Hey everyone, I took my oldest son (10) out with me this weekend to a local pond. We usually catch a few small bass there, but nothing big and not big numbers of fish either, but it's a quick and easy hit.
So my son was fishing off of a peninsula and I was closer to shore. He asks me what the fish are called with a black stripe. So I tell him it's a largemouth bass. He says he sees one that is this big (hold his hands about 2 feet apart). So I think he's seeing things of course, but when I take a walk over to him, sure enough, there are not one, but 4 largemouth bass swimming in a school, if you can call it that. Each bass was well over 20 inches, I would say closer to 24. I was shocked, I had never even seen a bass that large, never mind 4 of them swimming together. The water is very clear, and they were in about 2 feet of water, so seeing them was very easy, no mistaking it. They were just cruising in and out of this little lagoon where I also spotted a ton of empty nests. Needless to say, we threw everything at them and they didn't even look twice at any of our lures.
So my questions are, do bass that large swim in schools often, or was this a rare sighting? What do you think they were doing? How can I catch them?
We saw them around 4 in the afternoon and then went back to the pond at dusk and tried the same area and got nothing. Tried again the next morning around 9, still nothing.
Thanks in advance.