced nothing so thumbs up to these little spinner baits.
  7. oddly enough and I am not kidding or exaggerating but whenever I throw a red hook t-rigged whatever I get less bites than with just a black one. Maybe its just me or psychological but it is what it is.
  8. those things are killer. picked up two more tonight. for 1.96 at walmart you cant go wrong. bet they would be killer on your pond.
  9. Got out to mill pond on the 11th as well. Believe I saw you UNH if you were in the inflatable. Def way too windy. Me and the gf were over by the launch area fishing from shore with no luck. we then moved to the launch site over on the nashua river side with no luck, did you catch anything. Nashuafisherman- just actually picked up a few more strike king mini's 1 in blue / black with colorodo blade all 1/8th oz. Ill have to head out now at lunch and try em out.
  10. ya my favorite little spots are probably about 8' deep max. Have a good amount of downed trees and gunk on the bottom so the baby -1 is about all i can throw for crankbaits, lipless do work well too but i have not had luck with either yet.
  11. Need some help with this one guys. Fish around here have not been producing on anything that I am throwing. Tried senko's, fat ika's, different worms. Worked a few different types of spinnerbaits, heddon torpedo, popper blah blah. Now I have a bunch of crankbaits and yesterday started throwing a manns baby -1. Pond I primarily fish is really small and shallow but loaded with quality LM. I threw it out all over the place. Mainly a fast retrieve and wham felt like it got caught on a log or something and then stopped the snag. which tells me that im guessing a fish smacked it and then went away. They area I got smacked a few times there is a log but its down at least 4'. I guess im just looking for some info on using this bait, what works, presentation etc. Also any advice you can give on what that hit was and what to do when you are faced with the above scenario. Thanks in advance.
  12. I have fished beaver lake multiple times and have yet to catch much over a lb. And even those come far and few between. One thing that has been working for me is giving up the senko's and switching to a GYM IKA.... kinda a tube bait solid thats got a bushy tail. I have been doing pretty well with those when the senko's aren't hitting.
  13. What did he place over the weekend. I know KVD was in 1st with skeet and Ike tied for 2nd. Did he beat skeet?
  14. A lot of times what I do especially with a senko is throw it out to a spot you think that will hold the fish. Let it sink all the way to the bottom. Twitch it a little after about 20 sec or so. Wait. twitch it again with a little retrieve and wait. Do this for 4-5' or so and then slow retrieve back to you. Most of my hits are either on the fall or after the first twitch or two.
  15. Funny because yesterday I was watching bassmasters and mike ikanelli (pardon spelling) was actually using one of the shallow cranks in his signature series and was killing them. So my google search litteratly 10 min ago brought me to a discussion on this board as well as checking out their website. Def a cool lure. Looks like it would be really good / fun at night. I myself am thinking about getting either the shallow diver or the popper and giving it a whirl.
  16. I would say I prefer my baitcasting reel when using topwater frogs, buzzbaits or heavy jigs and 5" + senko style baits. I think the bc has less slack when the bait hits the water thus making it quicker to get the buzzbait or frog to the surgace. I also believe that my bc setup I can feel more of what the bait is doing. My spinning setup I love for everything light weight or when I am just relax fishing. Both have their purposes I would say. I originally had 2 bc setups and now just run 1 of each.
  17. I have been pretty happy with my Pinnacle solene reel at wallmart for 50$. Fished all season and learned on it and I would say its pretty nice for the price point. Possible next yr will be a revo stx or the like but this works for now. The berkley lightning rod by far is the best for the money. I have purchased several under 50$ rods and the lightning I was thoroughly impressed with. I use braid with it no problems even tho the shock series is meant for braid fishing for a little more money.
  18. would look d**n sexy on an ugly stick errggg wwaaaaitttt a min hahaha
  19. What is this Tape method that you guys are talkign about? I am relativly new to baitcasters and maybe have a few backlashes here and there left still in me but hey learning something new is always a good thing. So what gives?
  20. Yep def try a restore a lot of times windows screws up and causes stupid conflicts. I am a network admin for my real job when im not fishing lol. Try the system restore function if that doesn't work then I would say back up and information and data you need to an external hd a flash drive or cd / dvd and then do a full system restore. You should have the option when you start your computer for this or it came with some cd's. Def when you are thinking on getting a new computer if you dont want any of these nuisances get a mac. They are great, never get any virus's and always run top notch. You can PM me if you would like and I will try and help you out.
  21. Haha good one... Heck find a girl thats interested in fishing as much as you. They are out there. My gf goes fishing with me all the time and even when I don't mention anything shes always asking you want to go fishing. Nice thing too is when we are fishing 90% of the time from shore she will go off on her own and do her own thing that way I can relax and concentrate on fishing rather then helping her out constantly.
  22. Out of those listed the Kinetic is a really nice real for that price. A buddy of mine has one and it really is a nice real and hasn't had any problems with it in the past few seasons. As far as line all that is saying is that for 4lb test it will hold x amount of line. higher lb test it will go down in how much it will hold. However I wouldnt go putting on 17lb when it clearly states 4lb and its a small reel. A decent mid size reel will be able to hold 6-14 or so lb test all day long. I believe mine is rated at 6lb and im running powerpro 20#.... you should be fine running 6-8 on that tho.
  23. UNH - havn't been over to mill pond in over a month and very shocked at how thick the millfoil is over there this time of yr. Thats crazy.
  24. I too have been wondering myself. At 80$ it seems to be a nice setup.
  25. We just had some nasty storms come through our way. I usually fish a very small farmers pond probably 600ft long or so maybe 200ft across. This is actually kind of nice because small weather changes effect the fish a lot more rather than on a big pond or lake. One thing I have noticed is when inclement weather and storms come through the bass turn pretty lathargic. When I normally get nailed on the fall with senkos or on a good retrieve I dont after a storm. Slowing down my presentation with a senko (darker color) often works. Also I burn some spinnerbaits and sometimes get a good slam. Topwater with a torpedo at night with not too much luck. Also it seems rather than the bass hanging out around shoreland structures ie. downed trees, there more in the middle in the deep. Maybe someone can chime in and explain what is going on with all of this and if my theories are correct or typical.
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